Site Distribution: SB, WCH, HC, SJR / Department of Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics
Specimen Collection Instructions / SCI- Version: 3.5Page 1 of 2
Effective: 2017/09/05
E-Authorized by: Lab Manager, Microbiology
Ova and Parasite Collection Handout
Patient’s Directions for use:
Sealable transport bag are provided with these containers.
Do not take medicines (laxatives, anti-diarrhoeal drugs) containing mineral oil, barium, magnesium, bismuth, kaolin, antibiotics etc., for at least five days prior to collecting a sample.
In view of the intermittent shedding of some parasites, three or more specimens collected at 1-2 day intervals are advised. Materials are good for use until date shown on bottle.
· Pass faeces onto a dry, clean container such as a chamber pot, wide mouth jar, plastic bag, newspaper, pie plate, or plastic wrap draped under the toilet seat. Do not mix with urine or water from toilet bowl.
· Check that the yellow collection container is 3/4 full with fluid.
· Immediately after bowel movement, use the plastic stir stick/cap assembly to add a quantity of faeces until fluid reaches the top of the label. DO NOT OVERFILL.
· Mix the faeces with the fluid as well as possible, using the plastic stir stick/cap assembly provided.
· Screw lid tightly on bottle. SHAKE WELL until mixed evenly. All yellow capped containers containing the stool specimen can be stored at room temperature.
· From the same stool specimen, take a portion and put it in a sterile white capped container. IMPORTANT: Keep this container refrigerated.
· Write your name, your Doctor’s name and the date on both specimen containers in the space provided at extreme right of label.
· IMPORTANT: Provide clinical and geographical history on the Public Health Laboratory form.
Locations for specimen delivery are on the next page.
Bayview Campus:
· Specimen can be delivered to the Outpatient Specimen Collection Unit, Ground Floor,
M Wing, Room MG202, from 08:00 – 17:00 MON-THURS and 08:00-16:30 FRI.
76 Grenville:
· Women’s College Hospital, Lobby Lab, 1st Floor, Room 1463, 08:00 –
17:45 MON-THURS and 08:00 –17:15 FRI.
Holland Orthopaedic and Arthritic Centre:
· Specimen can be delivered to the Laboratory Bleeding Centre, 5th floor, Room 547,
from 09:00 – 17:00 Mon-Fri.
Use a sealed bag to transport specimens to laboratory.
· Place the 2 specimen containers in the sealable section and expel air seal bag by removing blue strip to reveal adhesive and press closed.
· Place requisition and completed Public Health Laboratory form in outer pocket.
Please ensure the specimens are labelled and the requisition/forms accompany the specimens.