May 20, 2010

A regular meeting of the Town Board was held on May 20, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.

Item 1 – Roll call. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees; DeVore, Gustafson, Heaton, Moos, Thomas, Truax and Mayor Moser. Absent: Trustee DeVore. Attorney Anson was present.

Item 2 – Review of the Minutes of the April 15th and May 13th meetings. Trustee Gustafson moved the minutes of both meetings be approved as written, seconded by Trustee Thomas. Motion carried 5 – 0.

Item 3 – Medical marijuana: Discussion regarding the direction the Board would like the attorney and staff to take on this issue; outright ban or to allow with regulations. Attorney Anson stated the governor hasn’t signed the bill yet on the Medical Marijuana. Don Cadwallader reported CML is holding a webinar tomorrow which he is signed up for and will report findings to the board. Mayor Moser reported he has received comments from several citizens requesting the dispensaries and grow operations not be allowed. The Board received a letter from the Eaton Historical Society and the Library Broad requesting a ban. Dr. David Bagley, Duane Wilson, Mike Thornton, Mike Self and Jim Thomas all spoke against allowing the dispensaries and grow operations. There was no one in attendance to speak in favor of allowing the dispensaries and grow operations. The Mayor will talk to the County Commissioners and try to find out what their stand is regarding this issue. Robin Moser submitted a petition with 145 signatures urging the board not to allow any dispensary which would distribute, sell or grow marijuana in Eaton. The current ordinance has a moratorium lasting until September 2010, giving the town time to get further information to draft the appropriate document. Concluding a lengthy discussion the board directed staff and Attorney Anson to draft an ordinance banning the medical marijuana dispensaries and grow operations with a backup proposal that includes highly restrictive regulations. The Board and Mayor suggested the town start requiring business licenses which will help keep track of all businesses and what service they are providing, as well as where they are located and contact names and phone numbers. Attorney Anson and staff will draft an ordinance for the Board’s review at the June meeting.

Item 4 – Alan Holmberg, Anderson & Whitney: Review of the 2009 Audit. Alan Holmberg appeared before the Board to review the audit report and answer any questions. Concluding the review, Trustee Gustafson moved to accept the 2009 Audit for the Town and Eaton Housing Authority, seconded by Trustee Thomas. Motion carried 5 – 0.

Item 5 – Resolution 2010-05: U.S. Highway 85 Coalition. Trustee Thomas moved to approve the resolution, seconded by Trustee Truax. Motion carried 5 – 0.

Item 6 – Eaton Library Board appointment. The Board received a request from the Eaton Library Board for appointment of Marlene Richter to fill a vacant seat left by Mary Jimenez on their board. Trustee Thomas moved approval of the appointment, seconded by Trustee Gustafson. Motion carried 5 – 0.

Item 7 – Liquor licenses: Dragon Inn and Sertoma Club (Eaton Days Beer Garden). Attorney Anson reported all paperwork appeared to be in order for both licenses. Chief Jacobsen has no objection to the renewal of the Dragon Inn or approval of the Special Events for Sertoma. Trustee Moos moved approval be granted for renewal of the Dragon Inn license, seconded by Trustee Thomas. Motion carried 5 – 0. Trustee Gustafson moved approval of the Special Events request for Eaton Sertoma, seconded by Trustee Heaton. Motion carried 5 – 0.

Item 8 - Citizen Comments/Questions. None.

Item 9 – Reports. Don Cadwallader reported the bid of $72,600.00 has been received from LaFarge for resurfacing the street between Cherry Avenue and Fall Line Road (Weld County Road 35) on Collins Street (Weld County Road 74). The rest of budgeted money will be used to address the drainage problem located by Ace Hardware and Agland offices south of East Collins Street.

Don also reported Colorado Brownfield Corporation has been helping the town with the Great Western Sugar Factory problems and we have been approved for a grant through them to do the planning phase of the cleanup of the factory.

The Board would like to see some landscape plans for the front of Town Hall by the next meeting.

Item 10 - Adjourn. As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:57 p.m.

Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk