Welcome to the Spring Walk-a-Thon, our student body fundraiser, which will occur on April 3rd!

By sending out support letters to family and friends we are allowing them to partner and be a blessing to not only ourselves but also to others that we will minister to as we take the good news to the nations!

How It Works

  • Charis will provide you with letters explaining the WAT, which you will send to your supporters.
  • On the back of the letter is a return receipt that your supporter will send back to Charis. On that receipt is a place for the supporter to write a prayer request and provide their information. You also need to write your name on each receipt before you send it out, so that when they come back, you will receive the prayer requests and/or notice of any donations made in your name.
  • Charis will also provide #9 envelopes already addressed to Charis to make returning letters easy for your supporters. Only apply stamps to the letters you mail to your supporters.
  • It is strongly suggested that you add your own personal note or letter with each Charis letter you send out. This will allow you to share your thoughts about being able to go and minister to others during your 2nd year mission trip!
  • You earn points for mailing letters.
  • There is no minimum to the number of letters you may send but the maximum to receive points is 100 letters. Maximum amount of points to receive is 500 (100 letters @ 5 points each).
  • Letters will only be distributed in bundles of 10 and 25.
  • Pick up and/or return excess letters on February 3,10,17, and 24, and March 3, 10, 17, and 24 outside of the Student Services Room (SSR). Last day to return unsent letters is April 7.

Mission Points

The WAT is the primary way for you to earn mission points for your mission trip.

  • You receive 100 points for attending and participating in the walk.
  • You receive 5 points for every letter you send, to a maximum of 500 points.
  • You receive 2 points for every $1 that your supporters donate.


If you have any questions, ask the 2nd year leaders, trainees or Mission contacts.

  • Leaders – Derek & Sheila Cook
  • Trainees – Carlos & Daniela Guerrero
  • Missions Assistant – Clay Caldwell
  • Missions Intern – Melanie O’Brien

Thank you for your participation! Expect God to answer prayers and manifest His blessings!


  • Compile your mailing list
  • Purchase #10 envelopes (to mail out your Charis & personal letters and return envelope)
  • Purchase stamps – Place on #10 envelopes and not the return envelopes
  • Make sure you put your name on the return receipt on letter
  • Send thank you notes for those who donate
  • Do not wait until the day of the WAT to pray for those who send prayer requests – start praying

when you receive them


Jan. 9 (Mon)Walk-a-Thon announcement
Jan. 10 (Tues)Use I-Volunteer to sign up for Letter Distribution Team, Refreshment
Team & Prayer Team Leaders – available at noon
Jan. 13 (Fri) Letter Distribution Team meets to bundle letters (12:30-3:30)
Jan. 18, 19, 20 Pick up letter bundles before school, during long break and (Wed-Fri) immediately after school
International students must sign “Clover Donation” form for Charis
to receive your donations
Feb. 3, 10,17,24 If you find that you need extra letters or need to return un-used March 3,10,17,24 letters please do so outside of the Student Services Room (SSR) on
these dates. In February you may pick up or return letters before
school, during long break and after school. In March you will only be
able to pick up or return letters during long break.
Feb. 17 (Fri) Mail your letters!! Send by this date to receive your prayer requests
in time for the WAT
March 10 (Fri) Check the notice boards to find which prayer team you are on
You are responsible for knowing which team you are on before
meeting with your teammates
April 3 (Mon) WALK-A-THON!!!
Bring your prayer requests!
This is considered a regular school day – dress appropriately and
according to the weather
Wear/bring comfortable shoes
Bring water!
8:00 a.m. – Praise and Worship
Following P&W take care of personal stuff
9:00 a.m. – Meet with your team and make sure your team leader
signs you in
Team leaders will lead teams to their specified areas for prayer
Expect God to answer prayers – Enjoy this time!
Refreshments available at the end of the walk
Team leaders sign out all team members
April 7 (Fri) Last day to turn in letters not sent and Mission Point adjustments.
You may turn un-used letters in before school, during long break and
after school.