33.9.2Performance Measures

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Number of Students Transferred to VR

This category is the most important of the performance measures. By the time a student is transferred to adult VR, he or she should be stable in his or her choice of postsecondary work or training. In essence, the student has completed exploration, assessment, and preliminary work experience and has begun postsecondary training as a result of transition planning over the years. The job of the transition counselor is to assist the student in a smooth transition from school to work. After years of developing the transition plan, the student is ready to venture into adulthood meeting his or her long-term goals. There are foursuccessful areas of adult VR that a student can transfer into, indicating that the transition program has been successfully completed. There is one category that indicates the student has not successfully completed the transition program, and it is not considered successful.

Successful Transfers

  1. Transfer in —-employment—. Tthe student is transferring to the adult counselor after securing and becoming stable in his or her vocational goal and is working in the employment of his or her choice. This is competitive employment including supported employment.
  2. Transfer in — college. —Tthe student has successfully completed his or her first semester of college (including remedial courses),is making progress within a specified degree plan or certificate program, and is ready to move to the adult VR program. For more information on students being transferred to a designated college caseload, see Chapter 6: Academic, Vocational, and Technical Training, 6.1.3 Transfer to College Caseload.If a consumer has not completed a minimum of nine hours of college credit (not including remedial classes) and maintained a GPA of 2.0, the case may not be transferred to a college caseload.
  3. Transfer — in vocational school/or technical school. —Tthe student has entered vocational school or technical school and is stable in this training.. This does not include students attending CCRC unless they are participating in specific vocational training like the OST training. This category also refers to specific job training (such as Lion’s World Services for the Blind to train for work in the Internal Revenue Service).
  4. Transfer in technical school—this category refers to a student who is attending technical school and is stable in his or her training. . Transfer—participating fully in VR program. The consumer is fully participating in a VR program and in volunteer work or other “world of work” activities. This also includes consumers who have successfully attended and completed CCRC (or postsecondary program) training.

Unsuccessful Transfer

5. Transfer other—this category refers to a student who has not secured postsecondary employment or training and is being transferred to the adult VR program. It is important that these transfers are kept to a minimum since they indicate that the consumer has not successfully completed his or her transition program.

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33.10.3 Transfer to Adult Vocational Rehabilitation Services

A young adult is usually transferred to an adult VR caseload after he or she has entered postsecondary vocational training or employment. The transfer occurs when the consumer

  • has successfully completed his or her first semester of college, technical school, or trade school;
  • has been successfully engaged in a vocational training program for several months;
  • is employed according to standard vocational rehabilitation criteria; or
  • is an adult and fully participating in his or her program.

Before transferring a consumer is transferred to another caseload, confirm that the consumer’s demographic information is updated in TWorks. VerifyTthe consumer's Social Security number, home address, and phone number should be verified.

The VR coordinator reviews Before the cases before they are is transferred. Before this happens,, it is reviewed bythe VR coordinator. kKey components of the case should be summarized using the Transfer Template as a guide. The Transfer Template should be pasted into a case note with the appropriate case note topic:

  • Transfer—employment,
  • Transfer—college,
  • Transfer—vocational or technical school, or
  • Transfer—participating fully in VR program.

A young adult is usually transferred to an adult vocational rehabilitation caseload after he or she has entered postsecondary vocational training or employment. The transfer occurs when the consumer

has successfully completed his or her first semester of college, technical school, or trade school;

has been successfully engaged in a vocational training program for several months; or

is employed according to standard vocational rehabilitation criteria, or

is an adult and fully participating in his / her program..

Note: If a consumer is enrolled in postsecondary training and is also working part- time in an entry-level position that is not part of the consumer's long-term vocational goal, the transfer is coded as postsecondarywith the appropriate training rather than as paid work.

Rule: Transition counselors do not close cases in status 26. Cases are transferred to an adult VR caseload for final closure.

The receiving VR counselor must agree to the transfer before the Transition counselor completes the transfer. Any disagreements related to transferring a consumer from Transition to adult VR are addressed by the field director.

With the approval of the field director, a consumer may be transferred from Transition to an adult caseload before he or she has become stable within postsecondary vocational training or employment.

Unless the consumer is moving to a new region, he or she should have aAt least one consumer contact with both the transition counselor and the vocational rehabilitation counselor should occur before transfer.,unless the consumer is moving to a new region. Also, agreement to the transfer of the case by the receiving VR counselor must be obtained before the Transition Counselor completes the transfer.

Disagreements related to transferring a consumer from a Transition caseload to an adult VR caseload are directed to the field director.

Complete the Transfer Template and paste it into a case note using the appropriate case note topic:



Transfer—vocational / technical,

Transfer—technical, or participating in VR program


For additional details related to the transfer of cases in the VR program, see Chapter 40: Case Management, 40.4 Guidelines for Referral and Transfer of Cases.