Transcript of the Ocular Bionic film


“Yes, I really enjoy it. I enjoy going into the garden, even now. Well, I’ve got some beautiful clematis. Tub clematis, not climbers. I’ve got about 20 pots I think in the garden. I like to have my tubs going with colour in the summer.

Well I was diagnosed about eight years ago, Age-related Macular Degeneration. I was gradually losing my central vision and to me, it was like having Vaseline on the centre of the lens of your glasses. And it was getting gradually worse. It’s like a light grey, just a mist all around you. But you can’t see that central vision. It’s like going out in the garden and the garden not being there, until I use my peripheral vision. It’s quite nasty really.

I heard about the trial only when i got this letter from Professor Stagna to ask me would I go and I had nothing to lose so I thought, yes. Go for it.

So they made the appointment to see p s and Ellie the co-ordinater - she’s brilliant. And it entailed a lot of tests - hundreds and hundreds of tests.

When it finished, he said “Ray, you’ve made me a very happy man. You’re perfect for the trial. So I was delighted. It had to be something that just clicked I think and fortunately I was the right one.

When I had the surgery, I was amazed at the number of people who was looking after me, nurses and doctors. So it was quite a good day.

The glasses that I’ve got, I look like something out of Stars Wars when I’ve got them on.

When you switch the device on and I’ve got my eyes closed, you get all sorts of flashes and arcs. When you move your eye, the flashing disappears and you’ve just got this tiny bit of light.

I’ve got this magnetic board, and you put these spaces on it and then I can detect them with my eyes closed with this little flash what the shape is.

You follow it and it shows you the shape. Your brain has to get used to the implant and the more you use your glasses, the better it is.

And I can go outside now and close my eyes. Plant pots in the garden or anything in front of me and walk towards these obstacles and I can detect them.

When I’ve got the glasses on and I’ve got my eyes open, it’s still there, I still get the grey area but i get a little arc from the eye to the camera and I can see things that I couldn’t see before.

I find that quite fascinating.

It’s not made a massive change but I’m glad that I did it.

But it’s always been a pleasure to come because they’ve always been so grateful. Everyone gets 15 minutes of fame in their lives and I think I had a little bit more than that.

Hand on heart, I’ve enjoyed it. It’ll help people in the future. I can see it.