

Task 1


  • Take 4 skills from your spider diagram, in Task 2 of the activity for lesson SHC32-1 (‘My Work Role’), that you find the most challenging and place them in the box below.
  • Look at the EYFS 2008 Principles into Practice cards and identify which of the principles each of your work role skills matches. Read the relevant card, particularly the ‘reflecting on practice’ section. Think about how effectively you carry out each of the work role skills you have identified. If your setting does not have these cards they can be downloaded from the DfE website at
  • Give yourself a score out of 5 for each one. Use the EYFS practice card text to guide you in making your judgements and also look at the PowerPoint on KEEP for further evidence of the Key Elements of Effective Practice.
  • Now reflect on the evidence you could provide to justify the score you have given yourself.
  • Finally note any actions for improvement you plan to take based on your reflections.

(An example has been completed for you)

My work role / EYFS 2008 Principle / Score / Evidence for score / Action notes
Show awareness of Health & Safety / 1.3 Keeping Safe / 3
5 / I always try to keep things clean but I do not always notice broken toys or other dangers / Try to be more aware of dangers and learn how to carry out risk assessments.

Task 2


Feedback gives us information on how effective we are in our roles. If it is to be beneficial it must be received positively. The person receiving the feedback should try not to become defensive and argumentative.

Ask 5 people to answer the questions below. Record their answers.

1. Do people regularly give you feedback on your performance in your work role?


2. Is this feedback given formally? If so, how often?


Is the feedback given informally? If so, how often?


3. Describe how you would most like to receive feedback? (e.g. one to one, in an office, in the playroom).


4. How do you normally respond to feedback?


5. Give examples of times when you have received feedback that has made you make changes to your life or working practices. What made the feedback so effective?


Now reflect on the information you have gathered and write a paragraph that explains how practitioners can respond to feedback appropriately and how they can use it to make beneficial changes to their practice.

© LASER Learning 2010