Confirmed minutes of the Societies Federation Steering Committee meeting

held on 22nd March 2017, room 646 Cockcroft, at 3pm on Moulsecoomb Campus.

Committee present:

Isaac Gidudu (chair) PharmSoc

Josh Stead Drama Society

Sarah Wilkinson LGBT+

In attendance:

Lynne Davies (minutes) Societies Development Coordinator

Apologies: Jess Akinboyewa - Law Society

Frank Dankwa – VP Activities and Participation

1.0  Matters arising - none

2.0 Minutes of last meeting held on 22nd February 2017

2.1 approved

3.0 Budget Bids

3.1 Critical Studies and Research group – Grant of £500 requested

This bid was reviewed at our last meeting and the SocFed committee queried why funds already in the account were not being spent on this event. CSRG explained that £1000 of the funding is from Springboard for a specific project, so cannot be spent on this event. Tickets are being sold at £20 each to approximately 30 attendees, which will cover a portion of the costs involved.

The Committee awarded a Grant of £250 and offiered a Loan for £250 to be repaid on Friday 16th June 2017.

3.2 Tamil Society – Loan of £100 requested

The society is asking for a loan for their event on 25th April at Shooshh which the group will be able to repay out of ticket sales.

The committee agreed to a loan of £100 which needs to be repaid on 25th April

3.3 Nepalese Society – Grant of £450 requested

The society is requesting a grant to cover the costs of a charity football tournament at Falmer in aid of Our SanSar, a charity which supports the fight against poverty in Nepal. LD had contacted the society prior to this meeting to ask for futher details of the event, ie how do teams sign up, where do the entry fees get paid into, details of the event last year and how much was raised. No reply was received to the email

In view of this the grant was refused.

Grant declined

3.4 Christian Union Eastbourne – Grant of £80 requested

The grant is for CU to run outreach events such as handing out bottled water, a crumpet run and hot cross buns. This is to raise the profile of the Society with the student community in Eastbourne.

Grant of £80 agreed

3.5 3D Design Craft New Designers – Grant of £2000 requested

The funding is for the London New Designers Show from 28th June to 8th July. The student group has raised £9000 already and are asking for funds towarded travel, printing a catalogue and banners to represent the course and Brighton University at the Show. As this is a marketing opportunity its suggested that the group contact the University Marketing Department to ask for funding to support the event.

Grant of £500 awarded

4.0 Ratification of New and Existing Societies

4.1 Law Society Graduation Ball

Members of the Law Society have set up a separate committee to organise a Graduation Ball planned for 6th May 2017 at the Old Ship Hotel. The committee are having a meeting with the SU events team on 28th March to discuss plans.

Society is ratified

4.2 Hungarian Society

The group want to welcome new students to Brighton and give a positive image of Hungarian culture to all students. They want to hold social events and are holding there first event on Friday 24th March

Society is ratified

4.3 Christian Union – Hastings

The group want to hold movie nights, food and drink evenings and invite guest speakers.

Society is ratified

4.4 Bright –on-Gaming in Hastings

A new gaing society to encourage all keen gamers to come together and hold Fifa, Call of Duty tournaments and Dance Game duels.

Society is ratified

4.5 MA Fine Art in Grand Parade

The purpose of this society is to create and manage funds for our end of year show.

Society is ratified

4.6 3D Design and Craft Class of 2018 – Grand Parade

The society has been established early to start raising fund for the end of year degree show in June/July 2018

Society is ratified

5.0 Any other business

5.1 Online Elections for all Societies

The committee dicussed the Societies election and felt that the process must be easier if this is to continue. Perhaps hold invidivual Society elections during the Election period.Or may be on this occasion it should have been a trial with a limited number of socieites taking part.

5.2 SocFed AGM will be held on 9th May in LT1 Moulsecoomb Campus

6.0 Date of next meeting – to take place week commencing 15th March 2017

There being no other business the meeting closed at 4.30pm

