The City of Leander, Texas is soliciting bids from qualified contactors for the following work:
Bagdad Road Sidewalk Improvements
Crystal Falls to Eagles Way
Bid Opening: Thursday, August 6, 2015, 2:00 pm
Bids must be returned to the City of Leander: Attention: Joy Simonton, Purchasing Agent, P.O. Box 319, Leander, TX 78646-0319 or 200 W. Willis Street, Leander by the stated deadline, at which time they will be opened and read. All bids must be sealed and plainly marked with the project name. No faxes will be accepted.
Bids should include costs for labor, supplies and supervision necessary for construction in accordance with plans and specifications. The scope of work includes approximately 4,400 linear feet of sidewalks, limestone block retaining walls, drainage facilities, and associated improvements.
SPECIFICATIONS may be examined without charge at the City of Leander. Contract documents including bid proposal forms, plans sheets, and specifications may be viewed and downloaded free of charge (with the option to purchase hard copies) at Scanned plans and specifications are available on CD for a non-refundable price of $25.00 from KSA Engineers, Inc., 4833 Spicewood Springs Road, Suite 204, Austin, Texas 78759, 512-342-6868. Printed copies may also be viewed at the KSA office.
Please submit questions for this project no later than 72 hours prior to bid opening through in the Q&A portal.
A CERTIFIED CHECK or an acceptable Bid Bond for not less than five percent (5%) of the total bid shall accompany each bid.
A NON-MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE will be held on Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 2:00 pm at 406 Municipal Drive, Leander, TX.
BIDDERS should inspect the site and be knowledgeable of all conditions. Time of completion shall be 120 calendar days including weekends and holidays.
THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER will be required to furnish Performance and Payment Bonds in the amount of the contract.
NO BID may be withdrawn after the scheduled opening for at least ninety (90) calendar days.
THE CITY reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive formalities and award the bid to the lowest responsive bidder.