Oak Ridge Division Report to House of DelegatesOntario District October 18,2015
Ganaraska Chordsmen
The Oak Ridge Division is honoured to announce the establishment of our newest Chapter, the “Ganaraska Chordsmen”. This was announced at the District Management Team meeting in September however this is the first House of Delegates meeting they are attending. Welcome to them. Oak Ridge Division now consists of four Chapters.
Novice Quartet Night
Oak Ridge Division is pleased to report an extremely successful Novice Quartet Night last September 25th hosted by Oshawa and attended by 126 people and 4 Barbershop choruses and 1 Sweet Adeline chorus.
The evening was a great opportunity to meet and greet our fellow Barbershoppers and Sweet Adelines.
The Sweet Adelines quartet took home the trophy as the best quartet for the first time.
Division Meeting
Our next meeting of the Oak Ridge Division Chapters will be on Saturday October 31st at which we will be reviewing our just past Novice Quartet night and beginning to plan for next year.
Chapter Reports
Nothumberland Hills Chapter (Ganaraska Chordsmen)
The Ganaraska Chordsmen (Ganaraskals) have been busy meeting every Tuesday night for a 2 hour practice and Chapter meeting. The Chapter now consists of 18 members and 3 additional people who are in the process of becoming members. There first public performance was the previously discussed Novice Quartet Night at which they received a warm reception and welcome. They are in the process of planning their election of officers for 2016 for the end of October.
They have plans for 4 upcoming performances, 2 for Probus Clubs in the Cobourg area, a Christmas performance with the Northumberland Chorus of the Sweet Adelines and a Christmas Concert at St. Mark’s Church Port Hope.
The Chorus’ first annual show will be on May 7, 2016 in Port Hope at a local Church. Plans are well underway for the introductory show. More information will follow at the plans proceed.
The Ganaraskals wish to thank the Peterbourgh Aces of Harmony for there sponsorship.
Oshawa Chapter (The Horseless Carriagemen)
The Carriagemen have planned a series of Christmas shows in December. More details will follow. Unfortunately we have been unable to connect to obtain further details at this time
Peterborough Chapter (Aces of Harmony)
The Peterborough Chapter is pleased to have performed yesterday, if only for evaluation. It is a part of a longer term plan to prepare for the Spring Competition.
Over the summer, the Aces travelled to Whitby to perform a public concert with “Young Guns” for the City’s Summer Music Concert Series. Unfortunately, the evening was rained out but a shortened show was held inside the Library to a appreciative audience. Many thanks to the “Young Guns” for their efforts on this evening.
The Aces have performed a number of volunteer shows and nursing homes, seniors’ clubs and one for the Peterborough Lakers, singing “O Canada “at the game opening
The Aces are preparing now for an annual show on November 7th in Peterborough. The ticket sales are going well and it is anticipated to be another sell out performance for the Peterborough Chapter.
Elections of a new Board are planned for October 26th with the Nominating Committee working hard to ensure all positions are filled.
We are planning a Chapter visit with Oshawa once again, following our Fall Show previously referred to.
Christmas shows have not yet been actively booked however, following the fall show the Chapter will focus on the Christmas season
Quinte Region Chapter (A Cappella Quinte)
Once again Quinte has successfully hosted our fall convention. I wish to express our thanks for the hard work and being such a welcoming host for all Barbershoppers of Ontario District.
Quinte has a busy fall planned as you can see by the busy schedule they have provided to us.
We will be singing at Centennial Free Methodist Church, Sat. Nov. 14.
A portion of the chorus will be singing at a fundraiser on Sunday, Nov. 8.
We will do our annual tour of 7 local nursing homes on Sat. Dec. 12.
Our annual Christmas party will be on Tuesday, Dec. 15.
I have spoken to Quinte about doing a Chapter visit this fall with the Chordsmen since they both meet on Tuesday evenings. We will continue to work on this get together.