Northeastern Professional Counseling
New Client Form (Adult) Date:
Instructions: Please complete this form to the best of your ability with the information you have available to you at this time. Do your best to answer each item as fully as you can.
General Client Information
Name: (First, Middle, Last)Gender: Age: DOB: Soc #:
Address City State: Zip code:
Home Phone: Cell: May we leave you a voice message? YES NO
Email address: (please be aware email is non-secure)Place of Birth:
Ethnic/Cultural Background: Religion: Native Language: Marital Status: Education (highest degree/grade/level): Occupation: Annual Income: Employer: Emergency Contact: Relationship: Phone:
Are you comfortable having an intern currently working at NPC (supervised by Anna) sit in your session(s) for teaching/learning purposes? Yes No
Referred by: May I thank this referral source for directing you to this practice? Yes No
Health Insurance Information
Insurance Company: Policy #: Group #: Co Pay:
Name of Subscriber: Date of Birth of Subscriber: Relation to Client:
Place of Employment of Subscriber: Primary Care Physician (Doctor’s Name):
Primary Care Physician Contact Info: Physician NPI (Office Use):
Current Issues
Please provide a brief description of why you are seeking counseling/therapy services at this time:
- Has anything happened that may have brought on/intensified the problems you are experiencing? Yes No If yes, please explain:
- When (month/year) did you first begin to experience these problems?
- How many days, weeks, months, or years have you been experiencing these problems?
- How often do you experience these problems? (check the one that best describes your current experience).
Most of the day, every day
Some part of the day, every day
Most of the day on most days
Some part of the day on most Days
More than once a week
More than once a month
- How much is/are the problems affecting you? Mildly Moderately Severely
- In what areas do your problems impact your life? (Check all that apply)
Lifestyle (the way you live your life)
Activities (things you normally do or would like to do)
Relationships (your ability to form or maintain relationships with others)
- Have you ever attempted suicide? Yes No If yes, when?
- Have you been thinking about suicide? Yes No
- Have you ever thought about harming or killing someone else? Yes No If yes, when?
- Have you been thinking about harming or killing someone else? Yes No
Adult Problems Checklist
Instructions: Please check all that apply to you
Northeastern Professional Counseling
Emotional Issues:
Feeling Ignored or
Mood swings
Lack of interest/enjoyment
in life
Feeling hopeless
Feeling worthless
Feeling guilty
Feeling shameful
Feelings of sadness/loss
Easily irritated/annoyed
Feeling “hyper”
Bodily Issues:
Low energy
Panic attacks
Chest pain or heaviness
Heart racing
Weight problems
Appetite changes
Sleep changes (more/less)
Bad dreams/nightmares
Chills/hot flashes
Northeastern Professional Counseling
Health problems
Feeling “not real”
Feeling detached from
Thought Issues:
Poor concentration
Fear of dying
Fear of going “crazy”
Fears or phobias
Thoughts racing
Low self-esteem
Can’t hold onto an idea
Suspiciousness or
Confusion/can’t think clearly
Losing track of time
Problems with memory
Unpleasant thoughts that
won’t go away
Bothered by recurring
Behavioral Issues:
Isolating from others/social
Perfectionist behavior
Excessive behaviors
(Examples: spending,
gambling, sex, alcohol)
Self injurious behaviors
Job/career problems or
Financial problems
Use of alcohol
Use of drugs
Trouble with the law
Destruction of property
Strange, weird, or peculiar
Performing unusual ritual or
Relational Issues:
Family problems
Parent/child problems
Problems trusting others
Loss/death of someone
Making/keeping friends
Arguing with others
Social skills
No/lack of social support
Sexual problems
Your problems impacting
Physical abuse
Sexual abuse
Partner abuse
Other (please describe):
Northeastern Professional Counseling
Current Life Experiences
- I live in: Apartment House Condo/Townhouse Mobile Home Rooming House Other
Person(s) Living in your home / AGE / Significant Issues
- Other significant persons in my life who do not live with me include:
Name Age Relationship/Problems
- Problems or changes in my family or other important interpersonal relationships:
Date(s) Persons Involved Problems or Changes
- Problems or changes in occupational, educational, social, or recreational functioning:
Date(s) Where did this occur? Problems or Changes
- What makes you feel good about yourself at the end of a day:
- What weighs on your mind a lot:
- What do you do to relax/have fun:
- Do you have any current/long term goals:
- What I hope to gain from counseling/therapy:
- My typical day is as follows:
History of Counseling or /Therapy
- Are you currently being treated by a counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist? Yes No
If yes, please provide the following information:
Date(s) Name of ProfessionalTreatment Type (counseling, therapy, medication, etc.)
- Please provide information regarding previous treatment you have received from a counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or other medical or mental health professional for this or other problems:
Date(s) Name of Professional Treatment TypeWhy treatment ended
- Have you ever been hospitalized for treatment of an emotional or mental disorder? Yes No
If yes, please provide the following information:
Date(s) Name of Hospital or FacilityReason for Hospitalization
Medical History
- Please complete the information below regarding past and currentmedical conditions and treatment:
Date(s) Physician Name Condition Treatment/Results
- Please list any hospitalizations or surgeries:
Date(s) Hospital/Facility Condition/Type Treatment
- Please list all current prescription and over the counter medication use:
Begin Date: Medication/DoseFrequency of use Condition Treated
- Please list any previous prescription and over the counter medication use significant to your counseling/therapy:
Date(s) Medication/Dose Frequency of use Condition Treated
From: To:From: To:
From: To:
From: To:
From: To:
From: To:
- Please list any allergies/sensitivities/drug reactions:
Current/History of Drug Use
Ever Used? / SubstanceAge of 1st Use / Pertinent Information- i.e. frequency of Use/Current/Past
Y N / Tobacco: Smoking
Y N / Alcohol
Y N / Prescription Drugs
Y N / Marijuana
Y N / Cocaine/Crack
Y N / Heroin, speedball
Y N / Methamphetamine
Y N / Sedatives or tranquilizers (downers)
Y N / Stimulants (uppers, speed, ice)
Y N / Hallucinogens (PCP, angel dust, ecstasy, mushrooms, LSD)
Y N / Sniffed or inhaled anything to get high (poppers, sprays, glue)
Y N / Other:
Family of Origin
- Please describe the background or status of your family of origin for the following categories:
Ethnic: Social: Religious: Financial:
Briefly describe any of the following that apply to your family of origin:
- Crisis or other significant events:
- Any emotional, psychological, or physical illness: (Examples: cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression, alcoholism, drug abuse or addiction, family violence, depression, suicide)
- Communication styles in your family of origin? Who did most of the talking, teaching, and connecting?
- Please Describe past and current relationship with:
Stepparent: or N/A
Siblings: or N/A
Other significant family members:
For Office Use Only:
Diagnosis and Summary
Including co-occurring disorders or relevant medical diagnoses
Code Number / TypePrincipal (P) or
Additional (A) / Description
Types of Problems: Primary support group Social environment Educational Occupational Housing Economic Access to health care services Interaction with legal system/crime Other psychosocial and environmental problems:
GAF Score:
Signature/Credentials: ______Date: ______