Name of Home School: ...... Surname:......

Father’s name: ...... Mother’s name: ......

Postal address ...... Code:......

Street address ...... Telephone:......

Cell phone no. ………………………………………………...E-mail address ………………………….……………….

By enrolling my child/ren into the Western Cape Home Educators Academy, I am expressing my conviction that it is the responsibility of Christian parents to provide Biblical education for their children as expressed in Deuteronomy 6:6-8 and Proverbs 22:6.

I submit to the ACE Ministries Home Educators Policy Document (as per Register page of the WCHEA website), and also to any additional regulations of the Western Cape Home Educators Academy as published from time to time. This includes the prompt payment of all Host fees and curriculum order fees. In so doing I am entitled to order and receive academic matter from the Academy. Failure to pay these service fees will result in non-processing of curriculum orders until such time as I have met all financial obligations in this regard.

While I realise that the responsibility for my child/ren’s upbringing and education rests with me, I commit myself to supporting ACE Ministries and the Western Cape Home Educators Academy by praying for them regularly, and will teach my children Godly values in accordance with the Bible and PACE curriculum so as to help them find God’s plan for their lives. I also undertake to purchase all my curriculum through the W.C.H.E.A., who is acting on behalf of the National Office at Durban. I also have the privilege to rent Score Keys, literature books, dvd’s and manuals etc. from the Academy, as far as they are available.

Home Educators may order directly from Durban only with written exemption from the Western CapeHomeEducatorsAcademy.

I acknowledge that using the ACE (School of Tomorrow) programme is a privilege and I will endeavour to uphold the quality standards therein to the best of my ability. If the quality is not upheld, I may forfeit my registration with the WCHEA and ACE Ministries, and be de-registered as a home school.

Furthermore, I understand that I will receive support from Mr. Alexander van de Griendt of the Western Cape Home Educators Academy, in all matters of Home Education relating to the Western Cape Education Department and ACE.

I also undertake to complete the first basic training after enrolment, as offered by the Western Cape Home Educators Academy, and thereafter attend the yearly Educator’s Convention, and the quarterly regional Home Educators Days as part of my ongoing training.

In the case of any dispute I will be responsible for all costs on attorneys and clients scale plus collection commission. The parties will adhere to the jurisdiction of the Ceres Magistrate Court.

The enrolment is for a minimum of one year and may thereafter be terminated by a three month notice periodin writing. This may be overruled in the case of the HomeSchool moving to another province or country, when a one month notice is acceptable.

Full names of child/renCalledBirth dateAcademic level





Name and full address of previous school (child 1)......


Name and full address of previous school (child 2)......


Name and full address of previous school (child 3)......


Name and full address of previous school (child 4)......


Signed at ...... this ...... day of ...... 2018

Father: ...... 1stWitness: ......

Mother: ...... 2ndWitness: ......