Difference of just FOUR SC Senators forcing South Carolina

to continue to FUND State Health Insurance Plan abortions

If just FOUR SC Senators out of the 24 who voted to force Christian pro-life taxpayers to pay for

the shedding of innocent blood on April 28th had switched their vote, from pro-child-murder-funding,

to a vote to do their duty as civil ministers and protect innocent human life, instead of forcing us to be

complicit in the destruction of innocent human life, then South Carolina would have been spared another year of funding child-murder for selected "abortions" in the State Health Insurance Plan,

part of the SC State Budget ( 2010-2011 State General Appropriations Bill - H 4657 ). Does SC really expect to be blessed financially in our State finances when some of those finances are used to shed innocent blood, to rebel against God, and violate His Holy Word (Matthew 6:33, Proverb 14:34,

Psalm 9:17) ? Our leaders reckon without God.

The final votes in the SC House and SC Senate on the child-murder-funding 2010-2011

SC State Budget conference report could perhaps begin as early as Tuesday, June 1st.

The regular legislative session ends for the year on Thursday, June 3rd.





There is a total of 46 Senators, 27 Republican, 19 Democrats, in the SC State Senate.

The pro-life / anti-abortion amendment was tabled (killed) in the SC Senate by a vote of 24 - 17

on April 28. These are the 24 SC Senators (12 - R, 12 - D) who voted against the pro-life /

anti-abortion amendment on April 28, forcing SC taxpayers to continue paying for "abortions" in

the State Health Insurance Plan in the Senate version of the 2010-2011 State Budget: Alexander, Campbell, Cleary, Coleman Courson, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Hutto, Knotts, Land, Leatherman, Leventis, Lourie, Malloy, Martin (Larry), McConnell, Nicholson, O'Dell, Peeler, Rankin, Scott, Setzler, Williams.


If just FOUR of these 24 had voted for life instead of for funding death, the pro-life /

anti-abortion amendment would have passed and become part of the SC Senate version

of the State Budget. Instead of the amendment being tabled by a vote of 24 - 17, it could have passed by a vote of 21 - 20. The amendment had already passed in the SC House:

Tom Alexander (R - Oconee & Pickens Cos.) - church affiliation listed in bio info - Bd. of Deacons,

Walhalla Presbyterian Church, 1980-82, 1984-86,

Chm., 1985 and Session 1987-90, Clerk

Paul Campbell (R - Berkeley Co.) - church affiliation listed in bio info - Elder,

Dorchester Presbyterian Church

Ray Cleary ( R - Charleston, Georgetown & Horry Cos.) - church affiliation listed in bio info - none listed

Creighton Coleman ( D - Chester, Fairfield, Union & York Cos.) - church affiliation listed in bio info -

Vestry at St. John's Episcopal

Church, 1997-99

John Courson ( R - Lexington & Richland Cos.) - church affiliation listed in bio info - Episcopalian

Dick Elliott ( D - Dillon, Horry, Marion & Marlboro Cos.) - church affiliation listed in bio info –

Asst. Sun. School Supt. & mem., Bd. of

Deacons, Ocean Dr. Presbyterian Church

Mike Fair ( R - Greenville Co.) - church affiliation listed in bio info - none listed - known to be

professing Christian

Robert Ford ( D - Charleston Co.) - church affiliation listed in bio info - mem., United Methodist Church

Brad Hutto ( D - Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell & Orangeburg Cos.) - church affiliation listed in bio info –

none listed

Jake Knotts ( R - Lexington Co.) - church affiliation listed in bio info - none listed

John Land ( D - Calhoun, Clarendon, Florence & Sumter Cos.) - church affiliation listed in bio info –

none listed

Hugh Leatherman ( R - Darlington & Florence Cos. ) - church affiliation listed in bio info –

mem., Central United Methodist Church

Phil Leventis ( D - Lee & Sumter Cos.) - church affiliation listed in bio info - none listed

Joel Lourie ( D - Kershaw & Richland Cos.) - religious affiliation listed in bio info - Adv. Bd. for the

Cola. Jewish Comm. Center

Gerald Malloy ( D - Chesterfield, Darlington, Lee & Marlboro Cos.) - church affiliation listed in bio info -

mem., Jerusalem Men's Ensemble,

Bd. of Trustees; Chm., Fin. Com.,

Jerusalem Baptist Church

Larry Martin ( R - Pickens Co.) - church affiliation listed in bio info - Pickens First Baptist Church;

Moderator and Sun. School Teacher ( note also: "special recognition

of service by nS.C. Baptist Convention, Nov. 2008 )

Glenn McConnell ( R - Charleston Co.) - church affiliation listed in bio info - Episcopal Church

of the Holy Communion

Floyd Nicholson ( D - Abbeville, Greenwood & Laurens Cos.) - church affiliation listed in bio info –

none listed

William O'Dell ( R - Abbeville, Anderson & Greenwood Cos.) - church affiliation listed in bio info -

Deacon, Mt. Gallagher Baptist Church,


Harvey Peeler ( R - Cherokee, Spartanburg, Union & York Cos.) - church affiliation listed in bio info –

mem.: Gaffney First Baptist Church

Luke Rankin ( R - Horry Co.) - church affiliation listed in bio info - none listed

John Scott ( D - Richland Co.) - church affiliation listed in bio info - New Ebenezer Baptist Church,

Church Clerk, 1980-95, Trustee Bd.,

1980-05, Deacon, 2005

Nikki Setzler ( D - Aiken, Lexington & Saluda Cos.) - church affiliation listed in bio info - none listed

Kent Williams ( D - Dillon, Florence, Marion & Marlboro Cos.) - church affiliation listed in bio info - mem.

& steward, St. James A.M.E. Church


Titus 1:16a, KJB - "They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him,..." [ emphasis added ]

How much more evidence is needed beyond this illustrative example that South Carolina is part of the RELIGION BELT, not the "Bible Belt" - a name it does not deserve. As much as these civil ministers in political office are completely responsible for their individual votes to sustain the shedding of innocent blood, nevertheless, is there not scriptural justification to assert the axiom: "As the church goes, so goes the nation ( or the state, city, county )" ? For example, ALL FOUR SC State Senators from the Lexington County (Courson, Cromer, Knotts, Setzler) voted against the SC Personhood Bill (S.450) on April 13. What does that say about the weak condition of the Christian churches in Lexington County, South Carolina ?

This land is POLLUTED with INNOCENT BLOOD (Numbers 35:33, KJB) - THIS IS WHY WE ARE BEING TURNED OVER TO TYRANNY IN THIS COUNTRY, BY THE HAND OF GOD, AS DIVINE JUDGMENT FOR CHILD-SACRIFICE-BY-'ABORTION' (Psalm 106:37-44). These 24 Senators are inviting the Judgment of God upon the people and State of South Carolina

by their wicked vote.

May God have mercy upon us, and may the Christians of South Carolina understand that THIS is the type of wickedness (as well as the Republican-majority SC Senate's 24 - 18 vote against the Recall attempt on April 13 by Christian pro-life Senator Lee Bright, to pull the SC Personhood Bill (S.450) out of the SC Senate Judiciary Subcommittee where it was and is blocked by Republican Senators McConnell / Knotts), which is a principal spiritual cause of the demise of this country, and the spiritual root of why we have been given over to wicked

political leaders, some of whom at the national level especially, are intentionally bringing about the downfall of this country (NWO).

So many Christians it seems, look at "abortion" as just another one of many political issues,

and are more concerned with the devastating spending, bailouts, federal deficit, national debt,

and the runaway printing of our fiat paper money. Some are more concerned about the invasion

of millions of illegal aliens over our southern border. However it seems as though there are few who understand the shedding of innocent blood is a major driving spiritual reason why these things are coming upon America, taking us down a road to our eventual destruction as a nation. God wants us to Repent. The Bible shows us He will regard our affliction when He hears our cry (Psalm 106:44, KJB).

Read Psalm 106:37-44, and read what GOD SAYS about the connection between child-sacrifice and our being turned over to those who hate us, those who oppress us, in short, to tyranny. Read 2 Kings 24:1-4, and see what GOD SAYS about the connection between the shedding of innocent blood and FOREIGN INVASION and WAR.

Perhaps when we are ready to focus on the things about which God has controversies with America, and especially about which God has controversies with the Christians in America, THEN He will become our Advocate in combating our enemies, instead of turning us over to them for judgment and punishment. Without Repentance, especially by Christians, the result for America will be NATIONAL CALAMITY.

George Mason (Father of the Bill of Rights), VA delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 said regarding the national sin of American Slavery:

"providence punishes national sins, by national calamities."

The delegates did not listen to Mason, but instead bowed to the pressure of South Carolina and Georgia, who would not join the other States without the protection of their wicked institution

of unbiblical Slavery. 70+ years later, the nation endured and suffered a calamity which affects

us still to this day: the 1861-1865 War Between Americans, in which over 600,000 Americans

were killed because of our war against ourselves. Could it happen again ? Yes. If not civil war,

God will use some other means to recompense (Gen. 4:10, Nu. 35:33) the shed innocent blood

of the unborn, 51+ MILLION murdered by surgical abortion alone.

It is no small matter that SC Senators have voted to continue forcing South Carolina taxpayers

to fund the shedding of innocent blood. When will the Christians in our State take the matter more seriously ?


The progression of this matter in the SC Legislature in 2010 has been:

1) March 17-18: The Republican-majority SC House in an all-night session debating the State Budget,

passed a pro-life / anti-abortion budget amendment sponsored by Christian pro-life Representative

Rex Rice, by a vote of 75 - 38:

March 17-18, 2010 - Persevering Republican Majority SC House votes to REMOVE Abortion Funding

for rape, incest, and unrestricted life of the mother cases in South Carolina State "Health" Insurance Plan

- Pro-Life, Anti-Abortion-Funding Amendment to SC State Budget championed by Rep. Rex Rice (R-Easley) PASSES !!!

- Commendable, late-night, sustained effort by Republican Majority SC House against persistent pro-abortion efforts


2) April 28: The Republican-majority SC Senate DEFEATED the pro-life / anti-abortion budget

amendment (virtually the same as the House amendment) sponsored by Christian pro-life Senator

David Thomas, by a vote of 24 - 17:

Republican-Majority South Carolina Senate votes to continue

Abortion-Funding in State Health Insurance Plan by 24 - 17 vote




Wednesday, April 28, 2010


SC Senate Journal - April 28, 2010 - Budget amendment to de-fund State Health Insurance Plan abortions,

introduced by SC Senator David Thomas (R-Greenville)

- Pro-Life, Anti-Abortion-Funding Amendment to SC State Budget championed by Sen. David Thomas (R-Greenville) DEFEATED.

- DEFEATED by Republican-Majority SC Senate (27 R, 19 D), by a vote of 24 - 17.


3) May 27 [ Thursday ] : The six-man ( FOUR REPUBLICANS, two Democrats ) House-Senate Budget

Conference Committee *** agreed to throw out the SC House-passed amendment (March 17-18)

banning state-funding of abortions in the State Health Insurance Plan for rape, incest, and unrestricted

life of the mother "abortions", in a compromise regarding the 2010-2011 State Budget, preparing the

way for votes in the SC House and SC Senate perhaps beginning as early as Tuesday, June 1st, on

the full State Budget, now with the child-murder-funding in the State Health Insurance Plan included.

*** Senators: John Land (D-Clarendon), Hugh Leatherman (R-Florence), and Mike Fair (R-Greenville)

House Representatives: Kenny Bingham (R-Lexington), Bill Clyburn (D-Aiken), and Dan Cooper (R-Anderson).

Compromise $5 billion spending plan approved in SC


Posted: May 27, 2010 6:26 PM EDT / Updated: May 28, 2010 8:38 AM EDT


"But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it."

Psalm 94:15, KJB

"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18

Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ)

Hallelu-Yah !

Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary

dir., Columbia Christians for Life

Columbia, South Carolina

May 30, 2010



E-mail Report below from May 29, 2010 posted at:

SC House-Senate Budget Conference Committee abandons unborn babies in State Budget compromise
- The six-man ( FOUR REPUBLICANS, two Democrats ) House-Senate Budget Conference Committee
agreed to throw out the SC House-passed amendment ( March 17-18) banning state-funding of abortions
in the State Health Insurance Plan for rape, incest, and unrestricted life of the mother "abortions", in the
FY 2011 State Budget compromise [ FY 2011 State Appropriations (Budget) Bill - H 4657 ].
- The Republican-majority SC Senate had earlier ( April 28) refused to pass the same amendment.
May 27, 2010
