Sample of Potential Cascadia Survey for Businesses

(Results provide a baseline of employee preparedness and percentage of workforce
within walking distance of worksite)

  1. How far do you live from your primary work location?

Less than 1 mile

Between 1 -2 miles

Between 2-4 miles

Between 4-8 miles

Between 8-15 miles

Between 15-40 miles

More than 40 miles

  1. If you were not able to get homefrom work because of road problems, how far is it to a place you would be welcome to stay for at least a few days?

Less than 1 mile

Between 1-2 miles

Between 2-4 miles

Between 4-8 miles

Between 8-15 miles

Between 15-40 miles

More than 40 miles

  1. How confident are you that you would be able to walk in a day, under stressful and perhaps dangerous conditions (smoke, dust, debris in path, etc.), in order to get home from work?

Less than 1 mile

Between 1-2 miles

Between 2-4 miles

Between 4-8 miles

Between 8-15 miles

More than 15 miles

  1. How long do you estimate it would take you to walk home from your worksite if you had to?

Less than 1 hour

1-3 hours

3-6 hours

6-8 hours

1-2 days

More than 2 days

  1. How many bridges or overpasses are between your worksite and where you live?




More than 2

  1. How much weight do you believe you could carry with you, if you needed to walk a number of miles to get home or to a place you could stay?

Under 5 pounds

Between 5 – 10 pounds

Between 11 – 15 pounds

Between 16 – 20 pounds

Between 21 – 30 pounds

More than 30 pounds

  1. Which of the following do you have in your car today?

At least a bottle of water

A large bottle of water

A gallon of water

More than a gallon of water

A detailed map of the area between your work and your home

A flashlight with recently tested batteries

A blanket or emergency blanket

Non-perishable food – less than 1 pound, between 1-3 pounds, between 4-6 pounds, more than 6 pounds

Sturdy shoes

Sturdy gloves

A hat

A sturdy bag or backpack to carry needed items in

A long-sleeved shirt

Sturdy pants

A first-aid kit

Information on what to do in an emergency

An emergency radio with recently tested batteries or recently tested crank model


A dust mask


More than a half tank of gas

  1. How much do you know about the likely impacts of a CascadiaSubduction Zone earthquake?


A little

A fair amount

Quite a bit

A lot

Nearly as much as an expert

Expert level knowledge

  1. In what ways do you expect your employer will be able to help you at work in the event of a Cascadia earthquake occurring during the work day? (check all that apply)

Develop alist based on your particular business. This is to understand and then manage expectations of employees/help with action planning.