Tryouts & Eligibility:

  • Clinic and tryouts will begin onApril23, 24, 26 &27
  • Clinic will be held in the Gym from 4:00-6:00 PM.
  • The official tryout, with judges, will be held Friday April 27th. Tryouts will be open to the public cost will be $3.00 at the door. Clinic will be closed to spectators.
  • To be eligible to participate, the following must be completed and turned in before Friday April 20th to Coach Duggan in the Media Center. Please place all items in one envelope, or staple together, and write your name on the outside. No late applications or materials will be accepted.

Complete application

Copy of most recent report card - A 2.5 GPA for the 3rd nine weeks.

A current complete physical

Optional: $3.00 for DVD with dance tutorial, cheer, chant, and jump descriptions.

All current teacher recommendations.

  • These will be given directly to the teacher. Please see attached forms.
  • Candidates must wear sneakers, shorts, and a t-shirt during clinic. Hair must be out of the face and off the shoulders at all times. No jewelry can be worn. Any student who is in the wrong attire or is missing a form can watch, but cannot participate that day.
  • Candidates must attend all practices in order to participate in tryouts. Practice will include learning a cheer, a chant, a dance,and jumps.
  • All candidates must be picked up at 6:00 PM. No observers will be allowed in the gym during practice.
  • Tryouts will be held on Friday April 27th starting at 4:15PM. Tryouts should last until approximately 7:00 PM but may go longer or shorter.
  • The final roster will be posted on Friday April 27thon line at oljhcheerleading.weebly.com as soon as we tally the scores.
  • Newly chosen cheerleaders and parents must attend the meeting on Monday April 30th
  • Cheerleaders must also attend all of the May practices and the Summer Camp or the cheerleader will not remain on the squad.
  • Please know that the squad decision is FINAL!

Attire for tryouts: No exceptions or alterations can be made!

 Black stretchy shorts

 White t-shirt (plain white only, no other colors will be accepted)

 Athletic shoes (cheerleading shoes are ok)

 Sports bra

 No jewelry

No nail polish

Academic Responsibilities

  • Being an OLJH “Student-Athlete” requires being a STUDENT first.
  • Each cheerleader is required to maintain at least a 2.5 GPA each grading period.
  • Should there be a failing overall grade in any subject at any time, or if GPA is below 2.5, parents will be notified by the coach and the cheerleader will be placed on Academic Probation.


  • A monthly calendar will be given to each cheerleader by the coach, which will list the practices, game times and bus times.
  • During football season, 3 to 4 practices will be held each week.. A coach may call extra practices at any time.

Attendance and Tardiness

  • All cheerleading activities, including games, practices, pep rallies, fundraisers, and summer camp are mandatory.
  • Unexcused absences will result in a demerit.
  • UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: family vacations, medical or dental appointments, and common illnesses (sore throat, stuffy nose, etc).
  • EXCUSED ABSENCES: hospitalization, death in the family, religious obligations, and serious illnesses.
  • There will be no overlapping in sportsor other extra-curricular activities. If these cannot be worked around cheerleading responsibilities then the cheerleader will be required to make a choice. Please remember the COMMITMENT you made to this program. Please discuss all extenuating circumstances with the coach.

Discipline – Demerit and Dismissal Policy

  • Demerits will be issued for the following:
  • Unexcused Absence (including being more than 30 minutes late) 5
  • Late to Practice/Game (less than 30 minutes) 3
  • Conduct/Defiance 2 to 5
  • Unprepared2
  • Detention/After School Work Detail 4
  • In School Suspension 7
  • 7 Demerits = One Game Suspension
  • 15 Demerits = Dismissal from the team
  • Automatic reasons for suspension or dismissal from the team include:
  • Conduct, including fighting, making threats, stalking, or intimidating, including bullying, that endangers the well-being of the other student athletes or coaching staff.
  • Use or possession of drugs, tobacco, or alcohol.
  • Weapons violations or conviction of a crime.
  • Conduct unbecoming of a cheerleader which reflects upon the reputation of the school and squad.
  • If a cheerleader is dismissed or resigns from the team before their obligations are fulfilled, he/she may not be eligible to try out the following year.

Financial Obligations: Cheerleaders are required to have all items. Prices are subject to change.

To be paid at parent meeting,April 30th, (No personal checks)

  • Uniform:$300.00 (was last year’s cost)

Includes: uniform, shoes, poms, briefs and body liner and warm up suit

Total due at parent meeting: $200.00

Next payment : May 15th 150.00

To be paid to Oakleaf Junior High by June 1st: camp wear. Ext. $125.00

  • Camp wear: about $125.00?

Includes: 4 shirts and a cheer back pack

Summer Cheer Camp is attentively set forthe end of July

  • Summer Camp Fees: $50 (cash or money order only to OHS)

Oakleaf Junior High School Cheerleader

Candidate Information Form


Last First Middle

Birthdate: ______


Home Phone:______

Emergency Contact Name:______

Emergency Phone:______

Parent/Guardian Name:______

Work Phone:______

Parent’s Email Address:______

Cheerleader’s Email Address:______

Current Grade Level:______

T Shirt Size _____ Adult/Youth (circle one)

Soffie Short Size _____ Adult/Youth (circle one)

Shoe Size _____ Adult/Youth (circle one)

Parent Permission & Student Candidacy

______has my permission to try out for cheerleading at OakleafJunior High School. I recognize that cheerleading is a strenuous athletic activity. I know of no pre-existing condition, injury, or illness, etc. which would limit participation at tryouts. I have read the tryout information and will assist in helping to see that cheerleader rules are upheld if my child should make the squad. I will also see that she attends all practice sessions or games unless excused by the coach in advance. I understand the decision of the coach is final.


Parent/guardian signature Date

I, ______, wish to submit my name as a candidate for the Oakleaf Junior High Cheerleading squad. I realize that I must return this form, my current physical form by the first day of conditioning/clinic tryouts, and include a copy of my insurance card. I will attend all scheduled practices and accept the decision of the coach as final. I am willing to abide by the rules and regulations established for this tryout and will be on time when practices begin.


Student signature Date

Turn in this form, and the other required information, to Mrs. Duggan,

in the Media Center by 4/20/17