29th September 2015

Dear Parents/Carer

Oakwood Youth Challenge – PSHEE Project for Year 7 students

Following very positive feedback from staff and students over the last few years, we are again taking part in the PSHEE (Personal Social, Health and Economic Education) Project that is being run by Oakwood Youth Challenge. This is a Christian outdoor pursuits centre located on a 20 acre site off Waterloo Road, Bracknell. This particular scheme has been set up to enable secondary school children in the area to face challenge on an individual and a team basis within a safe and controlled environment, thereby aiming to build confidence, self-esteem and a team spirit. As a charity, Oakwood is implementing this project at no cost to the school or students.

Each Year 7 tutor group will have one 3 hour session, targeting team building skills, and will utilise Oakwood’s wide range of outdoor activities with a focus on problem solving, self-development and decision making. The qualified centre staff run the sessions and each group will be accompanied from school by their tutor and a Learning Support Assistant. Transport to and from the centre will be by minibus. Oakwood will provide a drink during the session.

The sessions will be as follows:

Monday 19th October:9.15 – 12.15 7Z

Monday 19th October:12.30 – 3.30 7U

Wednesday 21st October:9.15 – 12.15 7Y

Wednesday 21st October:12.30 – 3.30 7W

Thursday 22nd October:9.15 – 12.15 7V

Thursday 22nd October:12.30 – 3.307X

On the day of your child’s session, if it is a morning session, your child must

  • be very prompt to school as the minibuses will be leaving school at 9.15 am and your child will need to go to his/her locker before leaving
  • come to school in clothing suitable for outdoor activities including waterproof clothing. Footwear must be appropriate
  • bring to school full school uniform to change into on return to school (including footwear). This is very important
  • bring to school their books etc needed for afternoon lessons
  • carry necessary medication such as an Epipen, inhaler

The children will return to school for 12.30pm and so lunch arrangements and afternoon lessons will be as normal.

On the day of your child’s session, if it is an afternoon session, your child must

  • come to school in normal full school uniform
  • bring to school clothing suitable for outdoor activities including waterproof clothing and appropriate footwear
  • bring to school their books etc needed for morning lessons
  • bring to school a packed lunch and drink
  • carry necessary medication such as an Epipen, inhaler etc

The children attending Oakwood for an afternoon session will have a shortened lesson 3 in the morning giving them time to eat their packed lunch and change their clothes before going off in the minibus at 12.30.

This is a special opportunity. We do expect all the children to commit to their session and make the most of the exciting facilities and activities that will be available.

I should be grateful if you would complete the attached Health and Consent forms (OHA2) as well as the reply slip below and return both of these as soon as possible but no later than Friday 9th October 2015 to your child’s tutor.

If you have any questions about the project, please contact me or Mr C Williams, Head of Year 7, via the school office.

Yours sincerely

H L Starr (Miss)

Assistant Headteacher

Student Support and Guidance

Name: ______Tutor Group: ______

  • I give permission for my son / daughter to take part in the Oakwood Youth Challenge PSHEE Project on


  • I have read and understand the details given on the Health and Consent forms which I have signed and returned.
  • I have read and understood the details given in the letter dated 29th September 2015.

Signed: ______(Parent / Carer) Date: ______