20th December 2017
Notice of SSAA Coffs Harbour Branch
2018 Annual General Meeting
21st February 2018
You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Coffs Harbour Branch of the SSAA NSW Inc. at 7:00pm on Wednesday, 21st of February 2018.
Upon arrival, please enquire at Reception for directions to the A.G.M. venue.
Please note: All paid up Full Members (Ordinary, Family, Pensioner & Life members) of the SSAA NSW Inc. Coffs Harbour Branch will have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.
Venue: Coffs Harbour Ex-Services Club (C.ex Coffs CEX)
Location: Cnr. Pacific Highway and Vernon Street, Coffs Harbour.
Date: Wednesday, 21st of February 2018 at 7:00 pm.
As per our Constitution members should nominate for committee positions in writing prior to the AGM.
Nomination forms are available on our website the Calendar tab. Or you can email for pick up at the range, or email r pick up at Camera House, Park Beach Plaza.
Nominations for committee are to be received by the returning officer Dick Braithwaite no later than Wednesday 14thFebruary 2018, a minimum 7 days prior to the AGM.
Address completed nominations to:
The Returning officer
SSAA Coffs Harbour
PO Box 1411
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
Under the Coffs Harbour Branch constitution:
•If only one written nomination is received for a committee position then the returning officer will declare that nominee automatically elected.
•If more than one nomination is received for a committee position then the returning officer will conduct a ballot for that position.
•If no nominations have been received for a committee position then the returning officer will call for nominations from the floor of the AGM. The returning officer will conduct a ballot if more than one nomination is received.
AGM Agenda
6:45 pm Sign the AGM attendance book and present your membership card.
7:00 pm / Open the AGM / Rod MadeleyGuests and apologies / Rod Madeley
Minutes of the 2017 AGM / Rod Madeley
Presidents Report – 2017 year / Rod Madeley
Treasurers report – 2017 year / John Ball
Selection of the Auditor for 2017 / John Ball
Committee stands down and the Returning Officer takes the chair.
Election of office bearers Dick Braithwaite
•President Will renominate
•Senior Vice President Will renominate
•Junior Vice President Will renominate
•Secretary Will renominate
•Treasurer Will renominate
•Centerfire Captain Will renominate
•Rimfire Captain Will renominate
•Range Maintenance Officer Will renominate
•Training OfficerVacant position
Members can nominate for any committee position. There are several vacant positions that we are hoping will attract new nominations. Please think about supporting your branch by nominating to your committee.
Welcome the 2018 committee. President
Close the AGM and Open General Business President
General Business
- Committee Positions for next year.
- Collectors Meetings
- Set the date for the 2018 AGM
- Open the meeting to the members for Q&A.
Close the meeting
The SSAA NSW Inc. Coffs Harbour Branch wish to acknowledge and thank C.ex Coffs CEX for their valued support and sponsorship.
Please support the CEX – they support us.
Secretary: Alistair McMillan
SSAA Coffs Web Site at