After-School Clubs – 9/4/18-25/5/18
Dear Parents/Carers
This is the new programme for the 1st summer half term starting on Monday 9th April and ending Friday 25th May - a 7week programme (unless stated otherwise). A form must be completed for every child who will be attending any club (regardless of what club they are doing this half term). We hope the children find something of interest in the programme. Once you have selected the club/s you wish your child to attend, please tick the appropriate boxes on the Booking Form and return with your payment if applicable to school by 9am on Thursday 29th March.
Invitation Only - Your child will be notified if they are invited to “invitation only” clubs – if they will be attending then please complete this form accordingly and return by the deadline.
Once your slip has been handed in, assume your child has a place at the selected club/s. You will only be notified if your child DOES NOT have a place at their chosen club. PLEASE ENSURE YOUR CHILD KNOWS WHAT CLUBS THEY ARE ATTENDING EACH DAY AND THEY COME PREPARED WITH ANY KIT THEY NEED. REMEMBER TO LET THE OFFICE KNOW IF THEY WILL NOT BE ATTENDING FOR ANY REASON.
All clubs are open to boys and girls, and all clubs will state the age groups for which they are available.
Clubs provided by external coaches include a charge, currently ranging from £3-£4.50 per child per week. When you sign up for the clubs, you will be signing up and paying for the whole half term – we regret that we will be unable to refund for non attendance.Children in receipt of Pupil Premium are entitled to a 75% discount on chargeable clubs – please contact the school office for more information. Please send payment in with the booking form – if you are unsuccessful in securing a place you will be refunded.
- We are limited with space and so, on most occasions, all sports clubs will be outdoors whatever the weather - your child must come prepared. Footballers must have shin pads and football boots every week.(The only exception is Reception football which will be indoors if the weather is inclement so please ensure you have pumps or trainers as well as boots). Gardening club will also be outdoors whatever the weather – children need warm clothing and appropriate footwear both of which may get very muddy!
- If you do not want your child to participate in any club on any day they have signed up for please remember to let the office know.
- If your child fails to turn up to a club without prior notification from a parent/guardian, they will lose their place at that club & no payments will be refunded.
Please tick the relevant boxes & return with your payment (cheques should be made payable as per the booking form). Please return all slips by 9am on Thursday 29th Marchat the latest. Your application must be in by the deadline otherwise WE REGRET THAT LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
REMEMBER - if your child is walking home alone (Year 5 & 6 children only), please indicate this on the booking form.
If you have any comments about our after school clubs please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayAFTER SCHOOL
(Staff meetings are after school on Mondays) / Y1-Y6 Pottery Crafts
Mrs Podmore & Mrs Lawton
(Fee payable) / Y3-Y6 Dodgeball
Dave Earnden Coaching 3.30-4.30pm (Fee payable) / Y1 -Y2 Football
Dave Earnden Coaching 3.15-4.15pm (Fee payable) / Rec – Y2 Multi-Skills Dave Earnden Coaching 3.15-4.15pm (Fee payable) / Reception Football
Dave Earnden Coaching 3.15-4.15pm (Fee payable)
Y1-Y2 Tennis
Mrs Rowe 3.15-4.00pm / Y5 Book Club
Mrs Shaw
(Invitation only)
3.30-4.15pm / KS2 Art & Craft Club
Mrs Lawton
3.30-4.30pm (Fee payable) / Y3/4 Gardening
Mr Mullen & Mrs Jordan
3.30-4.30pm / KS2 Chess Club – Mr. Williams 3.30-4.15pm
Y3-Y6 Football
Dave Earnden Coaching
(Fee payable) / Y6 Book Club
Mrs Haury
(Invitation only)
3.30-4.15pm / Y6 Maths(Invitation only) –Mr Williams
3.30-4.15pm / Y1-Y2 Dance
Warrington Wolves
3.15-4.15pm (Fee payable)
Y3-Y6 Running
Mrs Rowlinson & Mrs Rowe
3.30-4.15 / Class 5 Maths
Mrs Pearce (Invitation only)
Y6 Maths - Miss McHugh & Ms Rostron
Y3-Y6 Contact Rugby
Mr Dillon & Mr Roberts
(Invitation only)
The booking form is overleaf – please complete and return with your payment by 9am on Thursday 29th March 2018. PLEASE RETAIN THIS PAGE FOR YOUR INFORMATION.
In addition to the above clubs there will be the following lunchtime clubsduring this half term;
-Monday Music Club (Y2) – Mrs Roberts & Mrs Lyons
-Thursday Girls Maths (Y3) – Mrs Dowling & Mrs Clare
-Thursday Mathletics (Y4) – Mrs Dakin
-Friday Faith Factory (Y5/6) – Mrs Shaw
Lunchtime clubs will be managed within the school and there is no need for parents/carers to give consent or sign up for these clubs.
After-School Club Booking Form
Club(excluding lunchtime clubs) / Day & Time / Cost / Please
Pottery Crafts Y1-Y6 / Monday 3.15-4.30pm / £27.00
Football Y3-Y6 / Monday 3.30-4.30pm / £18.00
Tennis Y1-Y2 / Monday 3.15-4.00pm / Free
Dodgeball Y3-Y6 / Tuesday 3.30-4.30pm / £21.00
Y5 Book Club (Invitation only) / Tuesday 3.30-4.15pm / Free
Y6 Book Club(Invitation only) / Tuesday 3.30-4.15pm / Free
Y6 Maths (Mr Williams) (Invitation only) / Wednesday 3.30-4.15pm / Free
Football Y1-Y2 / Wednesday 3.15-4.15pm / £21.00
Art & Craft Club Y3-Y6 / Wednesday 3.30-4.30pm / £21.00
Running Y3-Y6 / Wednesday 3.30-4.15pm / Free
Maths Class 5 (Invitation only) / Thursday 3.15-4.00pm / Free
Gardening Y3/4 / Thursday 3.30-4.30pm / Free
Dance Y1-Y2 / Thursday 3.15-4.15pm / £21.00
Multi-Skills Rec-Y2 / Thursday 3.15-4.15pm / £21.00
Y6 Maths / Thursday 3.30-4.30pm / Free
Contact Rugby Y3-Y6 (Invitation only) / Thursday 3.30-4.30pm / Free
Football - Reception / Friday 3.15 – 4.15pm / £21.00
Chess Y3-6 / Friday 3.30-4.15pm / Free
Total Payment
If paying by cheque:
Football clubs,Dodgeball & Multi-Skills should be made payable to Dave Earnden Coaching
Pottery Crafts should be made payable to D Podmore.
Craft Club should be made payable to Mrs Lawton
Dance Clubshould be made payable to Christ Church CE Primary
Name of Child…………………………………………………………………….…………. Year…………………….
My child will walk home alone from the following clubs……………………………………….………………….
(Year 5&6 children only)
Signed ………………………………………………………………………….Parent/Guardian
Please complete and return with your payment by 9am on Thursday 29th March 2018.
G:\School files\After School Clubs\17-18\Summer 1 18.doc