Arkansas Department of Human Services
Division of Children and Family Services
New Employee AASIS #
Hire Date
Work Location
Area Staff Member conducting orientation
INSTRUCTIONS: This orientation checklist (CFS-1136) will be completed within 30 days of the new employee’s hire date, or rehire date after a period of broken service of more than 6 months. Completion of both the DCFS CFS-1136 and DHS 1101 orientation forms shall be recorded on the employee’s CFS 381 (Employee Training Record). Information may be provided in any order and is not to be considered sequential.
Supervisors will place their initials in the box in front of each orientation item number after it has been completed.
SECTION I. ORIENTATION FOR ALL NEW DCFS STAFF (to be provided by immediate supervisor): (3 hours training credit)The Supervisor has:
1. / Given tour of work site. Introduced to on-site co-workers.
2. / Assigned employee a work area and added his/her name to the appropriate directories.
3. / Made and placed any name plates for the employee’s cube/office.
4. / Assigned computer and contacted resources to provide mailbox.
5. / Completed DHS-359 to assign Outlook, CHRIS, building access, etc. as applicable.
Provided telephone instructions: forward calls, pick up a page in another office, etc.
6. / Obtained office door code and alarm code (or proxy card) for employee, as applicable.
7. / Completed identification badge request including photo of employee.
8. / Assisted in adding “Sensitive” to the signature line of employee’s State email. Assisted in adding HIPAA statement to all outgoing employee emails.
9. / Shown location of emergency evacuation and response information, exits, fire alarms, extinguishers and first aid kits.
10. / Discussed office procedures, including information concerning availability, location, and process to obtain basic office supplies.
11. / Discussed and provided employee with procedural information involving assigned office phones, cell phones, use of state vehicles, etc. if applicable.
12. / Informed employee about the requirements of the Arkansas State Vehicle Safety Program (ASVSP), including procedures for notifying appropriate contacts if a ticket is issued or an accident occurs while an official state business.
13. / Advised of parking availability and guidelines.
14. / Assisted employee with completing first online travel reimbursement request to go over all applicable requirements for completing online TR1 correctly including, but not limited to, informing employee that:
· Training travel and regular travel should always be claimed separately
· The reason for expense is always “General Business” (for regular and training travel) unless instructed otherwise by PDU staff
· Training travel should be submitted to or reassigned to the Professional Development Unit (PDU) in Central Office. Ask your supervisor who the current PDU contact for training travel is
· Either the employee’s official work station or the employee’s residence – whichever is closer – should be used as the starting point when claiming training travel
· Any one TR1 submission cannot exceed a 30 day range
· Excessive Mileage Memo is required when traveling more than 300 miles in one day (and where to access the most current memo)
· DHS-1166: Authorization to Travel Outside Normal Work Schedule is required for travel on weekends, holidays, and observed holidays (and where to find this form)
· Meals purchased by the employee for children in foster care may be reimbursed and should be claimed as an Incidental expense (not as a meal)
· Meals for employees can only be reimbursed for overnight stays and can only be reimbursed for the amount paid for the meal plus tip, if applicable (not the total allowable per diem unless the total per diem was actually spent on the meal(s))
· Employee cannot exceed 25 vicinity miles on a single entry without justification and the employees can only claim vicinity miles less for the actual vicinity miles driven (i.e., employees cannot automatically claim vicinity miles unless actual miles were drivern)
· How to access the DHS Accounts Payable problem invoice page
· Employee can avoid the duplicate date error while attending training by completing their travel reimbursement requests for each week separately. Employee will also need to complete a separate request for regular travel for each week while attending training
15. / Provided information regarding the Off-Site Workers’ Safety Plan and the use of CFS-317 (Off-Site Workers Safety Log) or similar mechanism.
16. / Given and discussed the organizational chart of local work unit. Discussed work unit supervisory roles and responsibilities and information flow. Discussed any written unit or office policy.
17. / Shown location of DHS Share Point, DCFS websites, foster parent website, and Heart Gallery website:
18. / Shown location of DHS and DCFS Family Services Policy and Procedures Manual on websites listed in item 12 above.
19. / Discussed mission, practice model and goals of the agency, located in policy manual under DCFS Policy I-A.
20. / Discussed DCFS Policy I-B: Child Welfare Delivery System, covering DCFS relationship with other community resources and roles of State and private agencies and organizations in serving DCFS clients. These State and private resources include, but are not limited to: Division of Youth Services; Community Mental Health Centers; Administrative Offices of the Courts and the Attorney Ad litem program; Arkansas Department of Health; Foster and adoptive families; Division of County Operations; and the Division of Developmental Disabilities.
21. / Discussed and shared available community and state resources connected with client services and provided frequently used provider numbers in county/Area including a list of Attorneys Ad Litem with phone/fax numbers and addresses.
22. / Provided or directed to resource for obtaining city/county map.
23. / Discussed DCFS Policy I-C, Division’s Organizational Structure, and provided employee a map of the ten DCFS service areas and DCFS Organizational Chart. Explained relationship between DCFS and DCO in counties.
24. / Referenced and discussed DHS DCFS Policy I-F Confidentiality. Also discussed HIPAA requirements and provided information on where to find DHS policies/forms indicated on DHS-1301, Policy Employee Certification Receipt. Employee signed DHS-1301 and distributed as required.
25. / Ensured completion of DHS Privacy and Security Training, http://dhsshare/Security/Training/Pages/defaultold.aspx
26. / Discussed legal rights of persons served by DCFS being outlined in specific case plans and DCFS PUB 11 and PUB 52.
27. / Provided PUB 22, PUB 25, and PUB 30 regardless of whether employee is in the foster care unit.
28. / Informed employee that DCFS takes continual action to improve services and develop solutions to issues identified through Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) activities in order to:
· Build on strengths;
· Eliminate or reduce identified problems;
· Determine possible causes when data reveal issues of concern;
· Develop solutions and replicate good practice; and
· Implement and monitor the effectiveness of corrective action plans, when indicated.
29. / Ensured notification of/registration for all applicable trainings for employee’s position (e.g., Structured Decision Making, SAFE, New Worker Training, etc.)
30. / Informed employee of continuing education requirements:
· 24 annual hours for program staff (field staff with direct client contact and caseloads); FSW classification, area managers.
· 15 annual hours for program support staff (direct client contact with secondary case assignments or no workload), nurses, health service workers, health service specialists, TYS coordinators.
· 15 annual hours for non-program staff (admin support, office personnel, administration having no direct client contact including Central Office and Executive Staff.
31. / Shown how to access DHS Employee Self Service website to view personal pay period payments and employee leave balance.
32. / Informed employee that the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is designed to provide assistance to those employees who have personal problems affecting job performance. For more information, call 1-866-378-1645. Shown information source link to EAP under Employee Services, on the DHS Share Point website (see Supervisory Handbook for more information).
33. / Informed employee about option to participate in Arkansas Healthy Employee Lifestyle Program (AHELP) (see or Supervisory Handbook for more information).
34. / Assigned a staff mentor to new employee.
35. / Invited questions and/or comments.
1. / Completed appropriate forms for AASIS role mapping for specific employee job requirements and tasks.
2. / Assisted new supervisors in registering for DHS 86-1 Supervisor Training (contact Office of Organizational Development and Training for more information). It is preferred that new supervisors complete the DHS 86-1 Training prior to completing the MidSOUTH Supervisor Training unless the MidSOUTH Supervisor Training is offered before the DHS 86-1 Training/does not conflict with a DHS 86-1 Training. DHS Leadership Training (“Leadership in a High Performing Culture”) does not have to be completed prior to MidSOUTH Supervisor Training.
3. / Provided new supervisor with copy of DCFS Training Plan (Contact the Professional Development Unit for more information if needed).
4. / Obtained permission from the Assistant Director of Community Services to order business cards for new supervisors. If permission is granted, work with Assistant Director’s Administrative Assistant to order business cards.
Should more space be required for other items, attach additional sheets.
A. I certify that all information within the DCFS employee orientation checklist addendum has been discussed with me and I have been given the opportunity to clarify any of the covered topics:
Employee Name (Print)______
Employee Signature / Date
B. I certify that all information within the DCFS employee orientation checklist addendum has been discussed with the new employee and he/she has been given the opportunity to ask questions concerning any covered topics.
Hiring Official or Immediate Supervisor’s Name (Print)
______Hiring Official or Supervisor’s Signature / Date
Send the original form and copies to the following:
· Original copy to be maintained in employee’s DHS personnel file
· One copy to the employee
· Scanned copy to Quarnicia Smith at
CFS-1136 (7/2017) 1