Brick American Baseball League


Member Handbook


Brick American Baseball League (B.A.B.L.) herein referred to as the “League” has developed this Operating and Policy Manual under the direction of the Board of Directors (BOD). The purpose of the manual is to implement rules, policies, and procedures which enable it to run a quality baseball program that is fair to its players, managers, coaches, parents, and members of the Board. The information contained in this manual may be changed at any time by the League’s BOD. Changes may be implemented through the terms of the by-laws at any regular or special meeting called by the president.

Table of Contents:


1.1 Introduction...... 2

1.2 Board of Directors...... 2

1.3 Registration...... 3

1.4 General Requirements...... 4

1.5 Eligibility Requirements...... 4

1.6 Service Requirements...... 5

1.7 Member Conduct...... 5

1.8 Baseball Programs & Formats...... 6

1.9 Equipment...... 8

1.10 Concession Stand Volunteers...... 8

1.11 Fund Raisersand Sponsorships...... 8

1.12 Grievances and the Grievance Committee...... 8

1.13 Rain Outs...... 8

1.14 Umpires...... 9

1.15 Safety Awareness and Sportsmanship Education...... 9


2.1 Tryouts...... 10

2.2 Drafting...... 11

2.3 Trading...... 12

2.4 Playoffs and Tournaments...... 12

2.5 Awards...... 13

2.6 Conclusion...... 13


3.1 T-Ball Division, 4-5...... 13

3.2 Rookie League, 6-7...... 14

3.3 “A” Division, 8-9...... 17

3.450/70 Major and Minor Divisions, 10-12...... 17

3.5 Senior League 13-15...... 18

3.7Travel Teams...... 19

3.8Fall Ball...... 20

3.9Protests...... 20


1.1 Introduction

The primary goal of the Brick American Baseball League is to reinforce the policies as set forth in the Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth League Rule Book. Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth League Baseball is a program of service to youth. It is structured to provide healthy activity and training usingskilled leadership and community participation. The organization is dedicated to helping children become good citizens. Teamwork, competition, and sportsmanship are the foundations of the program. The program is dedicated to the growth and development of the players. B.A.B.L. will teach the fundamental skills, basic strategies, and rules of the game of baseball. A cornerstone of its philosophy is the development of players and the cultivation of respect for all stakeholders of the game.

1.2 Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (BOD) shall govern all policies and procedures and amend this document when necessary. The BOD has the power to run the League within the guidelines of the league’s bylaws. Specific job descriptions of board members are outlined there.

2016Board of Directors

President...... Tom Nerney

Executive Vice President ...... Joe D’Amato

Secretary...... Mike Hudak

Treasurer...... Open

Sergeant-At-Arms...... Gene Carafa

Safety Officer...... Ed Rizzitello

Superintendantof Buildings and Grounds...... Charlie Marvin

Information Officer...... Tony Gaita

Concession Stand Manager...... Cindy Mannon

T-Ball Player Agent ...... Andy Lizardi

Rookie League Player Agent...... Rich Atkinson

Class A Player Agent...... Dave Tsivis

Minor League 50/70 Player Agent...... Al Contrucci

Major League 50/70 Player Agent...... Open

Senior League Player Agent...... Frank Casey

Fall Baseball Player Agent ...... Ray Mannon

Travel Baseball Player Agent...... John Feuhrer

Trustee...... Duke Anderson

Trustee...... Bill Hotz Trustee……………………………………………………………. Open Trustee……………………………………………………………. Open

1.3 Registration

Registration for the spring season will be heldduring the months of November, December and January. Additional registration dates may by held at other dates at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Registration for Fall Baseball will be held during July and/or August. The “league age” is the age a player has attained on or before April 30th 2016and is used for the purpose of placing the player in the appropriate division.

Registration documentation for new players includes a birth certificate and two proofs of residency. The birth certificate verifies the players’ “league age”. Proof of residency documentation includes a valid NJ driver’s license, utility bills, or any document with the player’s mailing address.

The parent/guardian of each player must sign the B.A.B.L. Code of Conduct before the beginning of the season. Parents, who violate the Code of Conduct, are subject to disciplinary action that can include suspension and/or expulsion from the League.

Placement on a team for the competitive division players is guaranteed provided that the paid registration is complete prior to the draft for that division. The date of the draft is established by the Board of Directors each season and applies only to the competitive divisions.

Placement on a team for non-competitive divisions will be determined after an established deadline date. The placement is not guaranteed and will depend on the number of vacancies in each division. The League, at its discretion, may choose to compile a waiting list of draft eligible players in an effort to expand a division or fill existing rosters.

Player agents of non-competitive divisions will accept late registrations in an effort to fill all open roster positions. Late registrants will not be allowed to play or practice until they are assigned to a team. The League will not accept any registrations after Opening Day.

B.A.B.L. will issue a refund for registered players who do not wish to participatein the League. Upon receipt of written notification, B.A.B.L. will refund 100% of the registration fee and 100% of the performance bond if it receives the notification before February 1st of the upcoming season. Notifications that are received between February 1st and Opening Day will receive 50% of the registration fee and 100% of the performance bond. Notifications that are received after Opening Day will only receive a refund for 100% of the performance bond. Refunds will not be issued until all money, stubs, and unsold raffle tickets are surrendered.

Tee Ball Division, Age 5 - $100
Rookie Division, Ages 6 to 7 - $150
"A" Division, Ages 8 to 9 - $150
50/70 Division, Ages 10 to 12 - $175

Senior Division, Ages 13 to 15 - $200

Parents who register more than two children will only be charged a registration fee for the two oldest players. Families must meet with the Financial Aid Committee to receive financial aid.
A$150 snack stand volunteer work bond check is required at the time of registration. The check will be returned immediately after a parent has fulfilled their snack stand requirement. B.A.B.L. will immediately cash the work bond check of parents who fail to report for their scheduled snack stand duty.
Snack stand assignments will be scheduled at the clubhouse on a future date and time to be announced. Parents of returning players may also sign up new players on the same night. A birth certificate for the new player is required.
Volunteer sign-up for Managers and Coaches will be available each night during registration. A fee will be charged at the time of registration for league membership dues and a background check. Two forms of ID are required. One of the ID’s must be an official ID with a picture that will be used to get into the training center for practices and games.
All managers and coaches must showtheir coaching safety certificate when signing up. Members who did not manage or coach the previous season must resubmit all of the required documentation.

1.4 General Requirements

A. A copy of the current By-laws and Operating Manualare available on the web site at

B. Each person applying to become a coach or manager must become a member by paying their dues and submitting to a background investigation prior to taking that position.

C. All members who coach or manage in Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken must complete, and pass the Online Coaching Certification Course.

D. It is recommended that volunteer coaches attend the Rules and Field Maintenance Clinic prior to the start of the season.

D. All first time managers and coaches will be required to attend the B.A.B.L. Coaches’ Clinic. Clinics may be held during regularly scheduled General Membership Meetings.

E. Managers are required to attend a minimum of 3 General Membership Meetings per year. Coaches are required to attend a minimum of 2 General Membership Meetings per year. General Membership Meetings, unless otherwise specified, will be held during the 3rdweek of January, February, March, September, October, and November at 7:30 pm in the clubhouse. The May and June meetings will be held at 8:30 pm. Credit for attendance will only be given if the member signs in with the Sergeant-At-Arms before the end of the first 30 minutes of the meeting. Members may not leave the meeting prior to the official adjournment unless the presiding officer gives his permission. Members, who leave early, will not be given credit for attendance at the meeting.

F. Renewal of coaching and managing privileges will require a satisfactory evaluation of the member’s performance and the approval of the Board of Directors. To assure the success of B.A.B.L. tournaments and events, all members will be expected to assist and/or participate in these activities by umpiring, keeping score, announcing, preparing and maintaining the field, or working in the snack stand. The level of participation by a member will be a determining factor when the League considers a member for renewal of membership.

1.5 Eligibility Requirements

Any member wishing to manage or coach a team must meet the following eligibility requirements:

A. Completion of the Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken Certification Program.

B. Attendance at required clinics.

C. Completed background investigation.

D. Completion of certification programs and/or attending clinics and service in the league.

Final approval of all managing and coaching positions will be recommended by the Player Agent and approved by the Executive Board. The Executive Board will consider exceptions to these eligibility requirements for members, who can document their prior service in other leagues or service in a professional capacity, i.e., managing or coaching at the scholastic or professional level.

When a vacancy exists for a manager or coach, first preference will be given to eligible members from the higher levels of play over the level having the vacancy. Second preference will go to the current managers and coaches at the level of play having the open position. Third preference will go to eligible managers and coaches at the lower levels of play. Lastly, the open position will be offered to eligible new members.

1.6 Service Requirements

A. Tee-Ball – This is the entry level to the league. No previous service is required to coach or manage.

B. Rookie League – To manage a Rookie League team, a member must have one or more years coaching experience within the league or Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken experience that can be documented.

C.“A” Division – To manage an “A” Division team, a member must have coached at least 1 year at the rookie or higher level. First preference for coaching positions will be given to members with at least 1 year of experience at any level of play. New members will be offered coaching positions if coaches from other levels do not want the positions.

D. Major and Minor 50/70 Division – To manage a Major Division team, a member must have at least 3 consecutive years experience as a coach and 1 year of experience as an “A” Division manager or higher. To coach a Major Division team, a member must have at least 3 consecutive years experience of coaching in the league including at least 2 years in the “A” Division.

E. Senior League – To manage a Senior League team, a member must have a minimum of 2 years experience as a Major Division manager or 3 years as a Senior League coach. Any member with at least 5 years of coaching experience at any level is eligible to coach a Senior League team.

During sign-up, sheets will be available for members to indicate their interest in coaching or managing. Members who sign the sheet will be will become eligible to coach in the League for that season only. After registration is completed, the Player Agent of each division will provide the Board with a list of prospective managers and coaches to be approved. In the event there are not enough managers to staff all of the teams in the division, the Player Agent will call prospective coaches and offer them a team. If there is still a shortage, the Player Agents may contact parents from the roster to manage a team. Once the Board approves the managers, they will be called or e-mailed by their respective Player Agent to inform them of their selection.

1.7 Member Conduct

Each volunteer must follow the highest ethical and moral standards. The league prohibits the use of alcohol on the complex. The use of tobacco products in the presence of children during official league functions is prohibited. Members are not permitted to smoke on any playing field or location where a practice or game is being held. Smoking will not be permitted during official meetings of the league such as General Membership Meetings. Any member found to be in violation of this ban will be subject to suspension or expulsion from the league. Members are role models for the children they come in contact with both on and off the field. It is the aim of the Executive Board that all members of the league conduct themselves in a professional and efficient manner for the benefit of the children and our community.

The higher the level of support the league receives from its members the greater our success will be. From time to time, members will be asked to participate in activities that go beyond the immediate demands of the playing field. Members will be asked to participate in special work parties to clean up the complex, assist with special tournaments by umpiring games or doing field maintenance, solicit parents for snack stand duty and coordinate scheduling with the snack stand manager.

As detailed in the By-Laws, the main governing body of B.A.B.L. is the Board of Directors.

The daily oversight of each level of play is by a member designated as the Player Agent. A Player Agent cannot be a coach or manager at any level of play designated as competitive. The Player Agent may be a coach or manager at any level of play that is designated as non-competitive.

The title of Player Agent implies specific responsibilities. These responsibilities include setting up tryouts for player candidates, conducting the draft, acting as an intermediary when trades are undertaken, and maintaining a list of players who are eligible to be elevated to the next level of play. The Player Agent also observes and evaluates managers and coaches in their handling of players and their abilities as a manager or coach. The Player Agent at each level of play will have the authority to suspend for cause any manager or coach in his level of play. Any manager, coach or player ejected from a game during the regular or post season will be subject to the following penalties:

A. First Offense

A one game suspension beginning with the next scheduled game.

B. Second Offense

A two game suspension beginning with the next scheduled game.

C. Third Offense

Suspension from the league for the remainder of the season with a minimum suspension of three games.

If necessary, suspensions will be carried over from one season to the next. Repeated ejection of a manager, coach or player will not be tolerated and will jeopardize that manager, coach or player’s future membership in B.A.B.L.. The Player Agent will report any such actions to the Executive Board, which will have the option of taking further action. The Executive Board reserves the right to assess sanctions above and beyond those previously listed. Members should attempt to settle disagreements between themselves in an adult and mature fashion. If disagreements cannot be resolved between members, the members should seek the assistance of the Player Agent. If necessary, a member can appeal to the Executive Board as specified in the League’s By-Laws.

1.8 Baseball Programs and Formats

Each level of play will be comprised of teams of varying roster sizes. Each team will have a manager and maximum 3 roster coaches. Teams are allowed to have other certified coaches help out with practices as long as they have met all the eligibility requirements. Those coaches are not exempt from snack stand duty.

The Executive Board will determine the format that each level of play will use before the start of each season. It should be noted that each level of play can implement local options as outlined in the Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken Rulebook. The Executive Board must approve local options before being adopted. Local options may not abridge or negate any of the policies or rules set forth in this document or in the Official Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken Rulebook.

A. League Wide Rule Changes

Sliding – There will be no head first sliding into home plate from the 50/70 Division on down. A player will be called out or this rule infraction.

For current year local division playing rules and options refer to the appropriate section in the back of this manual.

The league will usually consist of the following levels of play, any of which may or may not be active from year to year