March 12, 2013

The executive board of the Virginia Mosquito Control Association held a meeting on March 12, 2013 at the Chesapeake Mosquito Control Deep Creek Office on Shell Rd.

Those present were Past President Lisa Wagenbrenner, President Joe Simmons, Vice President Jennifer Pierce, First Vice President Jay Kiser, Secretary/Treasurer Penny Smelser, TMVCC Representative LaToya White, MAMCA Representative Timothy DuBois, and Ann Herring.

The executive board meeting was called to order at 8:30am.

Motion was made by Jennifer Pierce and seconded by Jay Kiser to approve the meeting agenda. All in favor, none opposed.

The minutes for the meeting of January 17, 2013 were reviewed. Motion was made by Jennifer Pierce and seconded by Jay Kiser to accept the minutes. All in favor, none opposed.

The financial report for January 18 March 12, 2013 was reviewed. Motion made by Lisa Wagenbrenner and seconded by Jay Kiser to accept the financial report. All in favor, none opposed.

Officer Reports

Penny Smelser confirmed that Jennifer Pierce was added as an authorized user on the VMCA bank account.

Unfinished Business

Jennifer Pierce relayed the results from the Annual Meeting surveys. 33 surveys were turned in and comments were mostly positive.

Discussion was held via conference call with Lane Carr regarding the 2013 Annual Meeting finances. The meeting benefited greatly from vendor support this year.

Joe Simmons will send thank you letters to all presenters at the 2013 Annual Meeting.

New Business

New committee created to handle arrangements for hospitality room at Annual Meeting. Ann Herring suggested that the committee chair be granted a hotel room during meeting. Jay Kiser made a motion that the hospitality room committee chair and the VMCA president receive a comped hotel room during the 2014 Annual Meeting. Motion seconded by Jennifer Pierce, all in favor, none opposed.

Joe Simmons assigned the 2013 committee chairs:

  • Legislative: Randy Buchanan
  • Bylaws: George Wojcik
  • Annual Meeting: James Will
  • Vendor Planning: Jennifer Pierce
  • Photography: Betsey Hodson
  • Public Relations: Caleb Stitely
  • TMVCC: LaToya White
  • Local Arrangements: Tim DuBois
  • Audit: Chris DeHart
  • Website: Lane Carr
  • Ballot: Ann Herring
  • Social Media: Caleb Stitely
  • Nominating: Lisa Wagenbrenner
  • Special Awards: Jennifer Pierce
  • Education: Brian Prendergast
  • Historian: Tim DuBois
  • Information (Skeeter): Justin Anderson
  • MAMCA: Tim DuBois
  • Distribution Map: Jay Kiser
  • TRAST: Jay Kiser
  • Hospitality Room: Ann Herring

Tim DuBois will gather hotel proposals for the 2015 Annual Meeting to present at the April board meeting.

Virginia Beach Hilton has a new contact, Stephanie Hall, for conference arrangements. Meeting will be arranged to meet her and set up direct bill application.

Discussion was held on the amount of time that should allotted to vendors presenting at the Annual Meeting, as well as limiting presentations to sustaining members only.

The next Executive Board meeting will be held on April 17, 2013 at 9:00am at the Deep Creek office of the Chesapeake Mosquito Control Commission.

There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 9:41am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Penelope Smelser

Secretary/Treasurer VMCA