Updated October 2014

Review October 2015

1.What is Bullying?

Bullying means different things to different people. A broad definition is that:

"Bullying is anything a person does deliberately, to cause someone else to feel pain and/or unhappiness."

Some incidents of bullying may be so serious that they should trigger child protection actions. This would apply where a child or young person is at risk of suffering - or has suffered - significant harm as a result of bullying. Any incident that raises child protection concerns must be reported to staff responsible for initiating appropriate action.

Nugent House School recognises three main types of bullying:

i)Physical - for example, hitting, kicking, theft.

ii)Verbal/written - for example, name calling, racist remarks, threats, text messages, letters.

iii)Indirect - for example, spreading rumours, excluding someone from a conversation.

Examples of bullying might include:

  • Being ignored or made to feel someone is not good enough.
  • Removal of belongings - bags, clothing, personal items, money, sweets, food, homework.
  • Teasing/ridiculing - people laughing at someone's clothes, hair or the way they look.
  • Use of physical dominance and/or body language to intimidate.
  • Peer or 'gang' pressure - for example, to become involved in car crime, smoking, drugs, bullying, shoplifting.
  • Discrimination - race, culture, disability, gender, sexuality.
  • Subtle - a look/expression and/or an implied threat.
  • Taking advantage eg "my sweets for your watch".

2.Understanding Why Somebody Might Bully

Different people might sometimes bully others for many different reasons.

These may include:

i)because they are unhappy.

ii)because they need to feel important.

iii)because they have been bullied themselves.

iv)because they are frightened of being bullied themselves.

v)because they are being abused.

v) because they need help/attention.

vii)because they are jealous.

3.Understanding Why Some People May Be Bullied

It may be something to do with the following things:








-Being too clever/finding it difficult to learn

-Likes and dislikes

-For being a Looked After Child

4.Recognising Bullying

These may be signs that a child is being bullied:

  • A change in usual patterns of behaviour and activities.
  • Becoming withdrawn.
  • Becoming distressed/crying.
  • A change in eating patterns.
  • Self-harm.
  • Having nightmares and/or changes in sleep patterns.
  • Unexplained or suspicious marks or bruises.
  • Their belongings 'going missing'.
  • They ask for money
  • They become involved in/there is an increase in, criminal activity.
  • They refuse to say what is wrong
  • Adults hear from or about 'others' being bullied.
  • They give excuses to explain any of the above

This is not an exhaustive list.

There may of course be other explanations for the above, but it should be used as a helpful check list.

Staff and carers need to remain vigilant to the fact that victims may often try to appease the bully by 'siding' with them, if the bullying behaviour is challenged.

5.Our Approach to Bullying

Nugent House School and Children’s Homes accept responsibility across its services and at all levels of the organisation, to deal effectively with the bullying of children. This will include working with other agencies and organisations, as necessary:

  • We will promote a culture of treating everyone with respect.
  • We will promote and protect the right of every child to live in a safe place.
  • We will treat bullying seriously and will not accept bullying by anyone.
  • We will actively listen to all children and be sensitive to the signs of bullying.
  • We will do everything we can to protect and help anyone who is being bullied.
  • We will work with the person who is bullying to help them to recognise and understand their needs and learn from the experience.
  • We will normally manage incidents of bullying without removing either the victim or the bully from their care placement.
  • We will make resources available to try to prevent bullying and support children affected by bullying.
  • We will encourage children to use the children's rights and advocacy services as well as their parents/guardians.
  • We will ensure that children understand that staff will treat bullying seriously and that something will be done about it if it happens.

October 2013