Seller’s Packet/Volunteer Instructions
The print code for this sale is PL3108706
Dear Seller:
Welcome to the Lil’ Lambs Consignment Sale sponsored by the Greenville Oaks Church of Christ and First Presbyterian Church of Allen. Our committee is comprised of great people from Allen, McKinney, Plano, Frisco and Richardson and represents several denominations as well. We are pleased to host this wonderful local ministry.
The following is general sale information and instructions for tagging your items. Remember, if you volunteer with the sale for a minimum of ONE SHIFT you will get 70% of the receipts and 30% will go to local ministries; 60% will be paid to you if you do not volunteer for a shift and 40% will be donated to local ministries.
The Public Sale dates and times are:
Thursday, 5 PM to 8 PM
Friday, 9 AM to 7PM
Saturday, 9 AM to 1 PM – ½ price sale.
Registered Sellers and Volunteers have private early shopping at the following times:
Thursday, 9AM to 12 PM or end earlier when there are no buyers shopping. Sellers must also have volunteered to shop this shift.
Thursday, 4 PM to 5 PM
Saturday, 8 AM to 9 AM -½ price sale
New to Lil Lambs and as a thank you to our volunteers, we invite you to extend early shopping privileges to your friends and family. One invitation per shift worked . Also offered as incentive for hardcopy marketing for the current sale.
The Lil’ Lambs Committee
All Sellers are required to use the seller’s inventory management system from My Consignment Manager, accessible through our website at The software is designed to save time for you and make your inventory sheets and item tags consistent for sale workers and buyers.
This system also offers a sign up for volunteer shifts and check in times. Please sign up as soon as possible to better accommodate your schedule. Please do not select a volunteer time just after check in of your items. You cannot work as a volunteer while your items are being inspected in the Check-in process.
We acceptchildren’s through teen clothing and accessories, maternity clothing and accessories, toys including board games, books, bikes, outdoor toys, nursery items and furniture, strollers high chairs, etc.
As you may be aware, there are federal laws that impose very stringent standards for the sale or resale of children’s products that have been recalled. As the seller of your merchandise, you are responsible for compliance with these laws. By reminding you of these laws, the Lil Lambs sale and the volunteers and organizations associated with it accept no responsibility for any consequence of the sale of a recalled or prohibited item.
Please check all your items with the recall list from the Consumer Product Safety Administration (CPSA) website
- The general rule for acceptance of an item for sale is: If you would not buy it as is, regardless of price, please do not subimit it.
- Tags must be in a position where they will be easily visable. Any tape over the bar code may make the code difficult to read.
- Print all reports, forms and tags at 100 %/actual size.
- When cutting a sheet of tags insure that the ends of the bar code have blank space to the edges of the tag.
- When Checking In, please provide an inventory list. We do not guarantee receipt of your inventory in it’s entirety but rather require the list in case of lost items. We do the best we are able to identify lost items based on the decriptions you choose in your decriptions.
- The Lil’ Lambs Consignment Sale is an annual sale and accepts items from all seasons.
- Please bring clothes in first-class condition and clean. We will not accept stained, worn clothing with inappropriate fading or lint balls, torn clothing, items with missing buttons, broken snaps or zippers.
- Acceptable items are sizes 0 to 16, including junior items, for girls and 0 to 18 for boys. Items must be marked with the size number using numbers only. S, M, or L sizes, for maternity clothing only. If pants are slim, put the size number and “S” for slim, as 6S.
- Socks and accessories should be in taped zip lock bags, with the tag taped securely to the outside of the bag. .
- Shoes. Shoes should be securely joined together and tagged. Zipties are encouraged.
- Used underwear will not be accepted. Diapers/pull-ups will only be accepted in original, unopened packages.
- Used baby bottle nipples and used pacifiers are NOT accepted.
- Clothing SETS MUSTbe pinned together with safety pins.
- Toys that require batteries MUST have working batteries in them.
- Toys and games must have all pieces. The pieces should be sealed in zip lock bags, taped shut, and secured to the toyand tagged.
- Small toys may be combined in zip lock bags and sold as one item.
- Toys NOT accepted: scary monster toys, or inappropriate items.
- Battery operated educational games such as Leapster, V- smile, PlayStation, Wii or DS systems, etc. will gladly be accepted, however, Lil’ Lambs reserves the right to decline due to appropriateness. Games and gaming systems will be inspected for functionality, as we are capable. However this does not imply a warranty to the buyer so please do not embarrass both of us by submitting an item we cannot test that you know might have a defect.
- If selling a car seat, please call the Department of Transportation at 800-484-9393 to ensure that it has not been recalled. We expect our seller’s to ensure compliance on such important items for children’s safety. Please also check with manufacturer’s expiration date stamped on seat body.
- The My Consignment Manager system does not allow zero dollar valued tags. It does allow multiple tags to be printed for multiple part items that cannot be packaged in one container
- When selling comforters and bumper pads, please place them on hangers or neatly folded in a clear jumbo sealed bag. If it is a set, each individuallydisplayed item should have a tag if packaged separately.
- For non–clothing items, please use clear tape to secure all pieces and the tags.
- For small or grouped items packaged in zip lock bags, please tape the bags closed and tape the tag securely to the outside of the bag.
After you have entered items with the online system in your inventory you can print your FREE tags. If you are asked to enter a print code, check your emails for current code. Please contact us at
if you need help.
- The tag is the documentary item for the sale. The information entered from the bar code determines which item has sold and at what price regardless of what item it is attached to. If we notice a discrepancy while checking, we will not sell the item.
- For multiple part items, the price printed on all of the tags should be the total price for all parts. You only need tags for separated items.
Note that large items that you dissembled for transport to the sale will have to be assembled at the sale for display and to insure that all items are present. Only parts that can be separated by simply moving them apart need duplicate tags to indicate they are being sold as one item. - If using a tagging gun, pierce through seam at back of neck or through existing garment tag.
- If safety pinning your tags on clothes, please note the location of the tag in the illustration below. A sample tag and its components are noted below:
A – Pin horizontally with a safety pin at “Pin here”
B – The item number on each tag that corresponds to your Inventory Sheet.
C – The price you selected for the item. The MyCM program allows prices of $1 or greater in fifty cent increments per item. You can sell items of lesser value by packaging them as one item.
D – The type of item: clothes (boy), clothes (girl), maternity, nursery item, furniture, books, etc. Select this from the MyCM system
E – Give a brief description of the item by stating shirt, pants, shoes, etc. and then its color, design, or brand name. If you are pinning multiple items together, please write the number of items in the description, i.e. 3 pc. Set: shirt, pants, hat.
F – Your seller number is on each tag.
G – Saturday is 1/2 Price Day. Please indicate for item as you enter it whether you want the item to sell at 1/2 price on Saturday.
H – The size for clothing items, using numbers only. Remember, do not use small, medium or large, except for maternity clothing.
I – The D in the lower right corner of the tag indicates this item will be donated to charity if declined for sale or not sold during the sale.
- Bring your inventory sheets and tagged items to northeast entrance of St. Jude’s of Allen. Larger items will be checked in at the same entrance.
- Grocery carts will be available to assist you with bringing items inside.
- Remember, if items are stained, excessively worn, ripped, etc. they will be declined. If you choose to donate the declined items they will be forwarded to a nonprofit organization in Collin County.
- You will need to pick up your unsold items before 6:00 p.m. on Saturday.
- All items, either unsold or declined for sale will be donated, regardless of your intentions, if they are not picked up by Saturday, 6 pm.
We love our volunteers! Working a shift earns 70% on consigned sales, early shopping privileges and a pass for a friend to shop early also. Log on to our website, select a volunteer time and show up. Come hang out with other amazing sellers and volunteers who support Lil’ Lambs. We’d love to hang out with you!
Thanks again for choosing to sell with the Lil’ Lambs Consignment Sale. You are helping others with each item you sell!
Revised for Summer 2015
The Lil’ Lambs Committee greatly appreciates your participation in our sale and the time that you have volunteered.
The following information is designed to provide an overview of the various jobs that you might be asked to perform while working your scheduled shift.
If you are scheduled to work on Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday, then please review the Set-Up, Check-In, and Pre-Sale Instructions. If working on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday morning, review the Sale Instructions. If working Saturday afternoon, please review the Breakdown and Settlement Instructions. By reviewing the enclosed procedures, it will minimize the time necessary for training prior to your selected shift.
These instructions are general. Your detailed instructions will come from committee members working with you.
1. Your check in time cannot be during one of your volunteer shifts.
2. You may not check in your own items.
3. Please arrive 15 minutes before your shift begins. Our greeter will sign you in; give you a name tag, apron and an assignment.
Set up clothing racks.
Set up the tables.
Set-up the Greeter Station.
- Volunteer log in
- Nametags
Runners and Sorters
- The runner will pick up the items up at the end of the check-in tables when the inspectors have finished.
- The sorter is to put the items in their proper place after the runner has delivered the items. For example, the sorter in the toy section will sort the toys into some kind of order in the toy section; (e.g., dolls with dolls, trucks with trucks, books with books, etc.) Shoes should be placed in size order in separate sections for boys and girls. The clothing should be sorted into the proper category (boys, girls, juniors, maternity) as well as into the proper size. The sorter does not go to the checkout station and gather items; they wait for them to be delivered by a runner.
- Note that electronic media is specially handled. Only the case or box is displayed.
Greeter Duties
- As the shoppers arrive, great them warmly. If it is early shopping verify that they are shopping at the appropriate time using the volunteer or seller lists as appropriate.
- Greet and check in volunteers in the volunteer’s log. Sign them in, have them initial by the entry, give them a name tag, an apron and an assignment. Please sign out any departing volunteers.
Check Out Duties—Thursday and Friday and Saturday morning
- Scan the tags.
- Checkout the customer. We accept only credit cards and cash. Exception: during early shopping periods we accept checks from sellers and committee.
- There is no need to remove ANY tags!
- Rubber band hangers of clothing items together.
- Place small or irregular items in a bag along with the report for the shopper
- Never leave the check out area unattended.
- If you have any trouble or make a mistake with the equipment or credit card machine, ask for help before you attempt to correct it yourself.
Floater Duties
- Always be vigilant. If you suspect possible pilfering or tag changing, notify a guard or any committee member.
- Help keep the shopping area neat and organized. Rearrange tables as items sell and free up space.
- Take customers to the restroom as necessary. Items for sale are not allowed to leave the shopping area.
- Assist customers with many items establishing a “hold” cart or tagging a large item by completing a “hold” tag with their name and the time. They get one copy and the other is taped on the cart of item. After an hour has lapsed, verify that the individual is still shopping. If not, then empty the hold cart by re-shelving or re-hanging the items and remove the hold tags.
- Assist with any of the other duties as needed.
Saturday Afternoon
- 30 minutes before closing, begin placing seller numbers on the floor. Allow enough room for the unsold items to be stacked around the number.
- At closing time, lock the doors and change the outdoor signs to point sellers to the lobby to pick up their checks and unsold items.
- Empty racks will be designated for items marked to be donated. These items
- and storage of the racks can start ASAP..
- Donated itemswill be set aside regardless of seller number.
- Mark the shopping carts with numbers 1-10, 11-20, etc., to help sort items. Put items in the appropriate shopping carts and empty under the appropriate seller number.
- Everyone should work together on one rack at a time to empty some racks more quickly so disassembly the racks are empty, they should be dissembled and transported to storage.
- Once all of the items are under the seller numbers, the inventory sheet handler will assign each volunteer a seller number.
- Volunteers should carefully inspect the pile to ensure that no other seller number is included in their pile.
- Correct all mistakes by carrying the items to their proper place ASAP.
- Go to the next open pile and repeat the process until all piles have been inspected.
- Confirm Donated items and bring them to the collection area. Keep them in good order so that scanning will go easily. No large or unordered heaps please.
Donated Items Processing
- A computer with the MyCM program, STAR, will be brought to the donated items area.
- There should be at least three people working this process All donated items, whether from check in, removal from the floor for a missed fault or marked as “donate if not sold” by the seller are process as one lot,.
- Use the STAR to scan all donated items
- Scan ALL items as if they were ONE customer. This system cannot “Check Out” It is for donated inventory input only and builds one list of all items.
- The program keeps count of the number of items scanned on the screen. One person should scan and another person manually keeps a running count in parallel. The two teams should periodically verify their totals are the same.
- The 2 members of the count team call out errors as you see them such as “you missed an item” immediately. Have patience when you double scan, but you have to reply to the message before you can proceed.
- The third and other members of the donated items team keep the donated inventory in order and keep track of what has scanned or not at the stack level.
- The input of the donated items sets the donated item flags in the sellers’ databases. It is the last thing we do before unlocking the database to the seller.
- In the event that a tag cannot be scanned or manually entered, keep that item separate for manual handling in the settlement process.
- After all donated items have been scanned, Report to the check out area.
- When the STAR file is verified as usable, the tags can be removed if the recipients of the donation have requested it..