NSW Mental Health Services Competency Framework Consultation Forum
Booking Confirmation and Agenda
Thank you for your interest in participating in a Mental Health Services Competency Consultation Focus Group session. You are booked in for the following Focus Group:
Focus Group No: __Date: / Time:
AGENDA (Enter Times below)
Allow 20 mins for presentation and questions / Welcome and Introduction to whole groupPresentation of Mental Health Services Competency Project
Allow 1 hour 20 mins / Consultation Questions
Allow 20 mins / ‘Where to from here?’
Please ensure you are familiar with the Competency Framework prior to the Forum. The Framework can be downloaded from the NSW Health Website at under Mental Health Workforce Development Initiatives - NSW Mental Health Services Competency Framework (Consultation).
- What is your overall impression of the Framework?
- Do you have any general suggestions for improvements to the Framework?
- Does Section 4 (Context Section) adequately describe the developmental contexts for working across age groups?
- Are the Competencies targeted at the right level to reflect actual practice?
- Does the framework adequately describe sub-specialty practice, i.e. CAMHS and SMHSOP?
- Is there anything missing that should be included within the Competencies? (Please provide specific wording)
- Do you anticipate the Implementation Tools will be useful? (Part 3 of the Framework) Do you suggest any changes?
- Do you have any suggestions that would assist with implementing the framework?
- What do you see as the greatest barriers to implementing the framework?
- Are there any other comments?
Your feedback is highly valued and the NSW Health, Mental Health and Drug & Alcohol Office appreciate your time and contribution. Consultation Focus Groups will conclude by the end of November 2012.
NSW Health does not intend to publish the submissions received although aggregated information will be complied and the Framework will be amended accordingly.
It is anticipated a summary of the consultation will be available from March 2013 and will be emailed to your workshop co-ordinator for circulation to Local Hospital District staff.
The information received may also be used to inform NSW Health’s future work on Mental Health Workforce Development.
Your focus group co-ordinator is……………………...
For future enquiriesrelated to this project please email or phone …….………………………
All consultation materials are available from the NSW Health website at Mental Health Workforce Development Initiatives- NSW Mental Health Services Competency Framework (Consultation).