OASE Off-The-Record Meeting

April 20, 2012

Achievement Compacts Instant Poll Results

Q1. How many local priorities is your district likely to set in its Achievement Compact this spring?
Answers / Responses / Percent
One / 26 / 30.20%
Two / 11 / 12.80%
Three / 20 / 23.30%
None / 29 / 33.70%
Total / 86
Q2. "What local priorities are you considering?"
8th algebra attainment
kindergarten readiness
Close achievement gaps
writing RTI
courses outside the core available to kids, community service, ACT Battery, extra curricular activities, Conley measures,, number of college credit course offered
number of 8th grade students passing Algebra 1
no, closing achievement gap, closing the achievement gap
HS Job shadows/internships
Reduction in furlough days, Community service hours at tenth grade
ELL improvement
music and the arts
Reading Fluency K-3
kindergarten readiness for Oregon pre K. Efficiency measures
STEM education outcomes 6-12
kindergarten readiness
music and the arts
freshmen failure rate, middle school writing, ELL
fifth grade reading and math
PSAT, none I do not want to have to stick. W/ something that will not work down the road
Local Measure is co curricular participation, K Readiness
writing, Spanish 3rd grade reading (OAKS), Primary grade level social skills/behavior development - male students
yes, K-12 Math
None, 7
funding, K-readiness, off-grade writing
K readiness
kindergarten readiness, is the 40K being spent today to bring us all together having a positive impact on education, none
kg readiness
k readiness
k readiness
k readiness
electives maintained
Q3. Are you interested in exploring the possibility of developing local priorities in cooperation with other districts?
Answers / Responses / Percent
Yes / 39 / 81.30%
No / 9 / 18.80%
Total / 48
Q4. "Which local priorities do you think would be best to do in cooperation with other districts?"
kindergarten readiness
closing achievement gaps
Act college readiness benchmarks
kinder readiness
number of school days
college credit
student achievement
College Readiness
kindergarten readiness, kindergarten readiness
kinder readiness
We are not interested in adding local priorities. Those are already embedded and tracked as part of our district goals.
CTE/STEM Outcomes
SAT and K readiness
Recruitment & Retention of high quality teachers
K Readiness
efficiency, coordinate field trips with secret service, behavior continuum
7th grade Read, Write, Math
career readiness
8th grade algebra success.
k readiness
Proficiency based grading in the middle school
Q5. In general, how conservative or ambitious do you expect your district to be in setting targets this spring?
Answers / Responses / Percent
Very Conservative (little or no growth, or even decline) / 43 / 69.40%
Conservative (modest growth) / 17 / 27.40%
Somewhat Ambitious (a mix of modest or better growth) / 1 / 1.60%
Ambitious (we're going for it!) / 1 / 1.60%
Total / 62
Q6. "What factors might you consider as you develop targets this spring?"
Furlough days
time to complete the process with integrity
Funding constraints; employee morale; collective bargaining challenges; initiative overload; poor performance by Trailblazers.
funding, graduation requirements
already close to meeting goals
staff reductions, class size, RESOURCES, cut school days, More combined classrooms, school funding
conservative because of funding
Uncertain Funding Future
too little time
funding dammit!!
Beyond High School Connections
Lack of funding
resources, resources
Focus shifting to common core and, obviously budget cuts limit ability to do more than modest growth. Political,pressure requires some growth even if no growth is more honest, focus shifting to common core and away from teaching to the test
hello...... FUNDING! more expectations
confusion, funding
restructuring due to budget cuts, funding, budget reductions/declining enrollment
Lack of finances and little longitudinal data on which to set realistic targets.
retirement, Time
declining resources, reduced staffing, shorter calendar
District Goal Driven factors
funding, increased performance standards, student needs, yes
board goals
individual student achievement targets, STAFFING
grad rate
Q7. Do you think OEIB should develop Achievement Compact trajectories?
Answers / Responses / Percent
Yes, at the state and district level / 1 / 1.60%
Yes, but at the state level only / 13 / 20.60%
Maybe, but the first year is too soon - it needs serious study / 12 / 19.00%
No - too reminiscent of NCLB / 37 / 58.70%
Total / 63
Q8. "What factors do you believe OEIB should consider if it develops trajectories?"
correlation to funding, trajectories remind too much NCLB, too early to focus on trajectories
Let my people go
what funding level that it will take to increase a category by x%
% of Funding
standardize the class sizes, number of school days, course offerings, and resources across the state, we need money
funding dammit
Consider public perception; we have been doing very good things with limited resources. Only by showing we are making gains can we expect public support, which should lead to increased resources/funding.
Funding Levels
do not want to have to stick W/ something that will not work down the road, this process, what do we really want in year two
lack of funding
local poverty rates, funding and regional factors related to service levels
Funding from the state.
correlation to prison beds needed
Resist the urge, just don't do it.
correlation to funding balance with expectations
competitive outcomes when compared to other states.
common core changes and change in what is being tested
The capacity of our state to accomplish these things given we are underfunded and under staffed.