Gussie Marshallsea: Olive Chapel Year-Round Elementary
CONCEPT: Elements of Art: Line, shape, color, and space. (One Day Lesson)
Grade Level: Grade 4 and 5 AU2 and IDMod (North Carolina DPI abbreviations- Autism 2 Intellectual Disabilities – Moderate)
Media Area: Liquid Tempera Paint
State Standards:
1.04 Discuss artists and their art work as an inspiration for us to create.
3.03 Recognize that pattern is created by repetition and uses pattern in own artwork.
KV1.4 Recognize and understand the characteristics of the elements of art, including line, shape, color and texture
Kindergarten: Positioning words, such as up, down, across, left, right, etc.
6.03 Recognize that mistakes can be turned into opportunities for creative problem solving.
Correlation/ Integration:Movement, gross motor skills.
Students may stand or sit to stretch their arms across the tables to paint large lines, shapes and patterns on the large art tables. This is an excellent lesson for these students, as they find it hard to sit still due to self-stimulatory behavior-repetitive body movements or repetitive movement of objects.
OBJECTIVES: The student will use foam rollers and foam stamps to paint large areas of paper.
- Create a rolled, painted area filling the whole sheet paper, up to the border, while using bold colors
- Learn about famous painter, Franz Kline.
- Artists use a variety of materials to paint and a variety of materials on which to paint.
- Franz Kline-Famous American Abstract Expressionist Artist
- Pattern -Repeated colors, lines, shapes, or textures in an artwork. Pattern is a principal of design.
- Thick, thin, Up, down, across, left and right.
- Abstract - A style of art that is not realistic. Unusual lines, colors, and shapes make the subject look unrealistic. It is often characterized by the use of geometric lines and shapes and bold, bright colors.
When students enter the room, they will sit at their tables. I will begin by showing students examples of Franz Kline’s art work on the Smartboard, I will discuss that artist use a variety of lines and shapes in their art work. We will go through the examples of his art work, I will ask the students look at Franz Kline’s brush strokes and have them point out if the strokes are thick, thin, up, and down, etc. I will tell the students that they will be making big paint strokes today using the foam rollers.
I will modelusing the foam rollers and large foam stamps. The students will observe the teacher making big bold rolls with the foam rollers, stretching across the table moving the roller up, down, and across. The teacher will repeat the words, up, down, across, left and right. The teacher will also repeat big, thick lines and repeat the colors used.
Tell students that they will begin using the foam rollers to roll colors lines up and down and across the large tables covered in large rolled out white paper. Students may also use large foam stamps. Reinforce vocabulary words to the students such as up, down, across, over, stretch, thick, thin as mentioned above under motivation .
Franz Kline
Large foam rollers
Large foam stamps
Liquid tempera paint
Styrofoam trays to hold paint for students to collect paint to roller
Teacher exemplar: Franz Kline visuals shown on Smart board
PROCEDURE: Steps you will follow (incl. motivation) and how long each will take
- Motivation (8 minutes)
- Students will watch the teacher’s demonstration
- Large restaurant paper is spread on the tables ready to go.
- Paper, paint, rollers and stamps are ready to be distributed to the students
- Closure (3 minutes)
- Clean-up (3 minutes)
Students will need assistance to wash hands with soap and water when cleaning up area.
Remind the students that we learned how to use the roller for painting. We also used the stamps to create patterns and shapes. Ask the students questions, “Show me the thick line?” “What color did you choose to stamp the star shape?”
Did student:
- Understand how to move their rollers up, down, and across the paper?
- Make good use of line, color, stamps, pattern to design a creative composition?
- Demonstrate instructions both orally and visually (watching and hearing the teacher demonstrate)
- Frequent checks for understanding
- Additional time for steps
- Repeated modeling of steps to students if necessary
Franz Kline Examples
Students working with foam rollers and foam stamps.