Cross Country Summer Training 2016

This packet is a tool to assist you in your physical preparation for the fall 2016 XC season. The big goal for you this summer is to build up a strong endurance base and come into cross country season with a body that is conditioned and ready for speed work and competition. Weekly training is designed around running for mileage or time with some moderate faster work thrown in towards the end of the summer training cycle. Speed will come, but not without the right conditioning base. The majority of your workouts should take an hour or less. Don’t be lazy!!!! You can work in 60 minutes to train your body for XC. Remember, that temperatures and humidity are crazy high here in Texas. Be sure that you are running smart by staying well hydrated and running in the morning or late evening hours and avoiding running outside in the heat of the day. I encourage each of you to find local 5K’s and do a couple just for fun. Run with a friend when you can, it’s more motivating and you are less likely to skip a workout.

Key Dates: XC is a year round sport and our goal is to continue to grow and improve the conditioning and talents of the team. I want us to meet up as a team this summer and do our workouts together as often as possible. Below are the list of dates and times of team practices. These are not mandatory for XC participation this fall, but I encourage you all to come to as many of the practices as you can. When there is no team practice, you are expected to follow the summer training guide. July 18th Monday at Patterson Middle School 7 am-9:00 am.

Each one of you is expected to follow this program to the best of your ability. If you cannot perform an exercise for whatever reason we will find an alternative exercise for you. If you ever have any problems, questions, or injuries that require alternative workouts, feel free to contact me at Tim Kelso at 254-718-9181 or Jesse San Miguel at 254-289-3161. Be sure to check the XC webpage for updates over the summer. Have a GREAT and SAFE summer! I look forward to working with each of you this fall. –Coach Kelso-

RUNNING LOG: I have included a running log this year at the back of this packet. This is for you to track your daily and monthly

mileage. I expect you to bring this to me

completed the first week of XC practice.

Be as accurate and honest as possible. It

is fun to watch your miles accumulate over the summer.


1.) On your app store, download any app that will measure your mileage (or you can use a GPS watch). This will help you to keep a more accurate log of your workouts this summer. Examples include: Nike Running, Strava, Runkeeper. Google best apps for running and you can pick the option you like best.

Circuit Training & Core

Circuit Training 1

-Pushups (3x10)

-Triceps dips (3x15)

-Nose Dives (3x12) plank w/hands clasped, dive nose to floor

-Curls (dumbbells) (3x15)

-Triceps Extensions (dumbbells)(3x12)

-Bird-dog extensions (get on all 4’s<hands& knees>, extend

Opposite arm and leg straight) (30sec)

-Step ups (3x15 right leg, 3x15 left leg)

-Squat Jumps (3x12)

-Scissor Jumps (30sec)

-Hurdle leg lifts (sit straight up, one leg bent up Indian style, the

Other leg straight out in front, lift straight leg) (2x10 each leg)

Circuit Training 2

-Standing body squats (3x20)

-Forward Lunges (3x15-20)

-Side lunges (3x15-20)

-Calf raises (3x20)

-Inner thigh crunch (lay on side, bend outer leg and lay outer leg

Foot on floor, raise “crunch” inner thigh up and down) (3x20 each


-Spider-man pushups (assume push-up position, while lowering

Body, simultaneously lift knee to side (away from body) and

Bring up to chest (30sec)

-Mountain climbers (30sec)

-Hip-trunk rotations (lay flat on back arms stretched out to sides

forming a lower case t, knees should be bent at 90*,

rotate hips attempting to lower knees to the left and right of

body while keeping trunk straight)

Summer Cross Country Workout

“Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started.” –Pre-

Definitions: Listed in the Pace Chart at the back of this packet are your training paces based on 2 mi/5K times. To obtain training paces, you need to have recently run a competitive 5K or 2 mile race/time trial (race a 5K or plan on timing a 2 or 5k distance run). It is important to do your workouts as close to pace as possible, neither coming in too far under or over pace.

Paces: Search for your 5k or 2 mile time in the pace chart to determine your training paces. Use the pace chart to determine your per mile pace on all workouts. **Some quality/speed workouts will be based more on effort for a certain period of time rather than a set pace per mile.**

·  C: Continuous Run ( builds endurance/fitness-majority of summer is in this zone)

·  ET: Extensive Tempo (builds endurance and pace)

·  IT: Intensive Tempo( improves fitness and pace)

·  S: Strides (find 100yd flat stretch, build up speed every 2-yd until all out sprinting the last 20 yd. Work on good form while running strides hard)

Warmup: 800m jog, dynamic warmup drills, cross leg swings, front to back leg swings (Do every day prior to work out, especially on speed days)

Cooldown: 800m jog, static stretch (Do every day after speed workouts)

Core: Should be done at least 3 days a week

X-train: Bike, Elliptical,etc.

min: minutes mi: mile

F&SOG=Freshman & Sophomore Girls,

J&SRG=Junior & Senior Girls

F&SOB=Freshman & Sophomore boys

J&SRB= Junior & Senior Boys

Cross Country Championship teams are built in the summer!

Week 1 (6/6-6/10) F&SOG=Freshman & Sophomore Girls, J&SRG=Junior & Senior Girls

F&SOB=Freshman and Sophomore boys, J&SRB= Junior and Senior Boys

Monday- F&SOG:25min C-run J&SRG:30 min

F&SOB:25-30min J&SRB:30 min C-run

Tuesday- F&SOG:25min C-run 2 strides , J&SRG: 30 min C-run, 4 strides

F&SOB:25-30min C-run, 2 strides, J&SRB: 35 min C-run, 4 strides

Wednesday-F&SOG:30min C-run, J&SRG: 35 min C-run

F&SOB:30-35min miles C-run J&SRB: 40 min C-run

Thursday- F&SOG:30min C-run 3 strides J&SRG: 35min C-run, 4 strides

F&SOBB:35min C-run 3 strides J&SRB: 40 min C-run, 4 strides

Friday- X train 45min

Saturday- F&SOG:40min C-run, J&SRG: 45 minutes C-run

F&SOB:45mins C-run J&SRB: 50 minutes C-run

Sunday- Rest

Week 2 (6/13-6/17) F&SOG=Freshman & Sophomore Girls, J&SRG=Junior & Senior Girls

F&SOB=Freshman and Sophomore boys, J&SRB= Junior and Senior Boys

Monday- F&SOG:30min C-run, 5 strides J&SRG: 35 min C-run, 6 strides

F&SOB:30min C-run, 5 strides J&SRB: 35 min C-run, 6 strides

Tuesday- F&SOG:30min C-run J&SRG:40 min C-run

F&SOB:30min C-run J&SRB: 40min C-run

Circuit Training 1 ALL

Wednesday- Find a 100m-150m hill. Run uphill hard for 10 seconds, recovery jog back down (x2), Run uphill hard for 15 seconds, recovery jog back down (x2), Run uphill hard for 20 seconds, recovery jog back down (x2), Run uphill hard for 25 seconds, recovery jog back down (x2). Junior and Senior boys and girls repeat each time interval (x3) Cooldown jog 10 minutes.

Thursday- F&SOG: 35min C-run, J&SRG: 45min C-run

F&SOB: 35min C-run J&SRB: 45min C-run

Circuit Training 2 ALL

Friday- X train 45min

Saturday- F&SOG:45min C-run, J&SRG: 50-55 min C-run

F&SOB:45-50min C-run J&SRB: 55min C-run

Sunday Rest

Week 3 (6/20-6/24) F&SOG=Freshman & Sophomore Girls, J&SRG=Junior & Senior Girls

F&SOB=Freshman and Sophomore boys, J&SRB= Junior and Senior Boys

Monday- F&SOG: 35min C-run, 5 strides J&SRG: 45min C-run, 6 strides

F&SOB: 35-40min C-run, 5 strides J&SRB: 45-50 min C-run, 6 strides

Tuesday- F&SOG: 35min C-run, J&SRG: 45min C-run

F&SOB: 35 C-run J&SRB: 45-50 min C-run

Circuit Training 1 ALL

Wednesday- F&SOG F&SOB: 2X6min@tempo pace/4min rest between each Run

J&SRG & J&SRB: 3X6min@tempo pace/4min rest between each ET-Run

Thursday- F&SOG:30min C-run J&SRG: 30 min C-run

F&SOB: 30 min C-run J&SRB: 30 min C-run

Circuit Training 2 ALL

Friday- X-train 45min

Saturday- F&SOG: 45-50min C-run J&SRG: 55 min C-run

F&SOB: 45-50min C-run J&SRB: 55-60min C-run

Sunday- Rest

Week 4 (6/27-7/1) F&SOG=Freshman & Sophomore Girls, J&SRG=Junior & Senior Girls

F&SOB=Freshman and Sophomore boys, J&SRB= Junior and Senior Boys

Monday- F&SOG:40 min C-run, 5 strides J&SRG: 45min C-run, 6 strides

F&SOB: 40 min C-run, 5 strides J&SOB: 50min C-run, 6 strides

Tuesday- F&SOG: 30min C-run, J&SRG: 35 min C-run

F&SOB: 30-35min C-run J&SRB- 35min C-run

Circuit Training 1 ALL

Wednesday-(1-3-2) Run hard for 1 minute (90% effort), Run at normal pace 3 minutes(80% effort), easy run 2 minutes (70% effort). (conversation example: for 1 minute you should be unable to talk, for 3 minutes talking should be uncomfortable, for 2 minutes you should be able to hold a conversation while running). F&SOG: Repeat 3 times ET-run J&RSG: Repeat 4-5 times ET-run

F&SOB: Repeat 3-4 times ET-run J&SRB: Repeat 4-5 times ET-run

Thursday- F&SOG:35min C-run J&SRG: 40 min C-run

F&SOB:35min C-run J&SRB: 40-45min C-run

Circuit Training 2 ALL

Friday- X-train 50min

Saturday- F&SOG: 50-55min C-run J&SRG: 60 min C-run

F&SOB: 55min C-run J&SRB: 60-65min C-run

Sunday- Rest

Week 5 (7/4-7/8) F&SOG=Freshman & Sophomore Girls, J&SRG=Junior & Senior Girls

F&SOB=Freshman and Sophomore boys, J&SRB= Junior and Senior Boys

Monday- F&SOG:40 min C-run, 6 strides J&SRG: 45min C-run, 7 strides

F&SOB: 40 min C-run, 6 strides J&SOB: 50min C-run, 7 strides

Tuesday- F&SOG: 30min C-run, J&SRG: 35 min C-run

F&SOB: 30-35min C-run J&SRB- 35min C-run

Circuit Training 1

Wednesday- G&B Find a 100m-150m hill. Warmup job 10min Run uphill hard for 10 seconds, recovery jog back down (x4), Run uphill hard for 15 seconds, recovery jog back down (x4), Run uphill hard for 20 seconds, recovery jog back down (x3), Run uphill hard for 25 seconds, recovery jog back down (x3). Junior and Senior boys and girls do one more additional interval for each timed hill run. Cooldown jog 10 minutes.

Thursday- F&SOG:35min C-run J&SRG: 40 min C-run

F&SOB:35min C-run J&SRB: 40-45min C-run

Friday- X-train 50 min Circuit Training 2 ALL

Saturday- F&SOG: 55min C-run J&SRG: 65 min C-run

F&SOB: 60min C-run J&SRB: 70min C-run

Sunday- Rest

Week 6 (7/11-7/15) F&SOG=Freshman & Sophomore Girls, J&SRG=Junior & Senior Girls

F&SOB=Freshman and Sophomore boys, J&SRB= Junior and Senior Boys

Monday- F&SOG:45 min C-run, 6 strides J&SRG: 50min C-run, 7 strides

F&SOB: 45 min C-run, 6 strides J&SOB: 55min C-run, 7 strides

Tuesday- F&SOG: 35min C-run, J&SRG: 40 min C-run

F&SOB: 35min C-run J&SRB- 40min C-run

Circuit Training 1 ALL

Wednesday- (4-3-2-1) Run hard for 4 min, relax run 4 min, run hard 3 min, relax run 3 min, run hard 2 min, relax run 2 min, run hard 1 min, relax run 1 min. F&SOG & F&SOB: do workout 1x through. J&SRG & J&SRB do workout 2x though Start this workout with a 10min run and end it with a 10-15minute run. ET-run

Thursday- F&SOG:30min C-run, 6 strides J&SRG: 30 min C-run, 7 strides

F&SOB:30min C-run, 6 strides J&SRB: 30min C-run, 7 strides

Friday- C-run X-train 45min Circuit Training 2 ALL

Saturday- F&SOG: 60min C-run J&SRG: 70 min C-run

F&SOB: 60-65min C-run J&SRB: 75-80min C-run

Sunday- Rest

Week 7 (7/18-7/22) F&SOG=Freshman & Sophomore Girls, J&SRG=Junior & Senior Girls

F&SOB=Freshman and Sophomore boys, J&SRB= Junior and Senior Boys

Monday- F&SOG:45 min C-run, 7 strides J&SRG: 50min C-run, 8 strides

F&SOB: 45 min C-run, 7 strides J&SOB: 55min C-run, 8 strides

Tuesday- F&SOG: 35min C-run, J&SRG: 40 min C-run

F&SOB: 35min C-run J&SRB- 40min C-run

Circuit Training 2 ALL

Wednesday- Warm up jog 8 min. F&SOG & F&SOB: 3 miles, last mile @ tempo pace ET-run; J&SRG & J&SRB: miles, last 2 mile @ tempo pace ET-run

Thursday- F&SOG:30min C-run, 5 strides J&SRG: 30 min C-run, 6 strides

F&SOB:30min C-run, 5 strides J&SRB: 30min C-run, 6 strides

Friday- X-train 50 min (Circuit Training 1)

Saturday- F&SOG: 60min C-run J&SRG: 75 min C-run

F&SOB: 60-65min C-run J&SRB: 80-85min C-run

Sunday- Rest

Week 8 (7/25-7/29) F&SOG=Freshman & Sophomore Girls, J&SRG=Junior & Senior Girls

F&SOB=Freshman and Sophomore boys, J&SRB= Junior and Senior Boys

Monday- F&SOG:50 min C-run, 8 strides J&SRG: 55min C-run, 8 strides

F&SOB: 50 min C-run, 8 strides J&SOB: 60min C-run, 8 strides

Tuesday- F&SOG: 35min C-run, J&SRG: 45 min C-run

F&SOB: 35min C-run J&SRB- 45min C-run

Circuit Training 2 ALL

Wednesday- F&SOG & F&SOB:2x1 mile@ tempo pace/ 5min jog rest between IT-run

J&SRG & J&SRB: 3x1mile@tempo pace/ 5min jog rest between IT-run

Thursday- F&SOG:30min C-run, 6 strides J&SRG: 30 min C-run, 6 strides

F&SOB:30min C-run, 6 strides J&SRB: 30min C-run, 6 strides

Friday- X-train 55 min (Circuit Training 1)

Saturday- F&SOG: 65min C-run J&SRG: 80-85 min C-run

F&SOB: 65-70min C-run J&SRB: 85min C-run

Summer Running Log

Base Building Mileage Chart

Your log is for tracking your mileage each day. You might not always know your distance or pace exactly, but guesstimate as close as you can. In the comment section list how you felt as far as completing the workouts and how your body is responding to them.

Week: ______

Date / Workout Type / Distance / Time/Pace / Location / Comments

Total Weekly Mileage:______

Week: ______

Date / Workout Type / Distance / Time/Pace / Location / Comments

Total Weekly Mileage:______

Week: ______

Date / Workout Type / Distance / Time/Pace / Location / Comments

Total Weekly Mileage:______

Week: ______

Date / Workout Type / Distance / Time/Pace / Location / Comments

Total Weekly Mileage:______

Week: ______

Date / Workout Type / Distance / Time/Pace / Location / Comments

Total Weekly Mileage:______

Week: ______

Date / Workout Type / Distance / Time/Pace / Location / Comments

Total Weekly Mileage:______

Week: ______

Date / Workout Type / Distance / Time/Pace / Location / Comments

Total Weekly Mileage:______