Macmillan Learning and Development GrantsPolicy 2016


Macmillan recognises the importance of supporting the learning and development of both Macmillan professionals and the wider cancer workforce. With the number of people living with and beyond cancer predicted to rise to 4 million by 2030, the need for a highly skilled and effective cancer workforce is essential. Macmillan has developed 9 Outcomes as part of its Corporate Strategy (Appendix 1), based on issues that are most important to people affected by cancer and those around them. The provision of grants is one way to promote access to learning that will enable you to support these outcomes and enhance your personal, service and career development.

Types of Grant

Macmillan provides twogrants for professionals.

Individual Grants / To enable professionals to access development opportunities relevant to their role and career progression. This grant can be used to pay for conferences and courses.
Group Grants / To be applied for by a Macmillan professional in order to provide bespoke learning to develop their group/team. This grant cannot be used by a team to attend conferences and courses.

This policy outlines the criteria and application process for each grant, and provides all the information you need to complete your application.

We strongly recommend that you contact your regional Learning and Development team for advice before submitting your application form. (Please refer to page 3 in the policy for contact details)

Application Criteria for both Grants

  • All applications must be completed using the online
  • A profile must be completed before you submit an application.
  • The application must be completed by a Macmillan professional, who can be full-time, part-time or work on a sessional basis.
  • All sections of the application must be completed.
  • All relevant course information and costs must be attachedeither as a Word.Doc or as a PDF.
  • Please ensure that you have your line manager’s approval and provide their contact details on your profile.
  • The deadline for receipt of completed applications is 15th of each month.
  • The proposed activity cannot start prior to the1stof the month following the above deadline.
  • Funding for deposits or prepayment for events will only be available after the application has been approved. Macmillan will only pay the event provider, so you will need to arrange to have your payment refunded by them where you have paid in advance.
  • Applications should be for a single activity or programme. Please do not apply for more than one course per application. Where you are applying for a modular programme, please provide details for each module.
  • Applicants may apply for both grant types in a calendar year. Two applications for individual grants may be made per calendar year, up to the funding limit.
  • Applicants applying for a course/conference commencing the following year will still be able to apply for up to two individual grants in the current year, up to the funding limit.
  • Grants cannot be used to fund salary or backfill costs.
  • Applications must demonstrate how the activity will improve the lives of people affected by cancer and support Macmillan’s 9 Outcomes (see Appendix 1 for details).
  • The Macmillan grant budget is capped. Therefore, applicants are reminded that some applications may be declined due to funding constraints.
  • An evaluation will be undertaken with you following completion of your learning. You are required to participate in this evaluation as a condition of the grant being approved. In some cases this will include the provision of a case study, which may be published on Learn Zone to illustrate the impact of the learning undertaken.
  • Please note that further grant applications will not be considered until the evaluation has been completed.
  • Applications will be considered for courses on complementary therapies. You should contact your regional team for advice before submitting your application.

Application Criteria Specific to each Grant

Individual / Group
Who is the intended audience for this grant? / Individual Macmillan professionals / Mixture of Macmillan and non-Macmillan professionals
What can the grant be used for? / Attendance at conferences and courses. / To commission a facilitator or organisation to run a bespoke learning activity for the group/team.
Maximum Funding Available / £1000 / £5000
Number of applications allowed per calendar year / 2 (total must not exceed £1000) / 1
Are travel expenses claimable? / Yes, Download our expenses policy for Macmillan professionals, and claim forms depending on where you are in the UK. / For facilitator only. Not participants
Are venue, accommodation and subsistence costs claimable? / Yes. The grant can be used to cover facilitator fees, and venue and catering costs.
Can I apply for a grant for a programme that runs for longer than one year? / Yes. Funding is available annually so a new application is required for subsequent years. Future funding is not guaranteed. / No.
Can I apply for a course/conference outside of the UK / Yes.Please also see expenses policy above for details of what you may claim. / No.

Submitting an Application

  • Your application form and any supporting information must be submitted using the online application system.
  • You will receive an email confirming receipt of your application and outlining the timescale for decision-making.
  • You can draft applications on the online system at any time, for submission when you choose to proceed.

Decision Making

  • A decision on your application will be made by your regional/national team.
  • You will be contacted via email by the 1st of the following month.
  • If your application is approved, you will be advised on the amount of funding provided, which may be different to the amount applied for.
  • If your application is rejected, an explanation will be provided. All decisions are final and there is no appeals process. Please use the feedback given when considering future applications.


  • If you require payment to be made prior to commencement of the activity, you must allow a further three weeks after the application has been approved. For payments in currencies other than sterling a further six weeks is required.
  • Macmillan will only pay the organisation which provides the learning and development.
  • Payment will normally be made via BACS transfer.
  • Macmillan will only pay the learning and development provider on receipt of an invoice, except when conference organisers require the cheque with the conference registration.
  • Macmillan can provide proof of grant award/sponsorship to any conference organiser or learning provider if requested, to ensure you are able to apply prior to payment being made. This will only be available after the application for a learning and development grant has been approved.

Useful Contact Details

Regional Learning and Development Team
Central, South West England
General Enquiries /
Learning and Development Administrator / 01904756 461
Learning and Development Administrator / 01904756 410
East Midlands and Northern England
General Enquiries /
Learning and Development Administrator / 01904756 443
Learning and Development Administrator / 01904756 459
London, Anglia and South East
General Enquiries /
Learning and Development Administrator / 01904756 411
Learning and Development Administrator / 01904756 447
Learning and Development Administrator / 01656 867960 /
Team Administrator / 0131 260 3720 /
Northern Ireland
Team Administrator / 0289070 8610 /

Appendix 1 Macmillan 9 Outcomes and Corporate Strategy Ambition

Our future

Our ambition is to reach and improve the lives of everyone living with cancer and to inspire millions of others to do the same

The following nine outcomes reflect what the 4 million people living with cancer want to say about their cancer experience in 2030.

Outcome / What it means / Why it is important (statistics and case studies to showcase the need)
‘I was diagnosed early’ /
  • People will have the information they need to understand the signs and symptoms of cancer(including recurrence).
  • Those concerned that they have cancer will know where to go for help.
  • The gap between people presenting symptoms to a doctor and being diagnosed will be as short as possible for everyone.
/ The UK’s survival rates are amongst the lowest in Europe, a key factor is less than 30%of people in the UKcan name common cancer symptoms beyond ‘a lump or swelling’.
‘I understand, so I make good decisions’ /
  • Everyone affected by cancer will get information and support in the format and at the time that best suits them throughout their cancer journey.
  • They will be supported to interpret and act on the information so that they understand their illness and how it will impact their lives, including on other illnesses they may already have.
  • They will know what treatments are best for them and what the implications are and they will be supported to make good decisions.
/ ‘I said to the doctor,“Please, will you just stop for a minute because I’m not taking any of this in? I need you to slow it down for me.”’
‘I get the treatment and care which are best for my cancer, and my life’ /
  • Everyone living with cancer will receive the best cancer treatment and care, no matter who they are, where they live, or which cancer they have.
  • They will feel that their personal needs have been appropriately assessed and that their treatment and potential consequences of treatment have been well planned and delivered in a coordinated way that is appropriate to their individual needs and their preferences.
  • Their ongoing support after treatment will also be world class.
/ ‘After my treatment finished I felt so alone. I went home and cried. I was terrified that every ache and pain was my cancer returning. I spoke to my GP but he is not a cancer expert”.
‘I am treated with dignity and respect’ /
  • People living with cancer will feel that they are treated with dignity and respect by all those involved throughout their cancer journey.
  • They will be able to be open about their cancer without fear of being discriminated against.
  • It will be well recognised and understood that cancer is a condition that increasing numbers of people will live with long term.
/ ‘I’m an individual here, and I’m just being treated like a set of notes. If my set of notes weren’t there, they couldn’t talk to me at all.’
‘I know what I can do to help myself and who else can help me’ /
  • People living with cancer will be supported to self-manage the consequences of cancer and its treatment, to the degree they are able/wish to.
  • They will know where to turn to get the clinical, practical, emotional and financial support they need when and where they need it.
/ ‘Macmillan’sLiving with cancer coursegave me the practical and emotional tools to face up to my situation, restore my confidence and rebuild my life.’
‘Those around me are well supported’ /
  • People living with cancer will feel confident that their family, friends and carers have the practical, emotional and financial support they need to lead as normal a life as possible throughout the cancer journey.
  • They will know where to get help when they need it.
/ ‘Trying to help my wife 24 hours a day was exhausting and stressful. Sometimes you feel useless when you are needed the most.’
‘I can enjoy life’ /
  • People living with, or beyond, cancer will be well supported in all aspects of living with cancer (beyond their healthcare needs), leaving them confident to lead as full and active a life as possible.
  • They will be enabled to pursue the activities (including work) that allow them to be happy and feel fulfilled while living with cancer and they will experience no unnecessary worries.
/ 6 in 10 people with cancer feel their emotional needs are not looked after as much as their physical needs.
‘I feel part of a community and I’m inspired to give something back’ /
  • People who have been affected by cancer and others will feel inspired to do something to improve the lives of others living with cancer.
/ ‘It’s given me a focus, given me a way of celebrating my friend’s life. It’s a way of giving something that she gave to me back to others.’
‘I want to die well’ /
  • People who are nearing the end of their life will be supported to make decisions that allow them and their family/carers to be prepared for their death.
  • Their care will be well co-ordinated and planned so that they die in the place and in the way that they have chosen.
/ ‘I knew my wife was going to die I just didn’t know when. The cancer rushed up on us both and we weren’t really ready…. she would have wished to die at home but it just didn’t work that way.’