
O. T. XXV– Workers in the vineyard

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Phone: 251-865-6902
P. O. Box 417, Grand Bay, AL 3641 Fax: 251-865-1412
Email: Parish website:
Fr. Anthony Kadavil ()
Rev.Deacon Billy Graham
Parish Council President:
Mr. Steve Sema Jr. ()
Finance Council President:
Mrs. Paula Rials
CCD Coordinator: Mrs. Tiffany Teofilo
Youth Director:Mrs. Karen Day

Sunday school classes (CCD)start at 8-45 a.m. and Our Youth group classes begin at 11. am.

The second collectionthis week will be for the CatholicUniversity.

Parish community’s special thanks: Our parish community welcomes and appreciates the following volunteers who showed the willingness and generosity to cut grasses in and around our church buildings. They areJack Wright, Paul Pigorsch, Clarence Thompson, Willie Thompson, Roney Cauley, Steve Cauley, Deacon Billy Graham, Jaison Poioux, Sam Clarke, Torry Revel and Ray Fontenot.

Grass cuttingSchedule: Since we had heavy rains for two days, we need the immediate assistance of some of these volunteers to cut the grass around the church buildings during this week. Please contact Fr. Tony and inform him when you are coming to do your share of work.

Special thanks to Mr. Marion Ramsayfor sending his workers on Wednesday for emergency removal of hedge from the water submerged eastern side of the church to put new gutters and for removing the Cypress tree.

Deacon Billy Graham will be out of the office on a “Deacon Retreat” Monday thru Wednesday, September 22nd thru the 24th. He will be back in the office on Thursday and Friday, the 25th & 26th.

RCIA Classes began on Saturday September13th, 2014 at 10 am in the parish hall. If you would like to learn more about your faith or if you know anyone who is interested in learning about Catholicism and/or joining the Church call Father Tony or Deacon Billy Graham to sign up. If the schedule does not work for you please contact the office and see if we can work out a schedule that will work for you.

Confirmation Preparation classes:Allstudents entering into the 9th, 10th or 11th grade and who have not received confirmation are requested to be present for the Confirmation Preparation class by Deacon Graham at 8-45 am every Sunday in the Education Building.

Catholic Social Service Employment Opportunity: A part time position is available with the “To Be Choices for Women” here in Mobile. Please pick up a flyer from the glass table if you are interested.

“8th Annual Wine Festival at 5 Rivers”to benefit the work of Catholic Social Services: Mobile’s premier wine tasting event, is Thursday, October 16th, from 5:30 – 8:30pm. For information you can call 251-434-1550. You will find tickets available at Domke Market, Red and White, or online at WineFestivalat5Rivers.com. Proceeds.

St. Vincent de Paul “Spirit Jubilee” will be held on Saturday, October 11, beginning at 6:00, at Our Lady of Lourdes Gym, on Boykin Boulevard. Tickets are $100.00 each which includes admission for two, with dinner and beverages. Grand prize is $5,000 with five $1,000 prizes at drawing 50, 100, 150, 200 & 250. Tickets are available at the School Office or by calling 666-8022.

Bingo is held every Wednesday at St. Margaret’s parish hall at 6:30p.m. Doors open at 6:00 and there is a concession which includes hotdogs, potato chips,, sweets, soft drinks, and water.

The Catholic Youth Organization of the Archdiocese of Mobile invites any of our CCD students who are interested in participating in sports to join the CYO. They offer many sports for students in grades 2 through 8. In the fall they offer football, soccer, volleyball, cheer leading, & tennis. Students will be placed on teams that are convenient to the GrandBay area. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Paul Knapstein, Director for the CYO for our area.

Called to LoveCatholic Women’s Conference10/4/14: Join usSaturday, October 4, 2014at Corpus Christi Parish in Mobile for theCalled to LoveCatholic Women’s Conference! Event includes Mass withArchbishop Rodi,Confession, Vendors, Door Prizes, and speakersTeresa Tomeo,Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, &Kelly Pease. $35 Registration fee includes a breakfast, lunch, and gift bag.Seating is limited with a September 4 registration deadline, so register today!To register visit call Mrs. Sue Lyons: (251) 476-5966. For general inquiries e-mail:.

The Ministers of the Mass Schedulefor the 3rd quarter of the year is out on the glass table. All ministers should take one so that you will know when you are scheduled to serve.

Birthdays of this Week: Sept 20th; Daniel Bridges, Mary Kirchoff, Charles Krause; 21st; Michael Knowles: 22nd; Cobey Ray: 23rd; Steven DeAngelo, Hayden Swinney: Known Wedding Anniversaries: 25th; Andrea and Jay Graham

Mass Intentions of this week: September 20th to 26th.

Sat. the 20th: ------For the eternal repose of the souls of Mary & Phillip Marchand by Ruth & Paul Pigorsch.

Sun. the 21st: ------For the eternal repose of the souls of Mary & Phillip Marchand by Ruth & Paul Pigorsch.

Sept, 22nd & 23rd: ----- For the eternal repose of the soul of Veretta Tulos by Richard & Karen Mort

Sept 24th: ------For the eternal repose of the soul of Sue Kirchoff by the Kirchoff Family

Sept 25th & 26th: ------For the eternal repose of the souls of all deceased parishioners.

The Intercessors for Priestsin the Heart of St. Joseph is a new Confraternity that seeks to support all priests by praying for them through the powerful intercession of St. Joseph, the spiritual father of all priests. Prayer leaflets are available on the glass table. For more information, visit: or write for more information: Intercessors for Priests, 1621 Boykin Blvd., Mobile, Alabama, 36605.

Our Food Bank is really running low on food. The Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a year round food drive to help feed those in need. Catholic Charities requests your generous food contributions. Besides, Fr Tony always has request from people in need for food. We request everyone to bring in food items that can be turned into a meal for up to 4 people. If you prefer to give money you can just leave it in an envelope in the collection basket with “For Food Bank” written on it and we will know that it is meant for our parish food bank.

Items for Soldier’s Needs: Please don’t forget to bring items for soldiers’ needs: Shaving cream, disposable razors, solid deodorant, bars of soap/body wash, anti-bacteria cleaner, shampoo, tooth paste, dental floss, personal handy-wipes, personal hygiene items for women, foot powder, insect repellent, flea collars (they put them around their ankles), chopstick, athlete’s foot powder/spray, sun block lotion, sun shades, protective safety dust masks, socks, sweat headbands, batteries (AAA, AA, C), DVD movies, cards, writing tablets, paper, pens, envelopes, reading materials, snacks: cookies, gum, crest, life-savers, mints, pudding, crackers, sardines, chicken, tuna, salmon, jerky, peppermints, kool-aid, gatorade, tea/coffee. Put items in the designated box in the Parish Hall.

Help us keep flowers at the altar

The slotted wooden box on the glass table in the Parish Hall will receive donations for flowers. If you wish to give flowers for a specific remembrance or thanksgiving there is a sign-up flower chart on the wall to the left of the front doors.

New CDs

There are new CDs in the CD stack. Each CD costs $ 3. You can have 9 CDs for $ 25. CD on the revised Mass is now available.

Sept 14: Regular $2925.00



Micky Poirier & Maria Switzer

Church Cleaning:SEPTEMBER 20, 21

Doris Sema and Cathy Scott

Saturday –September 27: 5 p.m.

Altar Server EMHCEMHGC Lector Usher / Greeter

Sam Clark, Greg Keffer Jack Forbes Jackie Price Steve Cauley, Kevin Cauley

Jay Graham Jay Graham Steve Sema, Jr Paul Pigorsch, Chuck Pierce

Sunday –September28: 10 a.m.

Paul Delmas, Ty Teofilo Daryl Kirchoff Carol Voss Mike Marchand, Avis Garrett

Bryce Baggett Matt Johnson Mark Voss Mike Courtney, Andrew VanCleave

If you are scheduled to serve at Mass and find that you cannot serve, it is NECESSARY that you arrange for a substitute.Please take your responsibility seriously. If you are interested in serving as an Altar Server, Eucharistic Minister, Lector or as an Usher, please let Fr. Tony or the Office know of your willingness to serve. We especially need Usher/Greeters for the Saturday Mass.

Remember the sick in your Prayersour sick brothers and sisters:

Kenny Kirchoff, Emma Barber, Ali Ray, Melanee Stringfellow, Caryn Sutoff, SR. Maria Bernarda Kadavil, Gwen Graham Roderick, Gerald Brannan, Hanner Gassaway, Deborah Sema, Rylyn Kuntz, Addie Thompson, Voncille Hulcher, Daryl Kirchoff, Joe Ecker, Cody Driskell, B. J. Broussard, Clair Waite, Avery Collier, Julia Raleigh, Joe Gable, Evelyn Robison, Jean Mitchell, Father Matthew Venuti, Andrea Graham, Father Andrew Stauter, Steven Butler, Sarah Butler, Veronica Stewart, Chris Sassano, Tammy Asch, Mary Rambo, Delaine Pigorsch, Joel Rivera, Alice Bedwell, Susan Taylor, Wayne Seymour, James Cauley, Miss Pink Pridgen, Kim Pridgen, Clyde Shores, Glen Haab, Haley Holder, Lakeshia Johnson, Gary Sherman, Reverend Manuel Williams, Elizabeth Schmidt, John Atchison, Johnny Hill, Jared Hoken, Diana Abrams, Msgr. Joseph Jennings, Hinleigh Hall, Ryan Keith Malone, Father Frank Sofie, Linda Graham, Dave Matern, Virginia Gable, Joseph Gable, Andrew Taylor, Doris Wilson, Diane Watts, Daniel Dorriety, Tiffany Fontenot, Harrand Broussard, Katie Nielsen, Richard Arnold, Louis Poiroux, Homer Campbell, Jimmy Marchand, Arlene Wissman, Becky Thompson, Sally Thompson, Peggie Huber, Dale Thompson, Jane Thompson, Andy Thompson, Callie Massey, Angela Heardon, Rita George, Edgar Broussard, Lillian Broussard, Robert Broussard, Jerry Blair, Michael Stairs, Amanda Illingsworth, Ray Bribsey, Dorothy Barnes, Jared Horn and for all those serving in the Armed Forces.

Pray for the Deceased dear ones of the Parish: Jim Kimble,Veretta Tulos,Barbara Werneath,Lynn Poriere, Philip Marchand, Dolores Miller, Sue Kirchoff, Mary Sanders, Margaret Jackson, Darlene Alexander, Lewis Wright Carroll, Catherine Schnadelback, Mary Marchand, Steve Sema, Rick Marchand and Ciss Marchand. & Rev. Msgr. Cusack former Vicar for priests and Rev. Msgr. Robert Fulton.

Pray for the special intentionsof other sick and deceased relatives and friends.

Pray for our former parishioners who are now serving in the Armed ForcesTravis Wilson, SPC Jackson Triston, Jr., and Captain Will Hurd.

YouTube homily by Deacon Jack Staub: click on:

Synopsis of Homily for O.T. XXVSunday (Sept 21)on Mt 20: 1-16

Introduction: Today’s readings are all about the sense of justice and the extravagant grace of a merciful God. While God is both just and merciful, God’s mercy often overrides His justice and, hence, God pardons us unconditionally and rewards us generously by opening Heaven for the Gentiles and the Jews.

Scripture lessons: In the first reading, the prophet Isaiah reminds the exiles in Babylon that their God is more merciful than they are, and more forgiving. He is ready to pardon their infidelity which has resulted in their exile.Their merciful God will bless them with material and spiritual blessings. Hence, Isaiah exhorts them, and us, to seek the Lord and to put aside evil ways in order to receive mercy and forgiveness from God. Today’s responsorial psalm reminds us that, although “the Lord is just in all His ways,” He is at the same time gracious “and merciful.” In the second reading, Paul offers himself as an example of total submission to God’s grace and God’s will. He is ready to live continuing his mission if that is God’s will. At the same time he is ready to die and join the Lord if that is God’s will. In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us the strange parable of a landowner who hired laborers at five different times during the course of one day to work in his vineyard but paid the same living wage for a full day’s work to all of them. This story of the landlord's love and generosity represents God’s love and generosity. It illustrates the difference between God's perspective and ours. God's provisions for our spiritual lives will never run out, and when we share our blessings with others, we tap into the inexhaustible Divine supply. This story tells us how God looks at us, sees our needs and meets those needs generously and mercifully. The parable also shows the mercy and generosity of God in allowing the later-called Gentiles as well the first-called Jews or the Chosen people to enjoy the same eternal joy of His Heavenly Kingdom

Life messages: (1) We need to follow God’s example and show grace to our neighbor. When someone else is more successful than we are, let us assumeheor she needsit. When someonewho does wrongfails to get caught,

let us remember themany times we have done wrong and gotten off free. Envy should have no place in our lives. We cannot control the way God blesses others.

(2) We need to express our gratitude to God in our daily lives. God personally calls each of us to our own ministry and shows us His care by giving us His graceand eternal salvation. To God, we are more than just numbers on a payroll. Our call to God’s vineyard isa free gift from God for which we can never be sufficiently thankful.All our talents and blessings are freely given to us by God. Hence, we should express our gratitude to Godby avoiding sins, by rendering loving service to others, by sharing our blessings with the needy and by constant prayer, listening and talking to God at all times.

Why do we believe that the Bible is an inspired book?

It is not because a) It inspires me. b) Bible itself says that it is inspired. (Sacred Scriptures of Hindus and Muslims too make similar claims and most of the Bible books don’t make such a claim). c) "The Holy Spirit tells me the Bible is inspired." (It is a subjective argument).d) “We are "convicted" that it is the word of God, and we get a positive "feeling" that it is inspired, and that’s that.” (It is also a subjective argument). The Catholic position. As the first step we prove the reliability of the Bible insofar as it is history. From that we conclude that a Church with infallible teaching authority was founded by Christ. And then we take the word of that infallible Church that the Bible is inspired. Without the existence of the Church, we could never know whether the Bible is inspired.The Church infallibly teaches that the Old Testament books are also inspired because Jesus and his apostles believed in them as inspired books and taught that truth. The New Testament books are recorded and inspired history of Jesus and his Church. Inspiration of the Bible means that the Holy Spirit as principal author of Sacred Scripture influenced the sacred writers in three ways: 1) He illuminated the mind of the sacred writer. 2) Holy Spirit moved the will of the sacred writers to write freely, though infallibly, what God wished.3. The Holy Spirit aided the sacred writers in the work of composition.

Visit our website: forSunday Homilies, 149 - Questions & Answers and 56 - Faith Formation Lessons, introduction to Bible books.

All are welcome to St. John’swith open hearts, open minds and open doors.

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Grand Bay celebrates God’s presence,grows in God’s grace,welcomes all people andreachesout with God’s love.We try to be to be a vibrant community of faithwhere all people feel they belong.No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, No matter what your current family or marital situation, No matter what your past or present religious situation, No matter your personal history, age, background, race, etc., No matter what your own self-image or esteem, you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Grand Bay!

We come together as a parish family to draw our life from the Eucharist and other sacraments.

As believers we participate fully, consciously and actively in the liturgy of the Church and seek to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and action.

We commit ourselves to worship, education, stewardship and service as we extend our hand to others in need and to those who wish to join the church.

By the grace of God, after the example of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we dedicate ourselves to accomplish our mission within and beyond our community.

Photos of the great pastors who guided the destiny of our parish

Please visit St. John the Baptist Catholic parish website:

the full text of the

Sunday homily, Sunday bulletin, 56 Adult Faith Formation Lessons and Question of the Week (1-144).