The MBA Association of the Open University of Hong Kong
Registration Form for Hangzhou Exchange Study Tour (15 – 18 October 2006)
Deadline : 10 September 2006
RegistrationRegistration Procedure:
(1) E-mail Registration Form to on or before 10 September 2006.
(2) Upon student status & eligibility verification by OUHK, registration result would be confirmed by the Project Coordinator. Successful applicants would then be required to follow the instructions below:
[a] Credit ‘Hangzhou Exchange Study Tour’ full participation fee $2,976 to “The MBA Association of the Open University of Hong Kong” Account No. 182-0-033940 in “The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited” within 2 working days from the date of confirmation.
[b] Forward deposit form, ATM transfer slip or Internet transfer validation to Project Coordinator either by e-mail to or by fax to 3007-3176.
[c] Complete & submit the following forms on or before 13 September 2006:
Form S-CASH-Student:
CASH Education Fund Sponsored Activity - Application Form for Student
CASH Education Fund Sponsored Activity - Undertaking for Participating Student
Eileen Lo (Project Coordinator)
Terms and Conditions :
Active postgraduate students of the School of Business & Administration at the time of registration.
Enrolment on a 1st-come-1st-served basis (based on payment of participation fee).
Proficiency in Putonghua (and English), as all host communication (and activity report) would be in Putonghua (and English) respectively.
All delegates must depart and return on the same flight and date.
Possess travel document with validity at least up to 20 April 2007.
Priority will be extended to the captioned students who have not joined the CASH-sponsored Exchange Study Tours.
MBBA and OUHK reserve the right to publish the event, photos, etc. in appropriate channels.
(1) Full participation fee $2,976 to be paid by each successful applicant before the activity.
(2) Up to 75% of the actual full fee to be reimbursed within 2 months upon completion of the activity and submission of satisfactory study report.
Please complete the following information and email to
Personal Information(As shown on your travel document and underline your surname)
English Full Name : Chinese Full Name :
OUHK Student ID. No.:
Contact No.: (Mobile) (Day) (Night)
Email Address:
Nationality (Please underline appropriately)
HKSAR / PRC / Others please specify:
Travel Document (回鄉証 / 回鄉卡or PASSPORT)
回鄉証/回鄉卡 No: ___ Expiry Date: ______
Passport Name: ______Type: ______Expiry Date: ______
Document No.: ______
Current Course(s) Enrolment (including the course just examined in August 2006)
1. Course Code: B______(e.g. B820)
2. Course Code: B______
3. Course Code: B______