3rd Australian Tunnelling Company

Instructions for Investigation Parties, September 3rd 1918


O.C. No.1 Section, 3rd Australian Tunnelling Company

O.C. No.2 Section, “ “ “ “

O.C. No.3 Section, “ “ “ “

O.C. No.4 Section, “ “ “ “

(a) There will be six investigation parties:- A,B,C,D,E & F.

Generally each party will consist of one officer, 3 N.C.Os., an 18 sappers.

The parties will be supplied and attached to Brigades as follows:-

Party / Supplied by / Attached to / Division / Subdivision of Party
A / No.1 Section / 45th Brigade / 15th Dvn / Each party will be subdivided into three squads of 1 N.C.O., and 6 sappers.
One squad will be attached to the Left Battalion, one to the Right Battalion and one to the Support Battalion as a reserve to the other two squads.
B / No.4 Section / 44th Brigade / 15th Dvn
C / No.4 Section / 46th Brigade / 15th Dvn
D / No.3 Section / 17th Brigade / 24th Dvn
E / No.2 Section / 72nd Brigade / 24th Dvn
F / No.2 Section / 73rd Brigade / 24th Dvn

(b) The Brigades to which the parties are attached will detail infantry to accompany each party. One platoon-section (8 men) to each squad. If additional me are required they will be arranged for direct with the Brigade by the officer in charge of the party.

(c) Each squad will carry one small chlorine cylinder to deal with any dugouts which may be found to have been affected by Yellow Cross Gas installed by the enemy.

The instructions detailed for the use of these cylinders of Chlorine gas must be very carefully complied with.

(d) Os.C., parties must be instructed to get into touch as soon as possible with the Infantry Battalion Commanders they are to work with, discuss all details, and fix assembly posts for their parties and attached infantry. They will not move up to assembly points until ordered to, but will make depots of all stores and rations required.

Parties will only move forward for investigation on the order of the Brigadier, who will give that order when he is satisfied that the line ahead is held by posts and protected.

Investigation will be first made of main roads, road junctions, railway embankments, bridges, tunnels and squares, and afterwards in detail of cellars and dug-outs.

(e) The approximate Map locations of all dugouts etc., examined with particulars of their capacity to accommodate troops and details of protection afforded will be carefully recorded, also the map location and full particulars of all enemy traps or mines discovered with details of action taken to render harmless. This information will be sent direct to Headquarters with the daily report for 24 hours ending 6 a.m. The daily report will indicate clearly the area which has been completely or partially examined as the case may be during the previous 24 hours.

(f) Marking of Traps Etc.

The following measures will be adopted by the investigation parties from the Tunnelling Coys., when searching captured enemy territory for mines and traps.

Each member of the party will wear a distinguishing badge (consisting of a red strip of cloth one inch wide extending from the point of the shoulder to the cuff), on both sleeves.

Dug-outs which have been passed at he first examination will be marked at the entrance with green chalk the ward “examined”, and the date and signature of the Tunnelling company concerned.

After final examination for delayed action mines has been completed, a white tin sign will be nailed up, lettered in black as follows:-

Dug-outs in which booby traps are found, or which are considered dangerous, will be marked either in red chalk as follows:-

Or will have a red tin sign nailed up, lettered in black as follows:-

Roads will be marked as follows:-

(g) When mines or traps are discovered and it is not possible to at once render them harmless, the Brigade concerned must be given immediate warning, and the requisite notices posted.

It must be remembered that the operation of rendering a delayed action trap or mine harmless is safer the earlier it is carried out.

In some cases where no great damage can be done it may be advisable to explode the trap or mine in preference to attempting its removal.

(h) The O.C., each party must arrange to be in touch at all times with the Brigade to which he is attached, so that messages sent to him through the Brigade may be immediately forwarded. A runner will be left at Brigade Headquarters for this purpose.

(i) While carrying out investigations the greatest use will be made of any prisoners having knowledge of the locality. A sharp look-out must be kept for electric cables, which should be cut. Great care must, however, be taken to see that our own communication lines are not interfered with and all cables under strain (taut) must first be followed up to make sure that the cutting of the cable will not by releasing the strain fire a “trap” mine.

(j) Each squad will carry the following tools, etc.:-

3  Small picks

2  Wire cutters

1 Tomahawk

1 Life line

6 Jack knives

6 Green chalks

6 Red chalks

6 White chalks

1 Electric torch

1 Packet small nails

2 Small mobile charges

1 Tube primers (10)

12 Yds. Fuse (safety)

10 Detonators

24  Candles & matches

12  Fuse lighters

18  Sign plates “Considered Safe”

12 “ “ “Mined Dangerous”

6 Road Sign Plates “Danger”

12 “ “ “ “Safe”

2  Maps of area to be examined

1  Salvus Set and one set of gas protection overalls per party.

(k) Rifle, Bayonet, S.B.R., Steel Helmet, 50 rounds S.A.A., haversack and water bottle will be carried. One iron ration in haversack to be used in case of emergency on order of O.C., Party.

(l) Officers will see that all O.Rs., are instructed in regard to the details of the various types of “booby traps” and mines which have been left by the enemy in other areas.

(m) Wells will be marked “water dangerous” until tests prove the water to be safe for use.

(n) Any letters, plans, pamphlets or other documents will be collected and sent to Headquarters for investigation.

Alex Sanderson


C.O., 3rd Australian Tunnelling Company.

From the Diary of 5798 Sapper George Oxman – 3rd Australian Tunnelling Company

October 18th 1918

came through 2 or 3 small towns – we took 24 big shells out of the road that fritz didn’t explode, the people singing & crying for joy at seeing the British troops marching along - giving us hot coffee as we dug out the shells - we wore red strip down both arms so as the tommy’s would know if they found any traps to send for us - there were 12 of us.