CSA Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support

Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology

Application Form – AO

Science and Operational Applications Researchfor RADARSAT2 (SOAR)

Notice to Applicants:Please read the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Class Grant and Contribution Program Overview in full before completing this application form. You must answer all fields as indicated. Your application may not be considered if there is missing or incomplete information. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the application complies with all relevant federal, provincial and territorial legislation and municipal bylaws.

Legal name of the organization (must be confirmed by the Office of Research)
Full name ofPrincipal Investigator / Full name ofRepresentative from the Office of Research
Title/Position / Title/Position
Address / Address
Telephone / Fax / Telephone / Fax
Email (at institution) / Email (at institution)
Full name of person with whom the CSA’s Communications Directorate could liaise.
Title/Position / Address
Telephone / Fax / Email (at institution)
Type of organization / Preferred language for correspondence

Proposal title
Amount requested from the CSA / Total Project Budget
(CSA +Others)
Signature of Principal Investigator
Date / Full name of the person who has signing authority for a Grant Agreement
(official contact)
Telephone / Fax
I declare that I am the duly authorized representativeof the organization.
Version française disponible / The information collected on this form and appendices will be stored in the Personnel Information Bank of the CSA Grant & Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology.
September 2015
Page 1

CSA Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support

Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology

Application Form – AO

Science and Operational Applications Researchfor RADARSAT2 (SOAR)

The following six (6) criteria will be used by the CSA to pre-screen the applications. Each criterion MUST have at least one box checked off and/or required information completed. Those applications failing to meet one or more of the criteria will be considered non-compliant and will therefore not be evaluated further. Please click all the boxes applicable.
  1. Areas for Earth Observation: Select the area of your project

  1. Will you be using RADARSAT-2 datasets (archive only) to develop Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) applications?

  1. Highly qualified personnel (HQP) to be involved:

  1. Indicate required funding (must be less than or equal to $50,000).
Exact amount: $______
  1. Since the AO focuses on basic and applied research & development (R&D) on algorithms, methods and applications, is the proposed application at the development, feasibility or pre-operational level of maturity?

  1. Did you read the RADARSAT-2 Loan Agreement presented in Appendix C of the AO,and do you agree to abide by the conditions stipulated therein?

This section is reserved for CSA use only
Result of pre-screening
Please provide a short summary (maximum of 200 words) of the proposal using nontechnical language, for public release in case your proposal is accepted.
-Domain of applications
-Main objectives
-Expected outcomes
-Benefits to Canadians
-Example of a concrete application that could derive from your project
-Is the project stand alone or is it a follow-on to previous activities? If so, where does it fit in the overall sequence?
Should your project be selected, is your organization planning to do any form of promotion (press release, corporate website, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)?

Please describe the project using keywords (maximum of 10) separated by semicolons.
If applicable, please identify partner and end-user organizations involved in your project.
Detailed Project Description
Please attach a proposal, in response to the AO, containing a detailed description of the proposed researchproject, including objectives, methodology, schedule and budget. Includea training plan describing the role and responsibilities of each person and student involved in the proposed research project. Please structure this section with subheadings corresponding to the applicable evaluation criteria.
The cover page of the attachment must contain the title of the proposal, the name of the principal investigator and the legal name of the organization requesting the grant. Please limit the document to a maximum of 15 pages (excluding reference pages) in a commonly used format (.DOC, .DOCX, .PDF, .RTF, .TXT), 12point typeface, letter-sized paper and 1"margins.
Please provide the names and contact information of the team members, includingeveryone who will have access to the RADARSAT-2 data.The email address must be the organizational one, not generic. Anyone who has access to the RADARSAT-2 data is deemed to be a secondary investigator. Secondary investigators are not required to be part of a Canadian organization. Please complete and attach the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Personal Data Form(Form 100) for each faculty member of the team.
Team Member 1
Full Name / Telephone
Title/Position / Email
Organization / Role in the project
Team Member 2
Full Name / Telephone
Title/Position / Email
Organization / Role in the project
Team Member 3
Full Name / Telephone
Title/Position / Email
Organization / Role in the project
Team Member 4
Full Name / Telephone
Title/Position / Email
Organization / Role in the project
*Attach an additional sheet if needed.
Please attach, as part of your proposal, a detailed implementation schedule for the project. The CSA recommends presenting the schedule in both a Gantt chart and a tabular format with the following column headings: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) identifiers, task name, task duration, start date, finish date, task dependencies (predecessor and successor task identifiers with, relationship type, and lead or lag durations), and assigned leads for main task groups.
Please provide all expenditures and sources of funding for the project.
Budget category / Description and details / Amount requested from the CSA / Other sources of funding requested / Total project budget
Acquisition, development and printing of materials
Material and supplies
Participation fees at conferences, committees and events
PST, HST and GST net of any rebate to which the recipient is entitled and the reimbursement of any taxes on goods and services acquired in a foreign country net of any rebate or reimbursement received in the foreign country
Publication and communication services
Registration fees
Salaries and benefits (excluding Principal Investigator salary)
Translation services
Other expenses (cannot be funded by the CSA)
Total before overhead
Overhead (administrative) costs (not to exceed 20% of eligible costs)
Total cost of the project
Please identify any current and proposed funding sources using the information in the detailed budget.
Source (Name of funding organization and its funding program) / Full Name, Title and Telephone number of the contact person / Status
(Secured/Pending) / % of Project Budget
Note: Under no circumstances mayCSA funds be used on items already funded byother sources.
Applicants must mail two (2) paper copies of the proposal, one with original signatures, to the address below:
SOAR – Announcement of Opportunity
Steve Iris (Office 3A-340)
Earth Observation Applications and Utilization
Canadian Space Agency
6767 Route de l’Aéroport
Saint-Hubert, QC J3Y 8Y9
Also include an identical electronic copy of the proposal on a standard media (USB key, CD or DVD).Please provide other documents to support your proposal (e.g. letters of support from each coinvestigator listed and letters of intent from organizations providing other sources of funding or inkind contributions).
Version française disponible / The information collected on this form and appendices will be stored in the Personnel Information Bank of the CSA Grant & Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology.
September 2015
Page 1

CSA Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support

Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology

Application Form – AO

Science and Operational Applications Researchfor RADARSAT2 (SOAR)

Applicant Declaration on Confidentiality, Access to Information Act and Privacy Act

The Applicant, through its duly authorized representative signing below, certifies as follows:

1.The Applicant authorizes the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) to share this application (including supporting material) with other federal and provincial government sources of assistance in order to facilitate cooperation between the CSA and the other federal departments and provincial governments for the purposes of the Applicant’s application for such assistance as well as to review and assess the applications to ensure that there is no duplication of assistance and to confirm compliance with all agreements. The Applicant also authorizes the CSA to gather the necessary information for such purposesfrom other federal departments and provincial governments.

2.Any relevant authorizations from individuals and other third parties have been obtained.

3.Necessary measures have been taken to protect the confidentiality of the information provided by the Applicant. This information is collected under the authority of the CSA Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology – Research Component and will be used to assess and select proposals. Personal information (such as contact information and biographical information) included in the rejected proposals will be stored in a CSA Personal Information Bank for five years and then destroyed (Personal Information File no. ASC PPU045). Personal information included in the successful proposals will be retained along with the proposal results for historical purposes. These data are protected under the Privacy Act. The Privacy Act states that the data associated with an individual and included in the assessed proposal can be accessed by the particular individualconcerned, who has rights with respect to this information. This individual may, upon request, (1) be given access to his/her data and (2) have incorrect information corrected or have a notation attached.

4.The Applicant understands that the information provided in this application (including supporting material) is subject to the federal Access to Information Act and Privacy Act.

I certify that I have read and clearly understand the above information and that the representation made herein is true and accurate.

Signature / Date
Duly authorized representative (typed name and title)

SupportingDocumentation Form (for Organizations in Quebec)

Relative to ChapterM-30 of the

Act Respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif, R.S.Q., c. M-30.

Please review the relevant provisions of the Act, complete this form, have it signed by the Duly Authorized Representative,and return it to the CSA along with all the required supporting documents in your application.

Project Title
Legal Name of Entity/Organization (include exploitation name if different)
1) Under Section 3.11, is the Applicant (proposed payee) a municipal body or schoolbodywithin the meaning of Section 3.6.2 of the Act? / Yes / No
2) Under Section 3.12, is the Applicant (proposed payee) a public agencyas defined by Section 3.6.2 of the Act? / Yes / No
3) If there is a signed agreement between the Applicant and the CSA, will the agreement affect a government agency, municipal body, school body or public agency within the meaning of the Act? / Yes / No
If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, you must:
  • Obtain authorization from the Secrétariat aux affaires intergouvernementales canadiennes of the Quebec government before signing the funding agreement; and
  • Enclosea copy of this authorization with your application.
/ /
If you answered “No” to all three questions, please submit this form, signed by the duly authorized representative, with your application and any appropriate supporting documents.
I certify that I have read and clearly understand the above information and that the representation made herein is true and accurate.
Signature / Date
Duly Authorized Representative (typed name and title)
Version française disponible / The information collected on this form and appendices will be stored in the Personnel Information Bank of the CSA Grant & Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology.
September 2015
Page 1