Physical Health

*Nutrition-__The process by which your body takes in and uses food as energy____

*Calorie-_____Unit of heat energy._____

-compares the energy available in different foods.

6 Basic Nutrients

1. Carbohydrates-__Sugars and starches found in fruits vegetables and grains. _

a. simple ( -OSE )-Quick energy. Dissolves easily.

b. complex ( Starches )-Long chains of glucose. Dissolve slower.

_____4_____calories per gram

2. __FAT____-most concentrated form of energy.

-one ounce of fat provides more than twice as much energy as an ounce of carbohydrate. They contain less oxygen and are harder to burn off.

______9____calories per gram

3. Protein-_Nutrients made up of amino acids that build and repair body tissue and cells.

a. __Essential Amino Acids___-a group of nine amino acids the body cannot manufacture and must be supplied by the foods you eat.

1. complete protein:

2. incomplete protein:

______4_____calories per gram

4. _Vitamins____-chemical substances found in food that help regulate body processes.

-developed naturally as plants and animals grow. Cannot be manufactured by the body, must be supplied by foods you eat.

a. ___Fat Soluble___-dissolve in fat and can be stored by the body.

b. ___Water Soluble___-dissolve in water and cannot be stored by the body.

5. __Minerals____-substance found in the environment that help regulate body processes.

-body does not store any minerals. They need to be replenished by the foods you eat.


6. Water-___The most essential and abundant nutrient in the body.___

-60-65% of your body weight is water.

  • __Deficiency____-having too little of a substance.

-can cause serious physical disorders.

Empty Calorie: __A high calorie food with little or no nutritional value.____

Choose My Plate

Amount of calories needed:

Teenaged Boys:___approx 2500-3000______

Teenaged Girls:___approx 2000-2500______

Adults:__approx 2000______

Exercise Guideline:

Adults should get physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day. Children should get at least 60 minutes a day. To maintain weight loss or prevent weight gain you may have to exercise for 60-90 minutes daily.


*Additives-_substances added to food to improve the nutritional value and/or freshness.

a. __Preservatives__-prevents spoiling

b. Enriched-__Replaces nutrients during processing.____

c. __Fortified__-vitamins and minerals are added to deficient

products. Ex. __Orange Juice fortified with calcium_____

Commom Additives:

Ascorbic Acid: Preservative, Vitamin C additive.

Aspartame: Sweetener

Calcium Chloride: Firming Agent, Source of Calcium

Monoglycerides and Diglycerides: Emulsifier

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): Flavor enhancer

Xanthan Gum: Fat Replacer, Stabilizer/Thickener/Binder/Texturize

Weight Control

*Appetite-___The desire to eat based on the pleasure from eating______

-learned behavioral response

*Hunger-___The body’s response to the need for food._____

-brain alerts the body when it is low on fuel

* _Metabolism_-rate at which your body uses food to release energy.

Calories__IN___< Calories __OUT__= ___LOSE WEIGHT_____

Calories __IN__ > Calories __OUT__= ___GAIN WEIGHT_____

Calories __IN__= Calories __OUT__= ___MAINTAIN WEIGHT___

1 pound of body fat =__3500__calories!!!

1 pound of muscle burns _40_ calories a day whereas 1 pound of fat burns_2__ a day.

Dangerous Weight Loss Techniques:

*Anorexia Nervosa-_Rapid and constant weight loss through starvation/ excessive exercise

*_Bulimia Nervosa_-overeating and ridding the body of food by vomiting or laxatives.

*Fad Diets-__Pills, powders, restrictive diets to lose weight fast. Unrealistic results.___

* Physical Fitness-_The ability of your heart, lungs and muscles to work their best.

Being “in shape” or “being conditioned”

* 5 Elements of Fitness: How overall fitness is broken down.

  1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance- _The ability of your heart, lungs and blood vessels to send fuel and oxygen through your body over a period of time.
  2. _Muscle Strength_ - The amount of force your muscles can exert.Example: Pushing, pulling, lifting

3. Muscular Endurance- The ability of your muscles to perform physical tasks over a long period of time without tiring.

Example: Carrying boxes up and down a flight of stairs

  1. _Flexibility__- The ability of your body to move through a full range of motion.

5. Body Composition-_The ratio of fat tissue to all other tissue in the body. Also called BMI. BMI: stands for Body Mass Index

Physical Fitness-_The ability of your heart, lings, muscles to work their best.__

Benefits of physical fitness are:

a. tone muscleg. lower blood pressure

b. improve muscle strengthh. improve self image

c. improve muscle endurancei. weight management

d. improve flexibilityj. increased resistance to diseases

e. reduce stressk. reduce risk of heart disease

f. increase energyl. reduce chance of injury

Aerobic Exercise: _All rhythmic activities that use large muscle groups for an extended period of time. Raise your heart rate and increase your body’s use of oxygen.

Example: Running, Walking, Jogging, Biking, Swimming

Anaerobic Exercise:_ Activities that involve intense, short bursts of activities in which the muscles work so hard they produce energy without oxygen.

Example: Lifting weights, sprinting

Exercise Guidelines:

  1. Frequency-__How often you work out______
  2. Regular exercise (cardio-strength training) 3x a week = ______
  3. Regular exercise 5x’s a week =______
  1. Intensity-__How hard you work out.____
  2. __Target Heart Rate_____ (THR) the rate at which you must exercise your heart and lungs to imporove cardiorespiratory fitness and burn calories.

THR=Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) x physical output.

  1. 220- your age =MHR______
  2. MHR x.60 =______

x.70 =______

x.80 = ______

-world class athletes can go higher than .80

  1. Duration-_How long you work out. ______

-Greatest physical benefit occurs (fat burning and cardiorespiratory improvement if THR is maintained for at least 20 minutes (beginners/out of shape).

Work Out Stages:

1. __Warm-up___-5-10 minutes of light cardio and stretching.

- never stretch cold

2. Conditioning-___The period of vigorous exercise___

3. __Cool-Down______-5-10 minutes of light cardio and re-stretching to prevent cramps and soreness.


Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink. Thirst is one of the symptoms of early stages of dehydration (Heat Cramps).

Drink 2-3 cups of water 2 hours before the event and practice.

Drink 1-2 cups of water 15 minutes the event and practice.

If possible, drink ½ cup of water or sports drink every 15-20 minutes during the event and during practice.

Sports drinks are helpful during endurance events lasting more than 60 minutes. They provide additional carbohydrates for energy and can enhance water absorption due to the presence of sodium (If you plan to drink a sports drink, be sure to try it during practice).

Avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and soda. They can cause dehydration by increasing fluid loss.

Begin replacing fluid losses immediately after exercise for quickest recovery. Drink 16oz. of water for every pound lost in exercise or competition. If weight on the following day is not within 1% of the pre-exercising weight of the previous day, it may not be advisable for the athlete to work out.

Determine your own hydration status by monitoring your urine. You should urinate frequently throughout the day. Urine should be clear and significant in quantity and should not be dark and concentrated.

A 2% sweat loss may reduce your work capacity by 10-15% of your maximum potential. That could be the difference between winning and losing.

For more information on Sports Nutrition and Wellness please call Karen Sossin, MD, CDN at (516) 578-7092

Women’s Height/Weight


Height / Small Frame / Medium Frame / Large Frame
4'10" / 102-111 / 109-121 / 118-131
4'11" / 103-113 / 111-123 / 120-134
5'0" / 104-115 / 113-126 / 122-137
5'1" / 106-118 / 115-129 / 125-140
5'2" / 108-121 / 118-132 / 128-143
5'3" / 111-124 / 121-135 / 131-147
5'4" / 114-127 / 124-138 / 134-151
5'5" / 117-130 / 127-141 / 137-155
5'6" / 120-133 / 130-144 / 140-159
5'7" / 123-136 / 133-147 / 143-163
5'8" / 126-139 / 136-150 / 146-167
5'9" / 129-142 / 139-153 / 149-170
5'10" / 132-145 / 142-156 / 152-173
5'11" / 135-148 / 145-159 / 155-176
6'0" / 138-151 / 148-162 / 158-179

Men’s Height/Weight


Height / Small Frame / Medium Frame / Large Frame
5'2" / 128-134 / 131-141 / 138-150
5'3" / 130-136 / 133-143 / 140-153
5'4" / 132-138 / 135-145 / 142-156
5'5" / 134-140 / 137-148 / 144-160
5'6" / 136-142 / 139-151 / 146-164
5'7" / 138-145 / 142-154 / 149-168
5'8" / 140-148 / 145-157 / 152-172
5'9" / 142-151 / 148-160 / 155-176
5'10" / 144-154 / 151-163 / 158-180
5'11" / 146-157 / 154-166 / 161-184
6'0" / 149-160 / 157-170 / 164-188
6'1" / 152-164 / 160-174 / 168-192
6'2" / 155-168 / 164-178 / 172-197
6'3" / 158-172 / 167-182 / 176-202
6'4" / 162-176 / 171-187 / 181-207

Exercise Calorie Expenditures – Sorted by activity

This table is provided to give you an idea of how many calories you may be expending while performing a range of activities for 30 minutes. Each column shows the estimated calories for a specific body weight.

Activity / 90 lbs. / 100 lbs. / 110 lbs. / 120 lbs. / 130 lbs. / 140 lbs. / 150 lbs. / 160 lbs. / 170 lbs. / 180 lbs. / 190 lbs. / 200 lbs. / 220 lbs. / 240 lbs. / 260 lbs. / 280 lbs. / 300 lbs.
Aerobic dancing (low impact) / 104 / 115 / 127 / 138 / 149 / 161 / 172 / 184 / 195 / 207 / 218 / 230 / 253 / 276 / 299 / 322 / 345
Aerobics step training, 4" step (beginner) / 131 / 145 / 160 / 174 / 189 / 203 / 218 / 232 / 247 / 261 / 276 / 290 / 319 / 348 / 377 / 406 / 435
Aerobics, slide training (basic) / 135 / 150 / 165 / 180 / 195 / 210 / 225 / 240 / 255 / 270 / 285 / 300 / 330 / 360 / 390 / 420 / 450
Backpacking with 10 lb. load / 162 / 180 / 198 / 216 / 234 / 252 / 270 / 288 / 306 / 324 / 342 / 360 / 396 / 432 / 468 / 504 / 540
Backpacking with 20 lb. load / 180 / 200 / 220 / 240 / 260 / 280 / 300 / 320 / 340 / 360 / 380 / 400 / 440 / 480 / 520 / 560 / 600
Backpacking with 30 lb. load / 211 / 235 / 259 / 282 / 306 / 329 / 352 / 376 / 399 / 423 / 446 / 470 / 517 / 564 / 611 / 658 / 705
Badminton / 135 / 150 / 165 / 180 / 195 / 210 / 225 / 240 / 255 / 270 / 285 / 300 / 330 / 360 / 390 / 420 / 450
Basketball (game) / 198 / 220 / 242 / 264 / 286 / 308 / 330 / 352 / 374 / 396 / 418 / 440 / 484 / 528 / 572 / 616 / 660
Basketball (leisurely, nongame) / 117 / 130 / 143 / 156 / 169 / 182 / 195 / 208 / 221 / 234 / 247 / 260 / 286 / 312 / 338 / 364 / 390
Bicycling, 10 mph (6 minutes/mile) / 112 / 125 / 138 / 150 / 162 / 175 / 188 / 200 / 213 / 225 / 237 / 250 / 275 / 300 / 325 / 350 / 375
Bicycling, 13 mph (4.6 minutes/mile) / 180 / 200 / 220 / 240 / 260 / 280 / 300 / 320 / 340 / 360 / 380 / 400 / 440 / 480 / 520 / 560 / 600
Billiards / 41 / 45 / 49 / 54 / 58 / 63 / 68 / 72 / 76 / 81 / 85 / 90 / 99 / 108 / 117 / 126 / 135
Bowling / 50 / 55 / 60 / 66 / 72 / 77 / 82 / 88 / 94 / 99 / 105 / 110 / 121 / 132 / 143 / 154 / 165
Canoeing, 2.5 mph / 63 / 70 / 77 / 84 / 91 / 98 / 105 / 112 / 119 / 126 / 133 / 140 / 154 / 168 / 182 / 196 / 210
Canoeing, 4.0 mph / 122 / 135 / 149 / 162 / 175 / 189 / 202 / 216 / 230 / 243 / 257 / 270 / 297 / 324 / 351 / 378 / 405
Croquet / 54 / 60 / 66 / 72 / 78 / 84 / 90 / 96 / 102 / 108 / 114 / 120 / 132 / 144 / 156 / 168 / 180
Cross country snow skiing, intense / 297 / 330 / 363 / 396 / 429 / 462 / 495 / 528 / 561 / 594 / 627 / 660 / 726 / 792 / 858 / 924 / 990
Cross country snow skiing, leisurely / 140 / 155 / 171 / 186 / 202 / 217 / 232 / 248 / 263 / 279 / 294 / 310 / 341 / 372 / 403 / 434 / 465
Cross country snow skiing, moderate / 198 / 220 / 242 / 264 / 286 / 308 / 330 / 352 / 374 / 396 / 418 / 440 / 484 / 528 / 572 / 616 / 660
Dancing (noncontact) / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 / 140 / 150 / 160 / 170 / 180 / 190 / 200 / 220 / 240 / 260 / 280 / 300
Dancing (slow) / 50 / 55 / 60 / 66 / 72 / 77 / 82 / 88 / 94 / 99 / 105 / 110 / 121 / 132 / 143 / 154 / 165
Gardening, moderate / 81 / 90 / 99 / 108 / 117 / 126 / 135 / 144 / 153 / 162 / 171 / 180 / 198 / 216 / 234 / 252 / 270
Golfing (walking, w/o cart) / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 / 140 / 150 / 160 / 170 / 180 / 190 / 200 / 220 / 240 / 260 / 280 / 300
Golfing (with a cart) / 63 / 70 / 77 / 84 / 91 / 98 / 105 / 112 / 119 / 126 / 133 / 140 / 154 / 168 / 182 / 196 / 210
Handball / 207 / 230 / 253 / 276 / 299 / 322 / 345 / 368 / 391 / 414 / 437 / 460 / 506 / 552 / 598 / 644 / 690
Hiking with a 10 lb. load / 162 / 180 / 198 / 216 / 234 / 252 / 270 / 288 / 306 / 324 / 342 / 360 / 396 / 432 / 468 / 504 / 540
Hiking with a 20 lb. load / 180 / 200 / 220 / 240 / 260 / 280 / 300 / 320 / 340 / 360 / 380 / 400 / 440 / 480 / 520 / 560 / 600
Hiking with a 30 lb. load / 211 / 235 / 259 / 282 / 306 / 329 / 352 / 376 / 399 / 423 / 446 / 470 / 517 / 564 / 611 / 658 / 705
Hiking, no load / 140 / 155 / 171 / 186 / 202 / 217 / 232 / 248 / 263 / 279 / 294 / 310 / 341 / 372 / 403 / 434 / 465
Housework / 81 / 90 / 99 / 108 / 117 / 126 / 135 / 144 / 153 / 162 / 171 / 180 / 198 / 216 / 234 / 252 / 270
Ironing / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 / 140 / 150
Jogging, 5 mph (12 minutes/mile) / 167 / 185 / 203 / 222 / 240 / 259 / 278 / 296 / 315 / 333 / 352 / 370 / 407 / 444 / 481 / 518 / 555
Jogging, 6 mph (10 minutes/mile) / 207 / 230 / 253 / 276 / 299 / 322 / 345 / 368 / 391 / 414 / 437 / 460 / 506 / 552 / 598 / 644 / 690
Mopping / 77 / 85 / 94 / 102 / 111 / 119 / 128 / 136 / 144 / 153 / 162 / 170 / 187 / 204 / 221 / 238 / 255
Mowing / 122 / 135 / 149 / 162 / 175 / 189 / 202 / 216 / 230 / 243 / 257 / 270 / 297 / 324 / 351 / 378 / 405
Ping Pong / 81 / 90 / 99 / 108 / 117 / 126 / 135 / 144 / 153 / 162 / 171 / 180 / 198 / 216 / 234 / 252 / 270
Raking / 68 / 75 / 82 / 90 / 98 / 105 / 112 / 120 / 128 / 135 / 142 / 150 / 165 / 180 / 195 / 210 / 225
Raquetball / 185 / 205 / 225 / 246 / 266 / 287 / 308 / 328 / 349 / 369 / 389 / 410 / 451 / 492 / 533 / 574 / 615
Rowing (leisurely) / 68 / 75 / 82 / 90 / 98 / 105 / 112 / 120 / 128 / 135 / 142 / 150 / 165 / 180 / 195 / 210 / 225
Rowing machine / 162 / 180 / 198 / 216 / 234 / 252 / 270 / 288 / 306 / 324 / 342 / 360 / 396 / 432 / 468 / 504 / 540
Running, 08 mph (7.5 minutes/mile) / 274 / 305 / 336 / 366 / 396 / 427 / 458 / 488 / 518 / 549 / 579 / 610 / 671 / 732 / 793 / 854 / 915
Running, 09 mph (6.7 minutes/mile) / 297 / 330 / 363 / 396 / 429 / 462 / 495 / 528 / 561 / 594 / 627 / 660 / 726 / 792 / 858 / 924 / 990
Running, 10 mph (6 minutes/mile) / 315 / 350 / 385 / 420 / 455 / 490 / 525 / 560 / 595 / 630 / 665 / 700 / 770 / 840 / 910 / 980 / 1050
Scrubbing the floor / 126 / 140 / 154 / 168 / 182 / 196 / 210 / 224 / 238 / 252 / 266 / 280 / 308 / 336 / 364 / 392 / 420
Scuba diving / 171 / 190 / 209 / 228 / 247 / 266 / 285 / 304 / 323 / 342 / 361 / 380 / 418 / 456 / 494 / 532 / 570
Shopping for groceries / 54 / 60 / 66 / 72 / 78 / 84 / 90 / 96 / 102 / 108 / 114 / 120 / 132 / 144 / 156 / 168 / 180
Skipping rope / 257 / 285 / 313 / 342 / 370 / 399 / 428 / 456 / 484 / 513 / 541 / 570 / 627 / 684 / 741 / 798 / 855
Snow shoveling / 176 / 195 / 215 / 234 / 253 / 273 / 292 / 312 / 332 / 351 / 371 / 390 / 429 / 468 / 507 / 546 / 585
Snow skiing, downhill / 117 / 130 / 143 / 156 / 169 / 182 / 195 / 208 / 221 / 234 / 247 / 260 / 286 / 312 / 338 / 364 / 390
Soccer / 176 / 195 / 215 / 234 / 253 / 273 / 292 / 312 / 332 / 351 / 371 / 390 / 429 / 468 / 507 / 546 / 585
Squash / 185 / 205 / 225 / 246 / 266 / 287 / 308 / 328 / 349 / 369 / 389 / 410 / 451 / 492 / 533 / 574 / 615
Stair climber machine / 144 / 160 / 176 / 192 / 208 / 224 / 240 / 256 / 272 / 288 / 304 / 320 / 352 / 384 / 416 / 448 / 480
Stair climbing / 126 / 140 / 154 / 168 / 182 / 196 / 210 / 224 / 238 / 252 / 266 / 280 / 308 / 336 / 364 / 392 / 420
Swimming (25 yards/minute) / 108 / 120 / 132 / 144 / 156 / 168 / 180 / 192 / 204 / 216 / 228 / 240 / 264 / 288 / 312 / 336 / 360
Swimming (50 yards/minute) / 202 / 225 / 248 / 270 / 292 / 315 / 338 / 360 / 382 / 405 / 428 / 450 / 495 / 540 / 585 / 630 / 675
Table Tennis / 81 / 90 / 99 / 108 / 117 / 126 / 135 / 144 / 153 / 162 / 171 / 180 / 198 / 216 / 234 / 252 / 270
Tennis / 144 / 160 / 176 / 192 / 208 / 224 / 240 / 256 / 272 / 288 / 304 / 320 / 352 / 384 / 416 / 448 / 480
Tennis (doubles) / 99 / 110 / 121 / 132 / 143 / 154 / 165 / 176 / 187 / 198 / 209 / 220 / 242 / 264 / 286 / 308 / 330
Trimming hedges / 94 / 105 / 115 / 126 / 136 / 147 / 158 / 168 / 178 / 189 / 199 / 210 / 231 / 252 / 273 / 294 / 315
Vacuuming / 68 / 75 / 82 / 90 / 98 / 105 / 112 / 120 / 128 / 135 / 142 / 150 / 165 / 180 / 195 / 210 / 225
Volleyball (game) / 108 / 120 / 132 / 144 / 156 / 168 / 180 / 192 / 204 / 216 / 228 / 240 / 264 / 288 / 312 / 336 / 360
Volleyball (leisurely) / 63 / 70 / 77 / 84 / 91 / 98 / 105 / 112 / 119 / 126 / 133 / 140 / 154 / 168 / 182 / 196 / 210
Walking, 2 mph (30 minutes/mile) / 54 / 60 / 66 / 72 / 78 / 84 / 90 / 96 / 102 / 108 / 114 / 120 / 132 / 144 / 156 / 168 / 180
Walking, 3 mph (20 minutes/mile) / 72 / 80 / 88 / 96 / 104 / 112 / 120 / 128 / 136 / 144 / 152 / 160 / 176 / 192 / 208 / 224 / 240
Walking, 4 mph (15 minutes/mile) / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 / 140 / 150 / 160 / 170 / 180 / 190 / 200 / 220 / 240 / 260 / 280 / 300
Washing the car / 68 / 75 / 82 / 90 / 98 / 105 / 112 / 120 / 128 / 135 / 142 / 150 / 165 / 180 / 195 / 210 / 225
Waterskiing / 144 / 160 / 176 / 192 / 208 / 224 / 240 / 256 / 272 / 288 / 304 / 320 / 352 / 384 / 416 / 448 / 480
Waxing the car / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 / 140 / 150 / 160 / 170 / 180 / 190 / 200 / 220 / 240 / 260 / 280 / 300
Weeding / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 / 140 / 150 / 160 / 170 / 180 / 190 / 200 / 220 / 240 / 260 / 280 / 300
Weight training (40 sec. between sets) / 230 / 255 / 280 / 306 / 332 / 357 / 382 / 408 / 433 / 459 / 484 / 510 / 561 / 612 / 663 / 714 / 765
Weight training (60 sec. between sets) / 171 / 190 / 209 / 228 / 247 / 266 / 285 / 304 / 323 / 342 / 361 / 380 / 418 / 456 / 494 / 532 / 570
Weight training (90 sec. between sets) / 112 / 125 / 138 / 150 / 162 / 175 / 188 / 200 / 213 / 225 / 237 / 250 / 275 / 300 / 325 / 350 / 375
Window cleaning / 68 / 75 / 82 / 90 / 98 / 105 / 112 / 120 / 128 / 135 / 142 / 150 / 165 / 180 / 195 / 210 / 225