NOWG/NANPA 6/19/2007 2pm Eastern


Paula HusteadWindstream Communications

Laura DaltonVerizon

Karen RiepenkrogerSprint/Nextel

Bruce BennettQwest

Joanne EdelmanVerizon Wireless

Beth O’DonnellCox Communications

Rosemary EmmerSprint/Nextel


Beth Sprague

Wayne Milby

Joe Cocke

John Manning

Joe Rano

Nancy Fears

Karen welcomed everyone and turned the meeting over John.

John started with the PIP.

There has been one complaint sent in June (6/4). From someone in KY regarding the newly ordered 270/364 NPA split. Not regarding NANPA performance – but the NPA split. John replied via email the procedures & reasons why NPA relief was necessary.

Beth Sprague reviewed the Code Administration Quality/Performance metrics.

Question: There are discrepancies with the contacts (and their info) on the website on the safety valve & reclamation contacts. Could NANPA please review & update? Beth & John both stated that the industry can send any updates to NANPA and they will update the website. Could the NANPA review be on more of a “scheduled” basis rather than if someone finds something? Could the email address be added as well? John will have Brent Struthers update the listings.

Eagle Mountain UT rate center was finally updated in all of the systems on 5/29/2007.

Nancy Fears reviewed the Other Resources Quality/Performance metrics.

John reviewed the NRUF Quality/Performance metrics in Al Cipparone’s absence.

Wayne reviewed the NPA Relief Planning measurements and started the activity review with his areas.

Eastern Region:

For May 2007

  • Five performance measurements were due in May and they were all completed on time.
  • We conducted customer surveys for five NPA Relief Planning conference calls during May. The average score for overall satisfaction with the meetings was 4.98 out of a maximum of 5.0 and the score for “NANPA conducted the calls impartially” was a 5.0 out of 5.0. Of the 66 attendees, 38 or 58% responded to the survey.
  • We responded to all voicemail and email messages within one business day.
  • The industry set a trigger to meet again after NANPA filed a new exhaust date with the WV PSC for the 304 NPA and that meeting was held on May 8th. To save the industry another call, I asked if they wanted set aside additional codes for the PA since only three set asides remained and consensus was reached to set aside an additional 5 codes.
  • The IN 812 pending relief filing review meeting was held on May 24th. The industry delayed the filing again and set a trigger to meet after the October NRUF is published.
  • The KY PSC issued an order on May 31st to split the KY 270 NPA with the eastern portion of the split retaining the existing area code.


-New 364 NPA code assigned on 6/4/07 for KY 270 NPA split

-On June 13, 2007 the KY PSC issued a press release announcing new 364 NPA. However they said they were evaluating the effect of the May 31st FCC order granting additional pooling authority for the 270 NPA and are taking another look at the schedule for implementation.

Joe finished up the activity view with his areas.

Western Region:

For May - June 2007

  • On 5/4 CPUC requested NANPA update the planning document for the CA 818 NPA – so new RP mtg and more public mtgs will be forthcoming.
  • On 5/7 NANPA visited the WI PSC for numbering training…
  • Staff plans to conduct pub mtgs in 715 in Sept & 920 in Oct
  • On 5/7 NANPA filed a Notice of Availability for CA 714 per ALJ ruling – new service list…
  • On 5/9 NANPA filed updated projected lives for the 715
  • 5/29/07 – industry decided NANPA should file petition for relief of WI 920 NPA
  • 6/12/07 – NANPA provided to the NM PRC updated NXX split lists for the 505-575 NPA split
  • 6/14/07 – NANPA conducted updated relief meeting for the CA 818 NPA – industry recommended an overlay – LJ & public meetings as early as October
  • 6/18/07 - CA 760 NPA Updated Relief application for overlay was filed
  • WI 920 NPA Relief petition for overlay - close to being filed by NANPA
  • The IL 630 NPA is on daily watch – 1 code remains – must assign all 630 before 1st code from new 331 NPA can be assigned with a 90-day effective date that starts the 90-day permissive dialing / customer education period.

Joe also shadowed subcommittee calls for the IL 630, OR 503, and the NM 505.

John let the NOWG know about the assignment of 587 NPA as the relief NPA for an overlay of the 403 & 780 NPAs in Canada.

The 364 NPA will be the relief NPA for the 270 NPA in Kentucky.

NAS implemented change order # 10 on 5/28/2007. Change order # 11 will be scheduled for implementation in the near future.

NANPA is putting together a change order – at the direction of the FCC – regarding 4 servers in both Sterling (VA) & Charlotte (NC). These servers are no longer supported by the manufacturer(s). Change order should be sent to FCC/ NOWG by the end of this week.

INC report was given by Beth Sprague. 533 & 544 & 521

July 9 (or 10), NANPA will be beginning the 5th year of their contract. John is sure that the FCC will probably start the process at some point shortly.

It was suggested that in 2008 the meetings be moved back an hour so the Central time zone personnel won’t have to eat their lunch during the meetings.

NANPA portion ended at 2:43pm.