

Smaller Qs – 1) What & who is flowing? 2) How can gov’t affect the flow?

1.Analyze recent data on U.S. Exports and Imports:

(Trade Balance = Exports – Imports = + trade surplus or - trade deficit)

  • Calculate the U.S. trade balance for Goods
  • Calculate the U.S. trade balance for Services
  • Calculate the total U.S. trade balance for Goods and Services

2. Explore the biggest trading partners of the U.S. and analyze the choiceof the government want to enact protectionist tools (a tool used to influence the flow of exports or imports) Tariffs = tax on imports, Subsidies = financial assistance from gov’t to a business

Want a deep look at our trading partners? Go to:

Official government trade data shows that China, Canada, and Mexico do $1.9 trillion in combined trade with the U.S. each year, which is a major chunk of America's $5 trillion in global annual trade. To put that in perspective, if you stacked 1.9 trillion $1 bills on top of each other, the pile would reach about half way to the moon. Here are the trade statistics you should know, compiled from the Census Bureau and Bureau of Economic Analysis:

  • China is America's largest trading partner, with annual trade in goods and services worth about $663 billion. Chinese exports to the U.S. totaled nearly $500 billion in 2015 -- more than any other destination.
  • The value of U.S. trade with Canada is $662 billion, just a smidge less than China. Canada is the largest market for U.S. exports, taking in 15% of America's goods and services, worth $337 billion annually.
  • Mexico ranks as America's third biggest trading partner, worth $586 billion.
  • Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom and South Korea round out the next spots. Their combined trade with the U.S. is worth $884 billion per year, significantly more than China.

Many nations count on Americans to buy their products. For example, over 60% of all Canadian trade is done with the U.S., according to data from the World Trade Organization. And it takes in over 80% of all Mexican goods. The U.S. is also the top destination for British and German exports.

Want a deep look at trade tariffs and subsidies? Go to:

3. Explore and assess the financial assistance that the U.S. government provides to allies.Want a deep look at foreign assistance? Go to

4. Explore the movement of people around the world and specifically in and out of the United States. Want a deep look at refugees? Go to a deep look at U.S. immigration policies? Go to

FYI Immigrant = person who chooses to leave her/his native country to live somewhere else (called an emigrant to the native land), Refugee = person who has been forced to leave native land to escape violence or a national disaster (Internally Displaced People – refugees who do move from one region of a country to another)

What flows? / Deeeeeets
1 ~ Goods and Services
-Calculatetrade balance of Good
-Calculatetrade balance of Servies
-Calculate totaltrade balance
2~ Goods & Services
-Who are the biggest trading partners of the U.S.?
-Evaluate the use of protectionist policies by our government.
3~ Financial Assistance
-Who are the biggest recipients of U.S. financial assistance?
-What does our financial assistance help support abroad?
4~ People
-Whereis/are the biggest refugee issues in the world today?
-Howhas the U.S. supported refugees? How should we support refugees?
-What has the U.S. policy been on immigration? What should it be?