Homework Overview
Year 6Autumn 2
LiteracyOur main Literacy unit this half term will be Biographies. We will also work on
developing our planning and writing of fiction using videos on Literacy shed to
support of use of visual Literacy.
In grammar and spelling, we will continue to
work through Appendix 1 and 2 of the National Curriculum which will cover a
range of topics including commas in multi clause sentences, using a range of
conjunctions and using writer’s tricks in story writing.
Each week children will be set a piece of homework to support the previous
week’s learning or to prepare for learning the week after. This homework may
be sent home in the homework folders, posted on the blog or be Purple Mash
Children will also be expected to practice their weekly spellings, read their
reading book daily, complete activities in their reading diary and contribute
to our class blog. / Maths
Each week you will be set a piece of homework to support the previous week’s
learning or to prepare for learning the week after. This homework may be sent
home in the homework folders, posted on the blog or be available on ‘Mathletics’
We have started a Times Tables Challenge and each week children need to practise and learn their personal times table for a test on Friday. They could use these websites to help them practise:
Maths Invaders
Multiplication Grand Prix
Childrenalso need to regularly contribute to our class blog.
Our Science unit this half term is Everything Changes. We will be learning
about various theories relating to evolution. This will include learning what
evolution is, looking at the history of science, and studying examples of animals
and how their features are adapted to their environment.
Keep looking out for Science links and challenges on our class blog.
/ Topic
Our Topic this half term is a geography topic based on Mountains. We will be
using maps and VR headsetsto develop our geography skills and locate mountains on a map. Wewill use 4 and 6 figure grid references and use reading and research skills to
learn about real mountaineers who have experienced climbing mountains.
Throughout this unit we will refer to the trip we took to Dovedale
to help give the children an understanding of the context of their learning.
Keep looking out for Topic links on our class blog.
PSHE: Our SEAL unit this half term is Getting on and Falling out. We will be learning how to manage our feelings and develop healthy relationships with others.
Computing: Our ICT this half term is ‘I am a Publisher. Children will be creating an ebook based on mountains.
PE: Our PE units this half term will be Hockey and Swimming (Swimming and PE kits MUST be in school every Monday)