NROTC Summer Cruise (Midshipmen)

Student Survey Questions

Revised 9 July 2013


  1. Complete the survey by highlighting your responses and typing any additional comments you may have.
  2. Save the survey to your desktop.
  3. Email survey your completed survey to
  4. Delete your completed survey from the desktop.
  1. Which of the following summer cruises did you most recently complete?

a. First Class Cruise

b. Second Class Cruise

  1. Which of the following NROTC Courses and Labs have you attended?Highlightall that apply.

a. Introduction to Naval Science

b. Sea Power and Maritime Affairs

c. Leadership and Management

d. Navigation

e. Naval Ships Systems I (Engineering)

f. Naval Ships Systems II (Weapons)

g. Naval Science Laboratory

  1. How would you rate your performance ofeach of the following activities during summer cruise?Highlight one letter for each item.

Rating Scale:

a. Exceptional

b. Exceeds Expectations

c. Meets Expectations

d. Needs Improvement

e. Unsatisfactory

f. N/A – did not perform the task


  1. Proper Shipboard protocol with respect to:
  2. Quarterdeck proceduresa b c d e f
  3. Wardroom etiquettea b c d e f
  4. Boarding and disembarkinga b c d e f
  5. Honor to passing shipsa b c d e f
  6. Boat etiquettea b c d e f
  7. Proper military etiquette for social situationsa b c d e f
  8. Proper procedures for countering flooding and structural deterioration.A b c d e f
  1. Proper operation of the following equipment:
  2. Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)a b c d e f
  3. Emergency Egress Breathing Device (EEBD)a b c d e f
  4. Standard Navy Gas Mask MCU-2/Pa b c d e f
  5. Understanding of the following:
  6. Officer-enlisted professional relationshipa b c d e f
  7. Chain of Command/ship organizational structurea b c d e f
  8. Proper uniform wear in accordance with uniform regulationsa b c d e f
  9. Correctly performing military courtesies, etiquette, and greetingsa b c d e f
  1. The knowledge and skills taught in the NROTC college/university program improved my performance during summer cruise to the following extent:

a. Not at All

b. To a Small Extent

c. To a Moderate Extent

d. To a Great Extent

e. To a Very Great Extent

  1. Is there any training that you wish you would have received that would have helped you to prepare for your summer cruise experience? If yes, please explain below.

a. Yes

b. No

c. If yes, please describe:

  1. Before going on summer cruise, which of the following service assignments were you planning to select? Choose only one.

a. Surface

b. Submarine

c. Aviation

d. Special Warfare

e. EOD

f. Nurse

g. Marine Corps

  1. Did the summer cruise experience influence your selection of service assignment? Respond to all that apply.

a. Yes, summer cruise either reconfirmed my original decision or helped me select a service


b. No, summer cruise did not influence my selection of service assignment

c. If summer cruise is not the primary factor influencing your selection of service assignment, what

is the basis upon which you plan to select a specific service assignment?

Please explain the reason you chose a specific service assignment:

  1. Additional Comments: