Teacher: Everett Class: English Language Arts, Grade: 7th Grade Week of: 5/25-5/29

Weekly Lesson Plans

Monday / Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to… / 1. 
Tuesday / Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to…
·  / 1. 
Wednesday / Upon completion of this lesson students will be able to…
·  / 1. 
Thursday / Upon completion of this lesson students will be able to…
·  / 1. 
Friday / Upon completion of this lesson, student will be able to…
·  / 1. 

English Language and Composition TEKS Chapter 110.19.b

Vocabulary Development

___2A-grade level academic words

___2B-context clues


___2D-foreighn words


Reading Comprehension-Genre/Theme


___3B-conventions in myth (extended simile, quest, hero’s journey)

___3C-analysis of time and place/influence

___4-Comprehension of text/poetry (importance of graphical elements: capital letters, line length, word position)


___6A-influence of plot development

___7-nonfiction/structural differences in autobiography/diary

___8-figurative language/sensory language

___9-informational text/culture and history

Informational-text/expository texts

___10A-evalutate text for accuracy

___10B-distinguish factual claims/assertions/opinions

___10C-organizational patterns

___10D-logical connections between/within/across texts/textual evidence

Informational text/persuasive text

___11A-central argument/cause and effect/ analogy/authority

___11B-rhetorical fallacies/hominem/exaggeration/stereotyping/categorical claims in persuasive texts

Informational texts/procedural texts

___12A-multi-dimensional instructions to complete a task/solve problem/perform procedures

___12B-explain the function of graphical components of a text

Media Literacy

___13A-explicit/implicit messages

___13B-visual and sound techniques

___13C-media influences and informs audiences

___13D-correct level of formality and tone

Writing/writing process

___14A-plan first draft/audience/range of topics/strategies

___14B-develop drafts/organizational strategy (sequence of events/cause-effect/compare-contrast)

___14C-revise drafts

___14D-edid drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling

___14E-revise final draft in response to feedback from peers and teacher/publish work for appropriate audiences

Writing/literary texts

___15A-imanginative story


___16-about own experiences

Writing/expository and procedural texts

___17A-multi paragraph essay to convey information about a topic

___17B-write a letter reflecting opinion/complaint/request

___17C-write responses to literary or expository texts that demonstrate writing skills for multi-paragraph essays/evidence

___17D-multimedia presentation with texts and graphics/technology

Writing persuasive texts

___18A-clear thesis or position

___18B-considers and responds to views of others/anticipates and answers reader concerns and counter-arguments

___18C-evidence/logically organized/support author’s point of view/differentiate between fact and opinion

Oral and written communication

___19A-identify, use, and understand parts of speech in context of reading, writing, and speaking

___19B-complex sentences/main vs. subordinating clauses

___19C-variety of complete sentences

Oral and written conventions

___20A-conventions of capitalization


Oral and written conventions/spelling

___21-spell correctly, use various resources to check correct spellings

Research/research plan

___22A-brainstorm/consult others/topic/formulate major research question

___22B-apply steps for obtaining and evaluating information/sources

Research/gathering sources

___23A-follow research plan to gather information from print to electronic sources

___23B-categorize information thematically

___23C-record bibliographic information (author/title/page number)

___23D-paraphrasing/plagiarism/reliable sources

Research/synthesizing information

___24A-narrow or broad major research question

___24B-utilize elements demonstrating reliability/validity/(publication date/coverage/point of view)

Research/organizing and presenting ideas

___25A-draw conclusions

___25B-evidence and reasoning

___25C-presents findings in meaningful way

___25D-follows accepted formats for integrating quotations/citations into written text to maintain flow of ideas


___26A-listen to and interpret speaker’s purpose by explaining content/evaluate delivery/ask questions

___26B-follow and give complex oral instructions to perform task/answer questions/solve problems

___26C-draw conclusions about speaker’s message/verbal communication (word choice/tone) nonverbal cues (posture/gesture/facial expressions)

Listening and speaking/speaking

___27-students speak clearly and to the point, using the conventions of language.

Listening and speaking/teamwork

___28-students work productively as a team/participate in discussion/plan agendas/have clear goals/meet deadlines/vote on key issues



Instructional Strategies
