Knights of Columbus

Fr. Jeremiah Murphy Council # 6435 May2013

Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish

“A place where the men of our parish can come together to support our priests, families, and school through Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.”

NEXT MEETING JUNE 12, 2013 @ 7:30pm



The 112th Knights of Columbus Missouri State Convention was held the last weekend of April. The Knights took over the Capitol Hotel and another hotel about a block away.

The Convention was filled with information;

“The Persons with Developmental Disabilities Drive” (A.K.A. Tootsie Roll Drive). There are 280 Councils in Missouri. The average collected was about $3300 per Council. Our Council collected $6495 and came in 14th. There were three or four Councils in high-dollar and big population areas that topped $10,000. So we can be very proud of what we collected here.

They talked about the great success we have had with the “Meet Life Campaign”, which has put many ultra-sound machines in pregnancy care centers around the state of Missouri. The ultra-sound machines are put in the “Thrive Mobile” so they can take the machines and park close to abortion clinics and give these women a chance to choose life. The success rate is 90% that choose life.

“The Wheelchair Initiative” has $500 wheelchairs built in such large amounts that it costs us about $150 per chair. They are shipped in big shipping containers to all parts of the world and also the U.S. Seeing the faces of some of these folks who received a chair after previously crawling down the dusty streets or being carried on a loved one’s back was very emotional.

There were athletes from the Special Olympics signing autographs. We were told about their new facility near Columbia, Mo. We also received a Gold Award for our donation to Special Olympics.

Our Ladies Auxiliary received an award for donating 125% of their quota to the R.I.B., Religious Information Bureau. They have quite a streak of consecutive years going.

As usual, we met some very nice folks from all around the state. Friday evening at the steak dinner we sat with some people from the neighborhood right there in Jefferson City. One morning we had breakfast with a brother Knight from Bloomsdale, Mo., another morning with folks from St. Joseph, Mo. At the banquet we sat with people from Kansas City and it was really fun meeting and talking to these Knights and ladies from around our great state.

God Bless, Kevin

KC Meeting minutes 5/8/2013

Called to order at 7:32 pm

Prayer offered by Kevin Duff

Admission committee

Working on getting some new members for an exemplifiction for the June 12th meeting

Grand Knight Report

We were represented at the state convention, had a great time.

Special Olympics will need assistance for 3-7 year old children, using various halls for activities.

Treasurer's Report

Report handed out, pending bills read aloud, motion raised to pay the bills raised, seconded, carried.

Financial Secretary's report: 21 members haven't paid their dues yet

Reading of Auditors and Trustees

Columbkill Building Association report handed out

Council director

5/11 - Knight of Comedy – Motion made to donate either the proceeds after expenses or $1000 to the Beck family, whichever is greater, raised, seconded, and carried. Motion made also to donate the proceeds of this evening's 50/50 to them raised, seconded, and carried..

5/18 OLQPAA Golf tournament - $70 a player, breakfast, lunch, beer, and soda all included at the golf course

Old Business Tabled for future reference:Youth social suggestion, something to get all OLQP teenagers involved, for both the OLQP students and the non-OLQP students

Ray Brune Fishing Clinic / Tournament – June 22nd at Camp Solidarity in Pacific. Motion made to set aside $400; $100 for a donation, $300 for supplies Knight at the Races – scheduled for August 17th - $40 a person – includes racing forms, dinner, and bus ride there and back. Pull tabs and chuck-a-luck at the picnic, also running the beer booth, need volunteers

New Business

Ladies Auxiliary asked us to pay for a bottle of peanut oil. Motion made to pay for 2 ($80) raised, seconded, and carried. Mother's Day Breakfast – 5/12 after 9:30 and 7:30 mass

Caring Bridge – write those in distress a caring note

Report of the 4th Degree

Cardinal Glennon – May mtg in Hillsboro, June is Bonne Terre

Bishop Schierhoff - 3rd Wednesday at St. Anthony's hall (old Poco Loco)

DD Report

American Wheelchair Commission asking for donations

Night of Baseball outing 9/8 against the Pirates, $22 per ticket

5/18 Night at the Races at the High Ridge council

5/31 St. Anthony in High Ridge – blood drive for Kayla Spicer, in church basement

The new Thrive truck is named KENT – Knights Engaging New Territory

We received a Gold award for our contributions to Special Olympics

First Degree in High Ridge (possibly) in May

Our membership is down across the board, council, district, and state

Light the Sign – Pauline Books and Media – stop by and visit

Sunday 6/2 – Queeny Park – corporate picnic area – KoC sponsored pro-life picnic, $5 donation per family requested, RSVP requested, , or 314-792-7555, noon-4 pm