November 1, 2009 Wild Salmon Circle update:

Join the Wild Salmon Circle at Vancouver's SFU Segal Centre on
THURSDAY, NOV. 12, AT 7 PM for the premiere of a new short documentary
by filmmaker Damien Gillis, which shows how the British Columbia
experience of salmon farming fits into a global pattern of catastrophe
wrought by a predominantly Norwegian-owned industry.
"Farmed Salmon Exposed" is a 20-minute film showcasing footage and
images from Norway, Scotland, Ireland, Chile, and Canada.
The short film will be followed by a panel discussion and audience Q &
A - featuring longtime salmon farming critic and former BC Environment
Minister Rafe Mair, Chilean-Canadian biologist Pablo Trujillo from
UBC's Fisheries Centre, and filmmaker Gillis. The event will conclude
with a short-letter writing party for give those who are interested a
chance to take direct action for wild salmon in BC.
Cost: $10 for Public / $5 for Students & Seniors
The Segal Centre is at 500 Granville St., room 1500
SORS Press Release: "BC Premier Campbell From Behind Green Curtain"
Opening paragraph: "Today at the SFU WOSK Centre for Dialogue in the
Delta Suites Hotel on Vancouver’s Hastings Street a two day GREEN
ENERGY conference begins which is billed as open to the public. A
ticket is $200.00."

Story by Jill Krop and Linda Ellsworth of Global TV BC on record
returns of sockeye salmon in the Harrison River, raising the question
of why there hasn't been similar results on rivers flowing into the
Broughton Archipelago.

Rafe Mair is a guest on most Mondays on the Simi Sara Show on Talk
1410 AM at 8 AM. Audio clips of the last four appearances are
available on Here is the clip of Rafe's
appearance on Nov. 2:

Rafe's most recent column for _The Tyee_: "NDP Is Right to Call for
Sockeye Inquiry"

Excerpt: "The sockeye situation is ludicrous. We know they're gone but
we don't know all the reasons. However, we do know one reason -- the
migrating sockeye smolts (salmon babies) must run the gauntlet of the
Broughton Archipelago fish farms, and the sea lice from those cages
kill them. But fish farmers are contributors to the pockets of both
governments. And the claims of independent scientists are ignored."
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