NOW, here’s a job.

Performance Based Assessment

For all of your potential editor candidates, give them a trial task to see how they do. Stress your expectations before the task, have them communicate through the task, and then do a post-task interview to see how they did. What could they have done better? How do they think they did? Did they meet their goals? Do they think they can do these leadership tasks on a daily basis?

Ongoing Tasks

§  Webpage updates

§  Facebook Updates

§  Cleaning

§  Yearbook Sales Videos

During Production of Current Book

§  Put them in charge of a set of proofs from finish to end

§  Put them in charge of the index

§  Fill out critique paperwork

§  Put them in charge of the supplement

§  Gotcha Covered Postcards and/or phone calls!!

Preparation for Next Book

§  Assign people to go get stories and pictures for the summer spread

§  Design board for theme packet planning

§  Put together fall training materials (show and tell assignment)

o  Caption writing

o  Photography

o  Design BASICS

o  Technology basics

o  Terminology

After Last Deadline

§  Distribution planning

§  Plan an end of year banquet

§  Collecting new staff information

§  Have them create content for SlideFest (ask Kara for directions)

§  Positive Press: anything good to share with principal, PTSA, activities director

§  Archiving

§  Host and organize an after-school ladder brainstorming session for next year’s theme

§  Write letters for trade books

§  Evaluate coverage of current book

§  Thank you notes to secretaries, principals, counselors, etc.

§  Tail-end memo: list of things to be done by the end of the year

o  Deadlines

o  Jobs

o  Theme packets

§  Cleaning off the server

§  Staff Manual Updates

§  Legacy Letters

For YearbookNV

§  Organizing people for the workshop (cell phone numbers, carpools)

§  Theme packet ideas

§  Ladder format (Excel, HJ Planner, or big poster)

§  Evaluation of this year’s book

§  Written explanation of concept for new book (sections, coverage ideas, organization, etc…)