Middlesex County 4-H Advisory Council
Minutes – June 15, 2010 - 7pm
Littleton Congregational Church - 330 King St., Littleton
Meeting was called to order at 7:00
Attendees Present: Amy Brown (arrived 7:20), Louise Donahue, Pam LeFave, Joanne Brown, Cindy Linkel, Kirsten Hansen, Theresa Lewis, and Sue Lewis (Theresa's mom), Emily Oneschuk
Corresponding Secretary (Amy) - Minutes were accepted as written. Motion: Kirsten, Second: Emily Motion passed.
Treasurer (Joanne) - A suggestion was made to put RDT funds into something more lucrative. Joanne will check into this. Report accepted as written. Motion: Cindy, Second: Kirsten. Motion passed.
Unfinished Business:
Program Updates:
Un-bake Sale (Pam) – We don’t think the information got to everyone. Pam suggested that each club having a Communications Officer may help this situation.
Committee Reports:
Nomination Committee formed, including Amy, Louise, and Pam. Invite leaders, teens, and each member bring 2 friends who may be interested in joining MAC. It will be an ice cream social.
It was suggested that we check with Emily, Theresa, and Sue to see if they want to be members.
Amy will write article for newsletter (deadline 6/25) inviting people to the Ice Cream Social in September. RSVP 9/15/10.
We plan to set up a display at the 4-H Fair and send a reminder out at the beginning of September. Sarah Donahue will be working on the display. Display might be a tri-fold board that has a giant ice cream sundae announcing the event for the center panel and pictures and details on the side panels. In light of this we should review and update the MAC brochure.
A Teen Task Force Committee has been formed and had their initial meeting this evening. Members include: Kirsten, Theresa, Sue, Emily. They are planning to meet in July, then have a “meet and greet” night in October.
A motion was made to provide $100 to cover the cost of this event. Motion: Cindy, Second: Joanne. Motion passed.
State News (Pam)
Annual Golf Tournament will be Wednesday, July 28, 2010.
Kirsten brought in the basket for this event’s raffle. It was filled with needle felting supplies.
Sherry has asked us to promote the sale of Raffle tickets for the Golf Tournament ($55). The raffle tickets are being sold by the 4-H Foundaton.
A motion was made for MAC to purchase 1 raffle ticket at $55. Motion: Cindy, Second Louise. Votes: 4 in favor, 1 nay.
There won’t be a new computer program for registration this year. There were problems with the one mentioned at earlier meetings.
Camp Report (Louise) – Memorial Day weekend at Camp was a lot of fun. Activities includedBoating, Fishing, mieral mining, cards for veterans, scavenger hunt, games, making dinner, and music around the fire.
There is a new book on 4-H mentoring and members are encouraged to become mentors. Cindy, Amy, Joanne showed interest. Cindy has already been mentoring a club. Amy was assigned to the new D’n’A Club in Holliston.
Beginning 6/21, the county office plans to reorganize the 4-H curriculum library.
New Business:
Action Items:
Amy will write article for newsletter (deadline 6/25) inviting people to the Ice Cream Social in September. RSVP 9/15/10.
Promote sale of raffle tickets.
Next meeting September21, 2010, Littleton Congregational Church, Littleton, 7pm.