1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the general public and to all members of the CSU Channel Islands Student Government Senate that:

A special meeting of the Senate will be held on Wednesday, November 27th , 2013 at 6:00 p.m. at California State University Channel Islands, Student Union Conference Room (room 1080), located at One University Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012, to consider and act upon the following matters:

  1. Call to Order.
  1. Attendance.
  2. President
  3. Vice President
  4. Senate
  5. Brittany Holmes
  6. Mar-Kell Law II
  7. Jenny Calderon
  8. Justin Gutierrez
  9. Brent Nessel
  10. Neil Baker
  11. Marcus Wurtz
  12. Executive.
  13. Director of Governmental Affairs – Sara Sanders
  14. Director of Operations – Grier King
  15. Director of Recruitment and Retention – Edgar Martinez
  16. Director of Events – Nsomah Apambire
  17. Interns
  18. Monique Reyna
  19. General Members
  20. Connor Collins
  21. Liz Chavez
  22. Advisor
  23. Members of the public
  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Approval of the Minutes (11-20-13)
  1. Public Forum.

Public forum is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the Senate on issues affecting any student(s) and/or organizations of California State University Channel Islands.

  1. Outstanding Business.
  1. New Business.
  2. Informational Item
  1. Discussion Item
  2. Health Advisory Information – Brittany Holmes
  3. Immigration Reform Resolution Proposal
  4. 6:50 p.m.
  5. SG opinions on immigration reform in the wake of CI Dem resolution proposal
  6. Sanders: it’s not SG’s place to take a position on issues such as this. Too bipartisan, etc. Campus community may have a stance, but not SG.
  7. Wurtz: CI Dem resolution was very broad regarding which aspects of immigration reform it supported, too broad to remain nonpartisan.
  8. Bahena: other CI Dem members across the CSU were not aware of the resolution, so it was not a CI Dem resolution, merely CI’s CI Dems.
  9. Law: there should be no stance from SG on this resolution, but it should be made known that SG will represent its students.
  10. Wurtz: clarifying that SG’s name was placed on the resolution despite lack of discussion and approval.
  11. Bahena: explains difference between this resolution and the Marriage Equality Initiative. One was formal and approved (MEI) and one was not (IR).
  12. Apambire: it’s a federal issue, there is not much that SG can do to change that issue. How successful was the event and the overall reception? Can we open this discussion next week when everyone is present (at the Senate meeting)
  13. Bahena: we will not be taking a stance on this issue, but we will be here to support our students.
  14. Apambire: what is the history of resolutions on campus and what is SG’s process of drafting/passing a resolution?Griffin provides several examples
  15. Bahena: taking a stance on this issue would alienate a sector of our student population.
  16. Baker: why did MEI receive support from SG but not IR? Bahena explains reasoning.
  17. Salim (public forum): states that AB540 is not a federal issue, but a state issue.
  18. Sanders: what is the process of releasing a Presidential statement?
  19. Baker: isn’t the reality that we are supporting both partys? Dems and CIR need to understand that we are supporting both, not simply rejecting both.
  20. Bahena: Don’t be afraid to take a stance. Just make sure that, if you do take a stance, you actually do something about it.
  1. Presentations
  1. Action Item
  2. Bylaw Revisions – Vanessa Bahena

-6:24 p.m.

-Omitting section from DoC so that the role of communicating with CI student body should be a responsibility of all SG members.

-Wurtz yields time to Salim (public forum): should add to general position description for SG.

-Wurtz suggests striking that section from that particular position description and added to the Code of Ethics.

-Law suggests adding a “disclaimer” to the position description so that those applying know that it is a social-media centred position.

-Sanders suggests that “Director of Recruitment and Retention” be changed to “Director of Student Organisation Outreach.” Should be changed to something more indicative of campus affairs. Apambire agrees. “Director of Recruitment and Retention” changed to “Director of Campus Affairs.” Baker questions when these changes will be put into effect. Bahena: immediately. Delong suggests changing “Director of Campus Affairs” to “Director of Student Outreach.” Suggestion is accepted and change is made. Position description is modified to encompass broad outreach goals.

-Bahena suggests Director of Finance position is removed. All agree.

-Bahena suggests changing “External Affairs Committee” to “Lobby Corps.” Position description is modified to replace EAC with Lobby Corp in all instances mentioned.

-Budget drafting moved to President’s position description.

-Bylaw revisions: approval moved by Wurtz/Law: motion passes.

  1. Reports.

President – Vanessa Bahena

Vice President – Griffin Sprague-Dixon

-7:19 p.m.

-updates on meetings

-no meetings of any kind during dead week

-Happy Thanksgiving!

Senate – Senators:

  1. Brittany Holmes
  2. Mar-Kell Law II

-7:20 p.m.

-Islands News and Maximus promotions

-New housing possibilities for next year

-Alcohol Edu discussions

-Sander: meeting with Clark and discussion on applying for state funding in order to provide new housing. Infrastructure is not growing as the population grows.

  1. Jenny Calderon
  2. Justin Gutierrez

-7:20 p.m.

-1:1 Griffin

  1. Brent Nessel
  2. Neil Baker

-7:26 p.m.

-Commuter Coffee 2 Dec.

-Results of email survey

-tent project successful

-will be surveying people who wait for the bus

  1. Marcus Wurtz

-7:25 p.m.

-Academic Senate

-Update on Code of Ethics

-Petition for classes


  1. Sara Sanders
  2. Edgar Martinez
  3. Nsomah Apambire

-7:19 p.m.

-Maximus Committee updates

-BASC Committee

  1. Public Forum.

Public forum is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the Senate on issues affecting any student(s) and/or organizations of California State University Channel Islands.


-7:30 p.m.

-can I come here to ask questions/address issues about parking?

XI. Adjournment.

Meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.

This meeting of the Senate is a special meeting in accordance and compliance with the Student Government Bylaws, section 2.4.4 on Special Meetings – Notice and Agenda.

One University Drive, Camarillo, California 93012-8599Tel: (805) 437-2734Fax: (805) 437-2793

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