2014 2015

Oakton High School Athletic Booster Club Membership

Your booster club membership supports ALL OHS athletic programs. Funds are used for equipment, uniform purchase, field and court maintenance, and overall facility upkeep to support all our athletic programs. Please consider becoming a Booster Member this year. Oakton Athletics needs your support!

Family Membership: $250 orEarly Bird Special $225 if purchased on or before the Fall Sports Parents meeting scheduled for August 19, 2014

Benefits include: Yearly pass for each immediate family member to all regular season home games for all sports, Cougar Collectible,2 – 10% Discount Coupons for Cougar Store purchases, Reserved Parking at Home Football Games (On a First Come Basis) and Name Listed in Football Program if received by August 19, 2014.

Single Booster Pass: $75.00

Includes one booster pass to all regular season home games for all sports.

For information on sponsorship opportunities, visit OAKTONATHLETICS.org “Boosters” tab


Parents’ Names ______Phone # ______

Address: ______City ______Zip ______

Email______(please print clearly!)

Student/Athlete’s Name: ______Grade _____ Planned Sports: ______

Student/Athlete’s Name: ______Grade _____ Planned Sports: ______

Additional Family Members’ Names (immediate family only): ______

Donation to the Capital Improvement Campaign: $______Amount enclosed: $______

Make Check Payable to OHS Athletic Boosters. Mail applications and payments to Deidre Ray,

12193 Wild Horse Dr., Fairfax, Virginia 22033(DO NOTmail applications to OHS Activities Office.)
Questions: Please contact Deidre Ray at .

All Passes must be picked up at the Booster Club table.Pick up times include the Fall Sports Meeting (August 19,2014), Cougar Kickoff(August 26,2014), the first 2 home football games, and Back-to-School nights in September - look for our special booster club table. Contact Deidre Ray to make other arrangements as needed. Passes will not be mailed. Lost passes will be subject to a $5.00 replacement fee.