NSRA – Club Instructor (Airgun) Course. Details & Booking Form

Date:Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th June 2017

Start Time: 0845 for 09:00 both days Finish Time: 1700 both days

Venue: 21st Romsey Scout HQ, Joe Bigwood Close, Nursling, Southampton SO16 OYL

Admin: Non residential. Tea & Coffee will be available but you will need to bring a packed lunch (Co-op and various local shops very close). 21st Romsey Scout Group will permit members of The Scout Association to stay overnight in the HQ for a donation to the Group of £2.50 per person per night; those taking this option will need camp beds & sleeping bags, there is also space for camping outside if required. There is also a Premier Inn less than 5 minutes walk away at your own cost.


The Club Instructor (Airgun) course is a techniques course in air rifle shooting in the standing position and in deliberate air pistol shooting.The course is especially recommended to current NSRA YPS Tutors in Air Rifle or Pistol who wish to instruct in the alternate air discipline or to develop their skills as air rifle & pistol instructors.

The course fee includes an NSRA course handbook and certification (valid for 5 years).

Essential Precursors:

To register for this course you must hold one of the following qualifications: NSRA YPS Tutor’s Diploma, NSRA RCO, NRA RCO andyou must either be a Life or Annual member of the NSRA or NRA or hold a current adult appointment in The Scout Association.

Topics Covered:

Intro & Organisation of the sport, Safety, Health & Law, Equipment, Position and Stance, Breathing, Grip, Aiming, Trigger Control, Follow Through, Preparation for Shooting, Training & Coaching.


Hampshire Scout County: £65

Within Scouting (Outside Hampshire): £75

Outside of Scouting: £90Cheques payable to “Hampshire County Scout Council”

Questions / Queries / “Special Needs”

If you have any queries or special needs please contact the Course Organiser –

John Westerman, 07799342137or

(Please complete section below and return with payment cheque)


CI(Argun) Romsey. June 2017(Please Print Clearly)

Telephone Nos.
Scout Group/District & County:
Scout Association Member No. / NSRA Member No.
NSRA YPS Tutor No. / Licence Expiry date:
NSRA RCO No. / Licence Expiry date:
NRA RCO No. / Licence Expiry date:

I apply for a place on the above course. I declare that I am not prohibited from possessing a firearm or ammunition by virtue of section 21of the Firearms Act 1968, which applies to persons who have served a term of imprisonment oryouth custody(including suspended sentences) and I enclose a cheque for the course fee made payable to “Hampshire County Scout Council”

Signed ………………………………………………………………………………………… Date ………………………

Please return to

John Westerman, 61 Greanlea Close, Southampton, SO16 2PG (tel. & email as above)