FINAL – 03.07.14


·  Studied at University of Warwick

·  Joined in September 2012

·  Now in a permanent role in Business Development Technology

“Although I wasn’t certain where my career would take me, I was always scientifically minded and I really like maths. After studying for an undergrad degree in Chemistry at Warwick, I went on to do a Master’s, but just wasn’t sure about continuing to work in a lab.

“A number of my family members have worked in finance, so when I was looking at different options, the London Stock Exchange was a very recognisable brand. I knew it had real history and background and a solid reputation. I also liked the idea of being in a role in which I was able to learn about financial services and where the work I’d be doing would actually be something people talk about outside.

“The Open Evening I attended was a great opportunity to find out more, as I heard from the Chief Technology Officer and other senior members of the executive committee. There was also the chance to chat with graduates who’d joined a year or two before.

“I was offered the job just before I took the finals of my Master’s and my first rotation was with FIX Gateway. At that point, I didn’t know anything about the area, which is about how the buy side in a transaction communicates with the sell side, but I was given a brilliant manager and she was able to support me. I was also offered a lot of autonomy and got involved in everything from liaising with the technical teams through to the commercial side, billing, contracts and sales.

“Since then, I’ve worked in Global Business Development – selling the Exchange’s expertise to other exchanges around the world – and Business Development Technology, where I’m still working as Product Manager. We deal with connectivity – IP addresses, circuits and network infrastructure. Big integration projects across the group. There’s a brilliant mix here, as I’m dealing with both colleagues at LSEG and clients.

“LSEG is a really nice place to work and everyone gets on well. People are always willing to help. From the moment I’ve arrived, I’ve realised I’m only one or two people away from the leading minds in that area – not just a graduate shunted into a corner. Even in my first rotation, I was encouraged to go several rungs up and access pools of knowledge.

“Although we work solidly during the day and stay late when we need to, we’re able to balance life here with our life outside. I enjoy swimming and always make time for it. Music’s also very important to me, as I’ve studied it to a high level and perform as a trombonist with the Warwick Alumni Big Band. Working for LSEG means that I’m able to continue with the things I enjoy.”