Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Imperial College London
London SW7 2BU
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20-7594-6100
Fax: +44 (0)20-7594-6102
17th ISTTT Registration Form
Welcome to the 17th ISTTT to be held in London from 22 to 25 July 2007! We would be grateful if you would complete this form and return it to Jackie Sime, either by post enclosing a cheque in pounds sterling made out to Imperial College London or as an email attachment with the credit card details requested below.
1.About you
Your name (CAPITALS):Name of accompanying person (if appropriate):
Your email address:
Your postal address:
Your telephone number:
Are you a full-time registered student and not a member of staff at an academic or research institution? / Y/N* / Are you a presenter?** If so, paper number?
*Delete as appropriate.
**One presenter per paper is eligible for a whole or partial refund of travel expenses (see website for further details).
- About the fees
Attendance, Proceedings published by Elsevier, refreshments during the day, Welcome Reception on 22 July, Conference Dinner on 24 July / £306 (including VAT at 17.5%)
As above, for full-time registered students who are not staff members / £212 (including VAT at 17.5%)
Accompanying person, Welcome Reception on 22 July, Conference Dinner on 24 July*** / £71 (including VAT at 17.5%)
Total (enter the fee appropriate for you plus the accompanying person supplement(s) if applicable)
***A programme for accompanying persons will be posted on the internet. Those wishing to participate should register in advance.
- About payment
Either: / Mail Jackie Sime at the address above this form plus a cheque for the total identified above in pounds sterling payable to Imperial College London. We will acknowledge receipt when the form and cheque is received.
Or: / Complete the box below and email the form back to as an attachment. We will acknowledge receipt after authorisation of payment.
To use this box you need to exit design mode. A button enabling you to do this should appear bottom right on your screen. Click on it and proceed.
Amount payable: /
Card type: /
Card number: /
Card expiry date: /
Card issue number: / (Switch/Maestro only)
Card start date: (Switch/Maestro only) /
Card Security Code: /
(In all cases, except AMEX, we require 3 digits - click here for more detail)
If you have difficulties using this box, simply provide the details requested below.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form and we look forward to meeting you in London.