We believe that excellent behaviour (including learning behaviours) is essential in securing a happy and positive learning environment in which all children will have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Our ultimate goal is to promote self-discipline in the children and enable them to make choices concerning their behaviour, therefore reducing the need for sanctions. We also recognise that the promotion of good citizenship in school has a significant impact on behaviour.

It is a primary aim of our school that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. The school's behaviour policy is therefore designed to support the way in which all members of the school can live and work together in a supportive way. It aims to promote an environment in which everyone feels happy, safe and secure.

We aim to:

ü  promote an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between all those involved in the life of the school

ü  promote positive attitudes;

ü  to develop sensitivity to the needs of others

ü  to develop respect for the beliefs / opinions of others

ü  develop and foster a sense of responsibility and an understanding of the consequences of children’s own actions

ü  develop the children’s confidence and self esteem

We believe that it is essential to have a consistent approach to behaviour throughout the school, as we believe that children learn best when they are clear about what they are supposed to do and also when they understand the reasons for and consequences of their actions.

The School Code of Conduct sets the tone for behaviour within Manor Green and attempts to identify and promote effective behaviour both inside and outside the classroom. It is displayed in every classroom as a visual reminder for the children and a term of reference for the teacher. At Manor Green we firmly believe in parent partnership and encourage the support of parents to work together with school to develop appropriate behaviour. Our Home School Agreement, which incorporates the School Code of Conduct, will be signed by Parents / Carers and the children to show their commitment to our Behaviour Policy.

Learning Behaviours

Learning behaviours are those which, not only help them in their learning in school, but also prepare them for the future.

At Manor Green our learning behaviours are:

Respect - We show respect, behave politely and are helpful to each other and all adults

Responsibility - We are responsible for all our classrooms, our learning and for one another

Resilience – We know that sometimes learning is hard, but we are resilient and we stick at it!

Resourcefulness – We are resourceful and make good choices about ourselves and about our tasks

Reasoning – We reason things through carefully and check our thinking as we go

Reflectivity – When we do something we always think about what we could do differently next time

A Positive Approach

Our behaviour policy is based on a positive approach. We encourage appropriate behaviour by consistently recognising, highlighting and rewarding good behaviour as it occurs. We explain and demonstrate the behaviour we wish to see, ensure that criticism is constructive and actively encourages the children to be responsible for their own and others’ behaviour. Children are praised for effort, achievement and good behaviour. We have a reward system for all children as individuals or as members of a group.

Reward System

We believe that our reward system at Manor Green will encourage children to work hard, behave well and work as a team. It will not only apply to academic achievement and success but also celebrate examples of good citizenship and acts of kindness and consideration. Through our reward system we aim to:

ü  motivate all children

ü  create a positive environment where children feel secure and happy

ü  raise self-esteem and develop confidence

ü  encourage the highest possible standards of behaviour

ü  foster effective communication between home and school

This system will be applied consistently by all staff throughout the school. There are two aspects:

Individual rewards These recognise a child’s individual efforts and achievements:

ü  Superstars awards (all pupils)

ü  Star of the week (infants)

ü  Achievement tree (Key Stage 2)

ü  Captain’s Table (Key stage 2)

Whole class award This acknowledges the teamwork displayed within a class

therefore promoting good citizenship.

Positive recognition of an individual’s achievement

A child’s individual efforts will be recognised by the following rewards:

Stamps on cards (smiley faces / stars) – these may be given for:

a)  keeping the school code of conduct

b)  improvement (attitude, effort, behaviour / work)

c)  maintaining a positive attitude, good behaviour, continued effort

d)  excellent work (according to the child’s ability)

e)  helpfulness

f)  being kind, considerate and polite

Note: Smiley faces / stamps will not be deducted for inappropriate


Manor Green Superstars Awards - TEN reward stamps per postcard

The completed postcards are presented in class.

TEN Reward Cards are equal to ONE SUPERSTARS AWARD certificate which is presented to the children during a MANOR GREEN SUPERSTARS AWARDS assembly where parents / carers are invited to attend.

10 small postcards = 1st CERTIFICATE (Bronze smiley face badge)

20 small postcards = 2nd CERTIFICATE (Silver smiley face badge)

30 small postcards = 3rd CERTIFICATE (Gold smiley face badge)

40 small postcards = 4th CERTIFICATE (Bronze star badge)

50 small postcards = 5th CERTIFICATE (Silver star badge)

60 small postcards = 6th CERTIFICATE (Gold star badge)

70 small postcards = 7th CERTIFICATE (Bronze trophy badge)

80 small postcards = 8th CERTIFICATE (Silver trophy badge)

90 small postcards = 9th CERTIFICATE (Gold trophy badge)

100 small postcards = 10th CERTIFICATE HEADTEACHER’S AWARD

(Special badge and shield)

Special Assemblies

Infant Department

Star of the Week

The ‘Star of the Week’ assembly takes place every Friday for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Teachers also nominate a child from their class to be ‘Star of the Week’ – the child’s name is entered in a special book with the reasons why they have been chosen. The child also receives a ‘star’ which they put on the special display and a certificate to take home.

The Manor Green Superstar Awards assembly (infants) will take place each month. Parents are invited to see their child receive their awards. It is important that they are given sufficient notice (work commitments / childcare etc.) if their child is to receive one of these awards.

Key Stage 2 Department

The Achievement Tree

Every alternate week (to the Captain’s Table), in the Key Stage 2, department an ‘Achievement assembly’ will take place. Children will be nominated by teachers and their name will be put on the Achievement Tree in the form of a golden leaf. Good citizenship, attitude, special achievements, improvement in a certain area etc will be considered.

Captain’s table

Every alternate week in the Key Stage 2 department, one child from each class will be nominated for the ‘Captain’s Table’ which is organised by the Learning Mentor. This is for children who consistently follow the Manor Green Code of Conduct – their invitations to the special lunch will be given in assembly time and the ‘fun-filled feast’ takes place on the stage the day after.

The Manor Green Superstar Awards assembly (juniors) will take place each month. Parents are invited to see their child receive their awards. It is important that they are given sufficient notice (work commitments / childcare etc.) if their child is to receive one of these awards.

WHOLE CLASS AWARDS (Reception- year 6)

A whole class may receive a special star from the Principal or other members of staff for positive behaviour such as:

ü  walking quietly into / out of assembly

ü  all children in class singing well / sitting well in assembly

ü  moving to and from classrooms ie. before and after school

ü  behaving sensibly during wet playtime / dinnertime

ü  keeping cloakrooms / classrooms tidy

ü  appropriate behaviour whilst using the dining room

ü  continued good behaviour towards all staff and visitors

(such as supply teachers, whilst on trips etc)

NB – It is the responsibility of the teachers who gives a sticker

to a particular class to record it on the Teamwork chart

The charts will be displayed on the ‘Behaviour boards’ in the infant and junior halls. It is important that these awards remain ‘high profile’ by all staff.

The teacher who takes the Key Stage 2 assembly on Friday will add up the week’s awards as a running total. Every half term these totals are added up and the winning class will be announced on the last Monday before each holiday. This gives the winning class time to have their reward in that week. The two classes which achieve the highest number of points in a week will have an extra turn in the sports cage.

The infant and junior class with the most class stickers will have the ‘Class Award’ trophies presented to them during an assembly and then kept in their room on display for the next half term. The class will be entitled to half a day’s viable activity of their choice – eg. Teddy Bear’s picnic, a party, disco, games, video etc.

Inappropriate behaviour

Whilst our policy encourages good behaviour through positive reinforcement, occasionally children may forget our Code of Conduct and behave inappropriately. We realise the importance of a consistent approach to dealing with any misbehaviour. In the event of this situation all staff will follow the

Manor Green Behaviour Plan

If a child misbehaves:

First stage………….child is given a warning

Second stage……...teacher reminds child of consequence (ie sad face) if misbehaviour reoccurs.

Third stage………...consequence (sad face given)

Fourth stage………three sad faces throughout the week causes child to miss their

Friday afternoon Golden Time (which they have earned for

good behaviour)

Fifth stage………....detention – child misses playtime session. This means they will sit in the infant hall at playtime and think carefully about their actions. This will only occur if a child has lost the Golden Time privilege. Parents / carers are informed of a detention by the class teacher (Behaviour letter) Teachers may decide to put a child straight into detention if they have hurt another child for example. Their name will be entered in the Detention book.

When the child has completed a detention, they go back to stage one.

Sixth stage…………three times in the detention book – parents/carers are asked into school by the Key Stage Manager or Deputy Headteacher

to discuss their child’s behaviour.

Seventh stage……..formal letter sent to parents from Headteacher

Effort grades for BEHAVIOUR (ranging from A - excellent effort to E – great cause for concern) will be also given each half term on the EFFORT GRADE CARDS. This informs parents how much effort their child is putting into their behaviour and keeping the Code of Conduct.


In the case of severe misbehaviour, a child may be excluded from Manor Green Primary Academy.

Lunchtime Exclusions / Short Term Exclusion

The responsibility of these lies solely with the Principal. Lunchtime exclusions and the reasons for them will be recorded and parents will be informed beforehand in writing. Children who are entitled to a free school lunch will be given a packed lunch.

Short term exclusions are detailed in the Exclusion Book which is signed by the Chair of Governors each term. Details of fixed term exclusions have to be sent to Tameside on a special form. This time at home will be used as a ‘cooling off period’ and to make absolutely clear to parents the seriousness of the child’s misconduct.

Permanent Exclusions

In extreme circumstances children can be permanently excluded from Manor Green. In the event of this situation, the DfES guidelines for the procedures of exclusions will be followed. A meeting of the Governing Body sub-committee will take place to discuss the matter. The decision to exclude long term or permanently would only be made when the Principal felt that s/he could no longer accept the responsibility for the behaviour of any one child without putting at risk the effective education or wellbeing (safety) of other children / staff.

Please see the Focus-Trust Exclusions Policy on their website

Behaviour Policy – reviewed September 2016

To be reviewed – October 2018