Measurement Program Length - Stage 3 Year - Term

Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Outcomes / Length
MS3.1 / Area
addition / Volume & Capacity MS3.3 / Mass
MS3.4 / Time
Selects & uses the appropriate unit and device to measure lengths, distances & perimeters / Selects & uses approp. unit to calculate area (squares, rectangles, triangles) / Selects & uses appropriate unit to estimate & measure volume & capacity incl.
rectangular prisms / Selects & uses appropriate unit & measuring device to find the mass of objects / Uses 24 hour time & am & pm in real-life situations & constructs timelines
Working Mathematically
Processes / Questioning / Applying Strategies / Communicating / Reasoning / Reflecting
Orientation. Focus:
Whole-class Modelling. Focus:
Learning Experiences: / Indicators:(Related syllabus content on p 100)
  • gives examples of situations where a longer unit than the metre is needed for measurement
  • measures a kilometre and half-kilometre
  • converts between units when comparing lengths and distances eg metres and kilometres, centimetres and metres
  • records lengths or distances using decimal notation to three decimal places eg 2.753 km
  • interprets symbols used to record speed in kilometres
  • selects and uses the appropriate measuring device to measure lengths, distances or perimeters
  • selects and uses the appropriate unit to record lengths, distances or perimeters
  • measures the perimeter of a large area
  • estimates, measures and compares the perimeters of squares, rectangles and triangles
  • explains that the perimeters of squares, rectangles and triangles can be found by finding the sum of the side lengths
Foundation Statements
Selects and uses the appropriate unit to estimate/measure/calculate length
Ask questions & select appropriate problem solving strategies, including technology to undertake investigations.
Use mathematical terminology and some conventions and give a valid reason when comparing and selecting from possible solutions and make connections with existing knowledge and understanding
Planned Assessment: / Differentiation/Adjustments
Language:decimal point, decimal notation, perimeter, square, triangle, rectangle, relationship, distance, converting, scale, kilometre, distance apart, distance between, to, from, decimal, metre, centimetre, millimetre, measuring device / Evaluation