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TENDER NO. EL/50/DNR/Open/3/2015-16
DATE OF OPENING : 27.4.2015
NAME OF WORK: AMC of Grieves make Engine of Power Cars 500 KVA DG sets at RNCC Depot over Danapur division for three years.
Cost of Tender document :- Rs. 5000/-
Name of tenderer :- ……………………………………………………………
Address :- ……………………………………………………………………….
….. …………………………………………………………………..
Form sold under MR No…………………………………………………………
Issued by : ……………………………………………………………………….
Signature of tender Clerk Sr. Divisional Electrical Engineer (G)
Electrical(G), DNR East-central Railway, Danapur.
Details of the Earnest money / Certificate No. / Date of issue / Issuing Bank / Amount
Signature with stamp of the tenderer

East Central Railway


Electrical (G)/Danapur

TENDER Notice NO. EL/50/DNR/Open/3/2015-16 Danapur

The Divisional Railway Manager, E.C. Railway Danapur is inviting sealed open tender for and on behalf of the President of India from reputed contractor working in state/Central Govt. licensing board having experience in execution of similar nature of work for the following work:

No. / Tender No. / Name of work / Similar nature of work / Approx cost of the works
( In Rs.) / Cost of tender paper / Earnest money
( In Rs.) / D.O.C. / Date and time of submission and opening of the tender
1 / EL/50/DNR/
Open/3/2015-16 / AMC of Grieves make Engine of Power Cars 500 KVA DG sets at RNCC Depot over Danapur division for three years. / (1) The agency should be RDSO approved source at the ti me of opening of the tender for supply/maintenance/repairing of 500 KVA DG generating sets of Power cars or (2) The firms having completed repair/rehabilitation/AMC of diesel engines of any make fitted in the power car are eligible. / 1,93,84,990 / 5000 / 246930 / 3 years / Receiving of the tender paper up to 12.00 hrs. of 27.4.2015 & opening at 12.30 on same date.


1)  The tender documents shall be obtained and opened at Hajipur, Dhanbad in addition to Danapur.

2)  The details scope has been described in the Tender Documents. However details can also be collected from the office of undersigned.

3)  Eligibility criteria for participation in Tender are indicated below. The tenderer should go through this eligibility criteria before purchasing the tender documents.

1.  ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA:- Eligibility criteria for participation in tender are indicated below:-

(1) Tenderers should have completed in last three financial year (i.e. current year and three previous financial year) / At least one similar single work for a minimum value of 35% of Advertised tender Value of work.
Note: (i) Similar nature of works physically completed within the qualifying period i.e. the last three financial year and current financial year should only be considered in evaluating the eligibility criteria.
(ii) The total value of similar nature of work completed during the qualifying period, and not the payment received within qualifying period alone, should be considered. In case final bill of similar nature of work has not been passed, paid amount including statutory deduction is to be considered if final measurement have not been recorded OR if final measurement have been recorded and work has been completed within negative variation. However, if final measurement have been recorded and work has been completed within negative variation. However, if final measurement have been recorded and work has been completed with
positive variation but variation has not been sanctioned original contractual value of work should be considered for judging eligibility .
(iii) List of similar nature of work is furnished in above table.
(2) Total contract amount received during the last three financial years and in the current financial year. / Should be a minimum of 150% of Advertised Tender Value of work. Tender committee would satisfy themselves about the authenticity of the certificates produce by the tenderer (S) to this effect which may be an attested certificate from the employer/ client, audited balance sheet duly certified by charted Accountant etc. The details about the certificate be accepted in regard to the turn over.

NOTE: (1) RDSO approved sources are exempted from above eligibility criteria.

(A)  List of work completed in the last three financial year giving description of work, organization for whom executed approximate value of contract at the time of award and date of schedule completion of work. Date of actual start , actual completion and final value of contract should also be given.]

(B)  List of work on hand indicating description of work, contract value, approximate value of balance work yet to be done date of award of work and payment revived till date from the same contract.

2.  For (A) & (B) above related documents/certificates from the organization with whom they work/are working should be enclosed.

3.  Certificate from Private individuals form whom such work are executed/being executed shall not be accepted.

Tender documents ( non-transferable) embodying terms and conditions can be obtained from the office of the CEE/ECR/Hajipur, Sr. Divinl. Elect. Engineer(G)E.C. Rly/Danapur & Dhanbad on and from 23.03.2015 to 24.04.2015 from 11.00 hrs to 18.00 hrs. on any working day except Saturday , Sunday and Holydays. For purchasing tender documents the cost of the tender form as mentioned above should be deposited with Divisional Cashier EC Rly/Danapur, Hajipur, Dhanbad or Booking office of any stations of Hajipur, Dhanbad & Danapur Division between 11.00 Hrs. to 18.00 Hrs. and receipt obtained which should be deposited to the office of the CEE/ECR/Hajipur, Sr. Divinl. Elect. Engineer(G)E.C. Rly/Danapur & Dhanbad towards the cost of set of Tender documents.

The tender will be received in the office of the CEE/ECR/Hjipur, Sr. Divinl. Elect. Engineer(G)E.C. Rly/Danapur & Dhanbad up to 12.00 hrs on the date of opening indicated above i.e. 27.4.2015 and will be opened on the same day at 12.30 Hrs. in presence of all the tenders or their authorized representative who wish to remain present. In case the office is closed due to unprecedented reason the tender will be opened on next working day. If posted through Postal dak/Courier, must reach the office of Sr. DEE/G/DNR office by that time. Tender will be opened on the same day at 12.30 Hrs. Railway will not be responsible for non receipt or late receipt of tender forms sent through postal dak/courier.

The tenders are advised to visit the site of the work and acquaint themselves with the condition and expected quantum of work in their own interest.

Note:- (1)The tender documents can also down loaded from website http:/ & http: // www.ecr.indianrail.

(2) The tender documents can also be down loaded from above noted website. This facilities is available free of cost. However, the demand draft for amounting as indicated above against each work in favour of FA&CAO/E.C. RLY . Hajipur payable at Patna towards the cost of tender documents have to be enclosed with the tender in addition to Earnest Money. In case tender documents down loaded from Internet website, if tender is not accompanied with the valid demand draft for the cost of the tender documents detailed above, the tender will be summarily rejected.

The tenderer must be accompanied with the prescribed amount of earnest money as mentioned above in acceptable from as mentioned in the tender documents in favour of FA & CAO/E.C.Rly., Hajipur, payable at Patna. Adjustment of earnest money submitted with earlier tender or accepted tender shall not be liable and to be summarily rejected.

The Railway reserve the right to either cancel the tender or reject the tenders without assigning any reason.

For Divinl. Railway Manager

E.C. Rly., Danapur.

For & on behalf of President of India.

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East Central Railway /Danapur Division Electrical (General) Department

TENDER NO. EL/50/DNR/Open/3/2015-16

NAME OF THE : AMC of Grieves make Engine of Power Cars 500 KVA DG sets at RNCC Depot over Danapur division for three years.

To be filled by the tenderer for submission along with his/their tender.

Note: (1) Rate should be quoted both in figure and words and separately for stores and labor under col. 6 and 7 respectively.

(2) If any rebate to be offered, it should be clearly written in figure and words, otherwise it will not be considered.

(3) Overwriting of rate should be avoided. Tenderer must initial any cutting & overwriting. In case of any difference in figure and word, lowest of the two should be adopted for evaluation of the tender.

(4) Rate of store should be quoted with VAT.

(5) Cost of material for ‘B’ & ‘C’ check included in schedule rate of item No.1 & 2 below.

(6) Cost of material required for breakdown will be paid as per Sr. Nos 4 of the schedule given under.

No / Item of work / Qty. / Unit / Rate (In Rs.)
(In figure & words) / Rate (In Rs.)
(In figure & words) / Total Amount
Store / Labour
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
1. / ‘B’ check for 500 KVA DG set greaves make. / 216 / No.
2. / ‘C’ check for 500 KVA DG set greaves make. / 26 / No.
3. / Alternator servicing / 26 / Alternator year
4 / L.S. (For material required during break down other ‘B’ & ‘C’ check which is to be paid at the rate of P.L. exists on that day.) / 1 / JOB

Service tax will be paid extra as per applicable.

Signature of the contractor with seal

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Tender form

Tender Notice No: EL/50/DNR /Open/3/2015-16 Danapur.

Tender No. EL/50/DNR/Open/3/2015-16

Name of the work: AMC of Grieves make Engine of Power Cars 500 KVA DG sets at RNCC Depot over Danapur division for three years.


The President of India

Acting through the Chief Electrical Engineer/Dy. Chief Electrical Engineer/Hajipur

DRM/Sr.Divnl. Electrical Engineer (G), East Central Railway/Danapur.

1.  I/We ……………..……. have read various conditions to tenders attached hereto and hereby agree to abide by the said condition. I/we also agree to keep this tender open for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the date fixed for opening the same and in default thereof. I/We will be liable for forfeiture of my/our “Earnest money”. I/We offer to do the work for East Central railway at the rates quoted in the attached schedule and hereby bind myself/ourselves to complete the works in all respect within 3 yrs. from the date of execution of the letter of acceptance.

2.  I/We also hereby agree to abide by the General and Special condition of contract and to carry out the work according to the specification for the materials and works as laid down by the Railway for the present contract.

3 A sum of Rs. 246925/- is here with forwarded as Earnest Money. The full value of the Earnest Money shall stand forfeited without prejudice to any other right or remedies in case my/our Tender is accepted and if:-

(a)  I/We do not execute the agreement within seven days after receipt of notice issued by the Railways that such documents are ready and

(b)  I/We do not commence the work within fifteen days after receipt of orders to that effect.

4. Until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, acceptance of this tender shall constitute binding contract between us subject to modifications, as may be mutually agreed to between us and indicated in the letter of acceptance of my/our offer for this work.

Signature of Witnesses:


(1) …………………………………….. Signature of Tenderer(s)

(2) …………………………………….. Date ……………………

Address of the Tenderer(S)


1.  The contract shall be governed by General condition of contract issued by Railway and amendment from time to time up the date of opening.

2.  Tenderers are responsible for knowledge of GCC and its amendment.

3.  Labour laws to be followed by the contractor including any compensation to the labour for any damage or loss. Railway will not be responsible.

4.  Rates should be firm, clear and inclusive of all taxes and freight to the site of installation except service charges which will be given to contractor on demand as per prevailing rule if applicable.

5. Instructions to tenderers and conditions of tender – The following documents form part of Tender/Contract:-

(a)  Tender Notice.

(b)  Schedule of approximate quantities (enclosed)

(c)  Special Conditions/Specifications (enclosed

(d)  Tender forms

(e)  Tender clause

(f)  All general and detail drawing pertaining to this work which will be issued by the Sr. Divisional Electrical Engineer or his representatives (from time to time) with all changes and modification if required and applicable.

6. Drawings for the work:- The Drawings for the work can be seen in the office of the Sr. DEE(G)/DNR at any time during the office hours. The drawings are only for the guidance of Tenderer (s). Detailed working drawings, (if required) based generally on the drawing mentioned above, will be given by the Engineer or his representative from time to time.

7.  The tenders shall quote the price in the schedule enclosed herewith, the rates being expressed both in words and figures Price against each item should be split to show the break up in respect of labour and stores. The rates should be inclusive of supply and delivery of all materials F.O. R. and the taxes. The quantities shown in the attached schedule are given as a guide and are approximate only and are subject to variation according to the needs of the Railway. The Railway reserve right to save or increase schedule items as per agreement.

8. Tender containing erasers and/or alteration of the tender documents are liable to be rejected. Any corrections made by the Tenderer(s) in his/their entries must be attested by him/them.

9. The works are required to be completed within a period of three years from the date of issue of LOA.

10. Earnest money:- The tender must be accompanied earnest money as mentioned and as tender notice deposited in cash or any forms as mentioned in Regulations for tenders and contracts for the guidance of the Engineer and contractors, failing which the tender will not be considered for further process.