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Faculty of Architecture
Which scholarship are you applying for? (Please tick the appropriate box/es)
David Noel Murray Postgraduate Scholarships (2)For Bachelor of Architecture (University of Sydney) students progressing to a Master or Doctor of Philosophy
Faculty of Architecture Indigenous Student Research Fellowship
For Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students entering or enrolled in a Master or Doctor of Philosophy
Henry J Cowan and Jean & Andrew Wong Research Scholarships (2)
For entering or enrolled Doctor of Philosophy students in one of the disciplines of architectural science, environment, behaviour and society, or urban and regional planning and policy.
Please read the full terms and conditions overleaf to determine your eligibility.
Before completing this form, check that you satisfy the eligibility requirements and read the conditions of award of the scholarship in which you are interested. Submit one completed copy of this form, and supporting documents for each scholarship you are applying for by 5pm on Tuesday 31 October, 2006 to:
Student Administration Centre, room 212
wilkinson Bldg. G04
University of Sydney NSW 2006
Eligibility Checklist
I have applied for entry into the Faculty of Architecture program for 2007 in which the scholarship is awarded (if not, contact Lesley Vanderkwast, Admissions Coordinator, ); or
I am currently enrolled in the program.
I have read the conditions of award and believe I am eligible to apply.
personal Details (Please Print)
Title / First Name / Last Name / Student ID NumberStreet / Suburb
City / Country / State / Postcode
Email / Phone (inlcuding country and area code)
Are you currently holding any scholarship at this University? (tick box)
YES. Award name and value:……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Proposed Course(Please Print)
Qualification sought: MPhil or PhDTopic or Title of research proposal or thesis:
Discipline of enrolment (please discuss this with your proposed supervisor before you apply):
Architecture and Allied Arts Environment Behaviour Studies
Architectural and Design Science Urban and Regional Planning and Policy
Design Computing and Cognition
Educational Record(Please Print)
Details of previous study (transcripts for non-University of Sydney study must be attached):Undergraduate qualifications:
Degree Name / Institution Name / Year Commenced / Year
Completed / GPA / Honours / class / division
Graduate/ Postgraduate qualifications:
Degree Name / Institution Name / Year Commenced / Year
Completed / GPA / Honours / class / division
Academic Honours(Please Print)
List any honours, distinctions or scholarships you have gained in your academic career. Specify them even if they are listed on your graduation certificates or transcripts. Attach an additional sheet if necessary.Research Experience(Please Print)
Briefly outline any research in which you have been previously engaged. Attach an additional sheet if necessary.List and attach summaries or abstracts of relevant publications or conference papers of which you are an author either individually or with others, or unpublished theses. Attach an additional sheet if necessary (but NOT the full paper).
All applications must be accompanied by the following documentation:- Resumé or Curriculum Vitae (CV).
- Personal Statement (no more than one A4 page). This document is used to put forward your case for receiving the Scholarship. Topics may include, but are not limited to, past academic achievements, how the scholarship would be of assistance within your studies and why are you applying for this scholarship.
- Statement of Research Interests. Copy of (or updated version of) your Statement of Research Interests submitted at the time of your application for admission or 1-2 page summary of research proposal.
- Academic Transcripts. You must provide certified copies of all transcripts detailing previous tertiary study (it is NOT necessary to attach University of Sydney transcripts).
Applicants for the Faculty of Architecture Indigenous Student Research Fellowship must provide proof of aboriginality as described in the conditions of award.
I hereby give permission to the University to obtain any information required to substantiate this application. I declare that the information supplied in this application is true and accurate.
Signature______Date ______
One copy of application form.
Resumé or Curriculum Vitae (CV).
Personal Statement (no more than one A4 page).
One copy of Statement of Research Interests.
One certified copy of academic transcripts. / For further information please contact:
Martin Hesse
Student Administration Manager
Student Administration Centre
Telephone: +61 2 9351 5923
Facsimile: + 61 2 9036 9532
CRICOS Provider: 00026A
Submit by 5pm 31 October 2006 to:
Student Administration Centre, Room 212
Wilkinson Bldg. G04
University of Sydney NSW 2006
Check the scholarship terms overleaf and your eligibility.
You will be notified, in writing, of the result of your application by the middle of 1 March 2007.
Postgraduate Research Scholarships
All terms, conditions and values subject to change without notice
David Noel Murray Postgraduate Scholarship
Founded in 1972 by a bequest from David Noel Murray who bequeathed his residuary estate to the University to establish a scholarship in the Faculty of Architecture. The scholarship is awarded under the following conditions:
1.The scholarship shall be known as the David Noel Murray Scholarship.
2.The object of the scholarship is to enable a graduate with the degree Bachelor of Architecture from this University to undertake a full time postgraduate research course within the Faculty of Architecture.
3.The scholarship shall be awarded as funds are available to a graduate with the degree Bachelor of Architecture of the University of Sydney. The award shall be based on a student’s academic record for the degree Bachelor of Architecture.
4.The scholarship shall, in the case of a candidate for the degree of Master of Philosophy (Architecture), be tenable for up to two years, with no extension possible. For a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Architecture), the scholarship shall be tenable for up to three years, with a possible extension of up to six months. Continuation of the scholarship in both cases is based on evidence of satisfactory progress toward the degree. Periods of study already undertaken towards the degree prior to the commencement of the scholarship will be deducted from the maximum tenure of the scholarship.
5.Up to two scholarships shall be awarded so that, as far as the income from the bequest will allow, it will be related to the prevailing value of an Australian Postgraduate Award.
6.The scholarship shall be awarded on the recommendation of a committee consisting of the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and the Professors of Architecture, Architectural & Design Science, and Urban and Regional Planning.
Expected value in 2007: $15000 p.a. paid as a stipend.
Faculty of Architecture Indigenous Student Research Fellowship
Established in 2004 by the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, the Fellowship shall be awarded to an Indigenous Australian or Torres Strait Islander research student of exceptional research promise to undertake a Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Architecture. The scholarship is awarded annually to qualified applicants on recommendation of the Faculty Research Policy Committee. The scholarship shall be awarded under the following conditions:
1. Applicants must have applied for and subsequently enrol full time in, or be currently enrolled full time in, a Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Architecture.
2. The scholarship shall be awarded on the basis of academic merit and appropriateness of the research proposal
3. The scholarship shall be equal in value to an Australian Postgraduate Award and payable as a stipend.
4. The scholarship shall be tenable for one year whether full time or part time, subject to satisfactory progress to the timely completion of the degree as specified in the Resolutions of the Faculty and Senate, and is renewable on competitive application. The maximum tenure shall be up to two years for a Master of Philosophy and three years for a Doctor of Philosophy. In exceptional circumstances, a further extension of six months may be granted to PhD candidates. Periods of study already undertaken towards the degree prior to the commencement of the award will be deducted from the maximum period of tenure.
5. Applicants must provide confirmation of aboriginality in the form of a letter of identity from either a local land council, legal service, medical service or any other official Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander organization.
Henry J Cowan and Jean & Andrew Wong Research Scholarships
The purpose of the Scholarship is to encourage and promote empirical research in the Faculty of Architecture by financially assisting the most promising students to pursue research in architectural science, environment-behaviour studies or urban and regional planning and policy that has promise for long-term impacts on architectural design, urban design, urban planning and the built environment.
The scholarship may be awarded annually to an outstanding full-time PhD research student on the recommendation of a committee comprised of the Dean and the Professors or Discipline Heads of Architectural Science, Environment-Behaviour Studies and Urban & Regional Planning, provided the applicant is of sufficient merit. The criteria for award are enrolment for a research degree in the Faculty in one of the areas of architectural science, environment, behaviour and society, or urban and regional planning and policy, previous qualifications (minimum of a bachelors degree in architecture or related field), academic or professional accomplishments, quality of the research proposal including its relevance to architectural design, planning and the built environment and referee’s reports from senior staff or others in a position to comment on the quality of the applicant and the research proposal. Interdisciplinary research is encouraged.
One to a maximum of two scholarships may be awarded annually; renewable on competitive reapplication.
Copies of the theses, reports and published papers by the successful candidate will be donated at the completion of their degrees to the F Michael Wong and Roberta Simmons Wong Foundation Library. Each recipient will also forward two copies of an annual research progress summary during tenure of the award via the Faculty to Dr Wong and the Foundation. Any papers presented or published based on research conducted under this scholarship should acknowledge the support of the Jean and Andrew Wong or Henry J Cowan Research Scholarship.
Value: Jean and Andrew Wong Research Scholarship $8,000 for one year; Henry J Cowan Research Scholarship $5,000 for one year. Both scholarships may be shared.
Academic Referee’s Report 1
Faculty of Architecture
- For the applicant: Please complete Section A and pass this form to the person that you wish to act as your academic referees. This person should be a senior academic familiar with your most recent studies.
- For the referee: Please complete Section B andfax (Facsimile: + 61 2 9036 9532) or send the completed form to:
Student Administration Centre, room 212
Faculty of Architecture, wilkinson Bldg. G04
University of Sydney NSW 2006
Due by 31 October, 2006
Section A (to be completed by applicant)
Title / First Name / Last Name / Student ID NumberStreet / Suburb
City / Country / State / Postcode
Email / Phone (inlcuding country and area code)
State the degree wich you are seeking a scholarship: MPhil or PhD
Section B (to be completed by referee)
Title / First Name / Last NameStreet / Suburb
City / Country / State / Postcode
Email / Phone (inlcuding country and area code)
In what capacity do you know the applicant: / Academic
Supervisor / Other (please explain):
How would you rate this applicant’s research ability? / Top 5%
Top 15% / Top 10%
Less than the top 15%
What is your level of support for this applicant (Academic Performance and Potential)? / Unreserved
Recommended / Strongly recommended
Not recommended
If you wish to clarify any of the above statements or add any comments on the applicant’s suitability for the scholarship, please do so.
Signature / Date
The referee is requested to forward this report by 31 October 2006 to the:
Student Administration Centre, room 212
Faculty of Architecture, wilkinson Bldg. G04
University of Sydney NSW 2006
(Facsimile: + 61 2 9036 9532)
Academic Referee’s Report 2
Faculty of Architecture
- For the applicant: Please complete Section A and pass this form to the person that you wish to act as your academic referees. This person should be a senior academic familiar with your most recent studies.
- For the referee: Please complete Section B andfax (Facsimile: + 61 2 9036 9532) or send the completed form to:
Student Administration Centre, room 212
Faculty of Architecture, wilkinson Bldg. G04
University of Sydney NSW 2006
Due by 31 October, 2006
Section A (to be completed by applicant)
Title / First Name / Last Name / Student ID NumberStreet / Suburb
City / Country / State / Postcode
Email / Phone (inlcuding country and area code)
State the degree wich you are seeking a scholarship: MPhil or PhD
Section B (to be completed by referee)
Title / First Name / Last NameStreet / Suburb
City / Country / State / Postcode
Email / Phone (inlcuding country and area code)
In what capacity do you know the applicant: / Academic
Supervisor / Other (please explain):
How would you rate this applicant’s research ability? / Top 5%
Top 15% / Top 10%
Less than the top 15%
What is your level of support for this applicant (Academic Performance and Potential)? / Unreserved
Recommended / Strongly recommended
Not recommended
If you wish to clarify any of the above statements or add any comments on the applicant’s suitability for the scholarship, please do so.
Signature / Date
The referee is requested to forward this report by 31 October 2006 to the:
Student Administration Centre, room 212
Faculty of Architecture, wilkinson Bldg. G04
University of Sydney NSW 2006
(Facsimile: + 61 2 9036 9532)
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